Web Forms :: Recursive Fallback Not Allowed For Character U003F?

Sep 17, 2010

I added a new link to a master page on my website. Immediately after saving, I started getting this error:

Recursive fallback not allowed for character u003F. Parameter name: chars

I remove the new link and I still continue to get the error.

You can see this for yourself here:


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DataSource Controls :: Subqueries Are Not Allowed In This Context - Only Scalar Expressions Are Allowed

Mar 22, 2010

i get the above error when i try to run this sql statement

INSERT INTO PSPS_Posts (Post, Date_Posted, user_ID, Thread_ID) VALUES (@Post, @Date_Posted, @user_ID, (SELECT Thread_ID FROM PSPS_Thread WHERE Thread_ID = (SELECT MAX(Thread_ID) FROM PSPS_Thread

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SQL Server :: Subqueries Are Not Allowed In This Context. Only Scalar Expressions Are Allowed?

Jan 9, 2011


I get the Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed - i am going to run into this quite alot so I figuredI'd better see what the right way is!

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Web Forms :: Custom ResourceProvider With A Fallback For Standard .NET Localization Mechanism?

May 7, 2010

I wrote my own custom ResourceProvider in order to move localization management to DB instead using standard resx files.The provider works fine, but now (after having bought a third part components for UI) I need to implement a fallback to standard ASP.NET localization mechanism from my own provider since these controls has been already localized from the author and are packaged with resx files.So what I would like to do, is keep the actual mechanism for all the resources except for the resoucers related to this controls.I'm able to distinct when a resource is belong to external components, so what I need is how to invoke for this resource the standard location management.

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Forms Data Controls :: Change The Column Name - "Remove First Character And After 3rd Character Insert Colon

Jan 14, 2011

My issue is that , need to change the column name(following format "Remove first character and after 3rd character insert colon") of the gridview (which is binded with XMLTextReader). Without changing directly XML file, Required to change the column name dynamically at runtime .



Heading S0015 S0020 S0025 S0030 S0035
FS 1 2 4 5 6
BS 0 3 5 1 3
Required Format: Remove first character and after 3rd character insert colon (S0015 -- 00:15)

Heading 00:15 00:20 00:25 00:30 00:35
FS 1 2 4 5 6
BS 0 3 5 1 3

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Web Forms :: Norwegian Character Does Not Show Instead Showing Some Strange Character?

Dec 7, 2010

Norwegian character( å æ ø) does not show instead showing some strange character.

used function below:

utf8 = System.Text.Encoding::get_UTF8();

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MVC Custom Route Fallback?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm wondering if it is possibile to customize routing in a way that all requests are evaluated by a piece of code, redirected to the relevant controller if a match is found or passed to next rout in list if not found.

sample request:
/my coolpage/another one

the code searches and determine that the right controller for this is Page, action is "list" and id is "123" and so redirects

another request:

code finds no match al passes it back to next route that knows how to handle it...

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C# - AppSettings Fallback / Default Value?

Sep 21, 2010

For each appSetting I use, I want to specify a value that will be returned if the specified key isn't found in the appSettings. I was about to create a class to manage this, but I'm thinking this functionality is probably already in the .NET Framework somewhere?

Is there a NameValueCollection/Hash/etc-type class in .NET that will let me specify a key and a fallback/default value -- and return either the key's value, or the specified value?

If there is, I could put the appSettings into an object of that type before calling into it (from various places).

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Mixed Mode Authentication Against AD And Fallback To The Database If It Fail With Membership Providers?

Jul 12, 2010

my user will use form authentication against Active Directory or database. Theres no Windows Integrated Authentication there!!

What i want is when the user submit the authentication form, it will try to validate the user against Active Directory and if it fail, try with the database.

How can i do that? What i had in mind was to build a custom membership provider that will encapsulate the logic but im not sure how to start.

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&oacute; Not Allowed In Xml File But Allowed In .net Resource File?

