Web Forms :: Custom ResourceProvider With A Fallback For Standard .NET Localization Mechanism?
May 7, 2010
I wrote my own custom ResourceProvider in order to move localization management to DB instead using standard resx files.The provider works fine, but now (after having bought a third part components for UI) I need to implement a fallback to standard ASP.NET localization mechanism from my own provider since these controls has been already localized from the author and are packaged with resx files.So what I would like to do, is keep the actual mechanism for all the resources except for the resoucers related to this controls.I'm able to distinct when a resource is belong to external components, so what I need is how to invoke for this resource the standard location management.
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Good links:
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May 14, 2010
I'm developing a internal web app for a foreign friend.
Since many of the users don't speak english very well, I wanted to add local translation to the web.
It's been a while since I've used .net, and perhaps I'm getting a little bit rusty, but my Localized resources are not working for some reason.
I have a Default.aspx.resx in my App_GlobalResources folder and inside it a small resx file. It simply has one test string: "Button" with the value of "Botón", nothing complex there.
Then I have the test controls: <asp:Localize runat="server" ID="test" Text="Button" meta:resourcekey="Button" /> and <asp:Label ID="header1" runat="server" Text="Button" meta:resourcekey="Button" />
But this isn't updated. Things that I've tried:
1. Put UICulture in the Page Tag
2. Renamed the resource file to Default.aspx.es.resx
3. Put my browser in 'es-ES' locale
4. Tried to load the resources explicitly inside <%%>
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Jan 11, 2011
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<div ="top">
<a href="default.aspx"> <br />
<img alt="Logo" src="Images/Logo_white.png" width="780" height="148" border="none" class="logo" /></a>
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Feb 9, 2011
In short, I want to implement a search engine. I pass the search string as a http querystring and my database uses it as a filter in Select. The problem occurs when I enter some non-standard english letters. Let me elaborate: on Main.aspx page, when I click on "Search", a function calls "Main.apsx?search=something". The querystring is passed as a filter to the database which returns values depending on the filter. The database holds correct data at the moment.
After that, I dynamically modify some hyperlinks' url to something like this: hlink[i].NavigateUrl = "Detail.aspx?search=" + base.Request.QueryString["search"] + some integers;. I want users to be able to click on the link to get details on the result. If they click the link, since a new page is now opened, the database has to be refilled (from cache). The same function for filtering the main database is called with a querystring which should be the same as the search string, but somehow it isn't. It looks like something was lost in a conversion or something. If I use standard english letters, everything works fine. I noticed that prior clicking the link the query string had a value like /u0100d for the non-standard letter, but after clicking the link the value had changed to something like /u0ffff. It obviously isn't the same when typing something in the search box and hitting "search", and when putting this search string into NavigateUrl and clicking on it.
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May 5, 2010
how is loggin and logout handled. Are we to create any session @ the login.aspx page. Any simple code just to understand
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Aug 30, 2010
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Dec 7, 2010
If I open a connection and don't close it after query execution completes, store it somewhere, and use it next time a request comes in, isn't it something similar to what .net does? Is it possible to maintain a pool of connections according to our requirements without depending on ADO.NET's internal mechanism? In case of ODBC, I read somewhere that connection pooling will have to be enabled from ODBC datasources and that it cannot be set from within .net. What if I open a few ODB connections, leave them open and
use those whenever a request comes in and close all of them when I know that I dont need them anymore. How is it different from connection pooling?
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