Web Forms :: Dealing With Session Time Out While Using Modules?

Dec 20, 2010

We are using cutesoft AJAX uploader. The uplodaer is implemented using HTTP Modules. Everything works well. The problem is that if the user clicks the upload button after being idle for long (means after session time out) the control throws and error.

I just want to know the work around to bypass this issue.

Note:- We are just using one web.config and two master pages (one for login and error pages and one for all other pages which are accessed after authentication). We have written the code to check the session timeout in oninit of the master page which is used by all the pages except (Login and Error pages).

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using System.Web;
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using System.Web;

namespace MyWebsite
/// <summary>
/// Stops the ASP.NET AppDomain being restarted (which clears
/// Session state, Cache etc.) whenever a folder is deleted.


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