Jan 11, 2011

i'm parsing a few .net resource files (.resx).In that, i have this piece of data:informaciónThis works in my .net app, but when i try to load this file in my xml document

XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(s);

i get this error:Reference to undeclared entity 'oacute'.

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InvalidUserName In CreateUser When Creating User With Character Before The @ Character

Jul 27, 2010

I looked up the msdn documentation and it says that InvalidUserName is thrown when it does not find the username in the database, which is fine because the user I am creating should not exist in the database. If I use test@example.com, it works, but if I try it with test.@example.com, the status from Membership.CreateUser is InvalidUserName.

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How To Read Character By Character From Text File

Jan 25, 2011

How to read character by character in line from text file?

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Convert A 40 Character SHA1 Hash To A 20 Character?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a legacy MySQL database which stores the user passwords & salts for a membership system. Both of these values have been hashed using the Ruby framework - roughly like this:

hashedsalt =
hashedpassword =

So both values are stored as 40-character strings (varchar(40)) in MySQL. Now I need to import all of these users into the ASP.NET membership framework for a new web site, which uses a SQL Server database. It is my understanding that the the way I have ASP.NET membership configured, the user passwords and salts are also stored in the membership database (in table aspnet_Membership) as SHA1 hashes, which are then Base64 encoded (see here for details) and stored as nvarchar(128) data.

But from the length of the Base64 encoded strings that are stored (28 characters) it seems that the SHA1 hashes that ASP.NET membership generates are only 20 characters long, rather than 40. From some other reading I have been doing I am thinking this has to do with the number of bits per character/character set/encoding or something related.

So is there some way to convert the 40-character SHA1 hashes to 20-character hashes which I can then transfer to the new ASP.NET membership data table? I'm pretty familiar with ASP.NET membership by now but I feel like I'm just missing this one piece. However, it may also be known that SHA1 in Ruby and SHA1 in .NET are incompatible, so I'm fighting a losing battle.

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Databases :: Recursive TreeView Without MARS?

Feb 20, 2011

I'm trying to implement a TreeView exactly like this:http://www.matthidinger.com/archive/2009/02/08/asp.net-mvc-recursive-treeview-helper.aspxThe problem is, that I'm using MySQL which doesn't support MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets).So, how would I do this, without being able to use MARS?

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Recursive Function For Hierarchically Data

Oct 30, 2010

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace amief.Models
public class WebsiteModels
public static void getPagesForPage(int pageId, dbDataContext db, List<page> myPages)
var pages = (from p in db.pages
where p.pageParent == pageId
select p);
foreach (var item in pages)
getPagesForPage(item.pageId, db, myPages);

calling the procudure

List<page> myPages = null;
WebsiteModels.getPagesForPage(0, db,myPages);

i'm getting an error System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object. on line "myPages.Add(item);" I don't understand the error...

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Build An Infinitely Recursive Listview Control?

Jan 12, 2010

Not sure I'm asking the right question, but it's a start. I have a user control with a ListView and, ideally, I would like to nest this same control inside of the ListView to provide recursion. This would behave somewhat like a TreeView with child nodes. This might be a monumentally bad idea. :) In fact, I feed like MSFT is pointing me in that direction, because when I try this I am told that I can't do it

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C# - Populate A List Box With Many Categories Using Recursive Programming?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a categories table which is set up to allow an infinite number of sub category levels. I would like to mimic the following:It should be clarified that sub categories can have sub categories. E.g. Parent cat -> level 1 -> level 2 -> level 3 etc.My categories table has two columns, CategoryName and ParentID.This list box will be used when assigning the correct category to a product.How can I write this?EditIn response to thedugas I had to modify your answer to work with my situation. I found some errors that needed to be fixed, but below is a final, working solution.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (DataClasses1DataContext db = new DataClasses1DataContext())


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FindControl Getting Wrong Control In My Recursive Method?

