Web Forms :: Implement Drag And Drop Of Node In Treeview?

Jun 14, 2010

iam having a treeview where the sample structure is like this. Cabinet under cabinet there is folder and under folder there are some documents.now i want that documents to move from one folder to another folder using drag and drop ...how can i perform this functionality.

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Oct 27, 2010

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1) Is all of this possible?

2) Know of any samples or examples of how this would be accomplished?

3) Is there a better way of doing the hierarchy with parent and children then mentioned above (I hope there is)?

4) What have others done for something like this?

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Jun 22, 2010

What I am acheiving is a simple treeview which will have a tree structure

-- xx
Simple stuff !. Here is the code

TreeNode tree1 = new TreeNode("dir1", "", "", "dir1", "");
TreeNode node = new TreeNode("xx", "xx");
TreeNode tree2 = new TreeNode("dir2", "", "", "dir2", "");

Now I want to do is collapse all the tree and find a particular node e.g dir1xx
I have put the code

tree.FindNode("dir1").Select(); <-- falls over

but it falls over on the 2nd line with object not set

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my xml file's code.


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Web Forms :: How To Remove A Parent Node In Treeview

Oct 18, 2010

My Tree View Conain the All Department




but i require the Remove the Parent Node( All Department) not child node




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