Mar 11, 2011

I use the following method to find a control on an asp.net page recursively:

/// <summary>
/// Searches recursively for a server control with the specified id parameter.
/// </summary>[code]...

I hit a problem because it was returning the wrong control. I tracked the problem down to the standard FindControl method, and fixed it by checking that the id of the control returned did actually match the one requested like this:

foundControl = start.FindControl(id);
if (foundControl != null && foundControl.ID == id)
return foundControl;

My question is why does start.FindControl(id) ever return a control that does not match the id requested?

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Localization :: Recursive Resource String Handling?

Mar 23, 2010

When developing a rather complex web application that has to be localizable, it can be quite a dawnting task to make even the smallest change like changing a name for an abstract object type.To illustrate the problem, let's assume the user can create objects through our web application called a "FooBar". The web application most probably have numerous resource strings making reference to the object type "FooBar", for example, "Click here to create a new FooBar", or "Delete all the selected FooBars".During or even after the development life cycle of the web application, the owners decide that "FooBar" is not an appropriate name, and would like it to be renamed to "Thingamajic". In the web application there are thousands of references to "FooBar". Now one has to find all and replace them.

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Reading Line Character By Character

Mar 4, 2010

I want to read a line character by character, in the sense I want to read each and every character on the line. can I can make that line as a string. breaking string into substrings ? if possiblw how.? I m unable to start. can anyone give the code.

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Recursive HTTP Request: How To Prevent A Page From Calling Itself

Mar 10, 2011

I'm looking for a good way to prevent the scenario of the page calling itself repeatedly.

I have a page, that to be rendered needs to make an HTTP request to an RSS feed. If the URL to that RSS feed happens to be the current page, it will fire off a request to itself. The new request would start off another request to the page, which would start another request... This continues until the site grinds to a halt when all available connections are busy in this recursive loop.

A few notes:

The URL to the RSS is entered by the user.

This is a page in a CMS, the URL of the page could be almost anything and could change after the RSS URL is entered.

In this case, the user entered a URL to a remote server that lead to a redirect back to the page.

A few ideas:

I could just deny all requests from the localhost IP before rendering.

Before sending the request, I could track in a common location which requests are active and not even send it if it's already in the middle of another request to the same address.

Maybe add a custom user-agent to the request header and deny the request if that user agent is seen?

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MVC :: How To Convert Repeater / Link Button Of Recursive SQL Table

Nov 21, 2010

I am using "Classified Ad" starter kit of Asp.net 2.0. In the Post Ad feature that using the ad "CategoryPath" control that recursively update link based on user select ad category. After user satisfied with the ad Category selection, the control generate a complete button link of the entire path.

If I am going to convert CategoryPath control from Asp.net to MVC / Ajax, how about I am going to do this?

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MVC :: Make Recursive Partial View To Build List?

Dec 4, 2010

basically trying to make a treeview.

i can query to get my parent list and pass that into the partial view. Im running into problems when i try and make a recurisve call to the view. i cant figure out how to pass the second group back in.

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C# - Recursive Function MultiThreading To Perform One Task At Time?

Jun 14, 2010

I am writing a program to crawl the websites. The crawl function is a recursive one and may consume more time to complete, So I used Multi Threading to perform the crawl for multiple websites. What exactly I need is, after completion crawling one website it call next one (which should be in Queqe) instead multiple websites crawling at a time.I am using C# and ASP.NET.

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DataSource Controls :: Using Recursive SQL To Select A Subsite From The Sitemap Table

Feb 26, 2010

I am using a CustomSiteMapProvider to draw the SiteMap from a MS SQL database table. If I select all the rows in the SiteMap, everything works correctly. I now want to select a subsite from the SiteMap and display it and this subsite's subsites only. I am using recursive SQL to do this. The code below works correctly except the root record, record number 286, is not included in the result:


How do I include the root record, record ID 286, in the result?

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