Web Forms :: Dynamically Generated Usercontrols And Their Values?

Feb 11, 2010

I have implemented a user control with dropdown lists and textboxes where user may choose to add more of the same user control dynamically then submit the values within all usercontrols at the same time. They way I added usercontrols dynamically is whenever user clicks "add more" button, it increases the value of "userControlAmount" in session by 1, reloads the page and during next page_load event, within an updatepanel it creates usercontrols on the fly.

However whenever more is added since all usercontrols are generated again according to the latest user control counter, the values within the dropdownlists and textboxes are getting reseted.

I can hold all values in a viewstate/session however beyond the time/effort it will take, it doesn't sounds very "professional" to me. I was wondering if there is a more efficient way of doing this.

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Web Forms :: Retrieving Values From Dynamically Generated Texboxes?

Nov 8, 2010

I create textboxes in codebehind based on user choice from a dropdown. The user then fills in thevalues of those textboxes and clicks a linkbutton to save the values. When I try to access those textbox values, they are null.

aspx code: <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" id="TextBoxesHere" />

VB Code:

Private Sub CreateTextBoxes()
Dim ct As Integer = ddlAYIntervals.SelectedValue
TextBoxesHere.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<br><table id=""NewIntervals""><tr><th>Interval Name</th><th>Start Date</th><th>End Date</th></tr>"))
' now, create n TextBoxes, adding them to the PlaceHolder TextBoxesHere.........

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Web Forms :: Adding Multiple Usercontrols Dynamically?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a simple user control which contains a textbox and a dropdownlist. I need to add this control multiple times to my page then save the details to my db, validating each control. When they re-enter my page I need to load the user control for each record in the db populated with the data they entered. They can then edit the data, delete the row or add new rows.

I'm trying to find the cleanest most efficient way to accomplish this. I realise I would need to re-add the user controls after each postback re-populating the data. Would the best way be to add each row to an arraylist or list of type object, save it to the viewstate and re-add the controls with data on postback, or is there another method which would suit?

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Web Forms :: Loop Dynamically Added Usercontrols?

Sep 27, 2010

I am making a website where the user has to choose some addresses form a list of street names.

I have made a usercontrol Witch I dynamically adds to the website depending on some choices the user makes (Zip, and Streed name) The usercontrol contains a checkbox. When the user clicks a button on the site I would like to find all the usercontrols the user have checked.

The usercontrols is contained in a asp:Panel

I have tried with a foreach loop where I loop all the controls in the panel. It only retun one control.

Then I have tried with at ControlCollection ctrlCol = ContentPanel.Controls;

It only returns a LiteralControl. Then I have tried to loop all the controls on the webpage testing for the type as the usercontrol but no luck

How can I find an loop thru all my usercontrols and find the checked?

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Dynamically Adding Usercontrols To An Update Panel?

Jun 20, 2010

Basically I have a usercontrol that is setup to capture a persons education details. I want to have a button inside the update that when the user clicks loads the usercontrol below the previous usercontrol.

I have got as far as

UserControl userControl = (UserControl)this.LoadControl(controlName);

however I am not sure how to keep the orginal usercontrol and not overwrite it with the newly loaded usercontrol.

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MVC :: Dynamically Render The Usercontrols Based On The Logged In User?

Dec 1, 2010

We have an application where the controls are dynamically added to the form based on the logged in user,

This user controls related data is stored in the database. There is lot of logic in the code behind in the asp.net webforms which is so messy to maintain it, we are planning to re-write it using the MVC framework.

I would say there would be rougly 50 different forms based on the user logged in, is it good idea to create so many views and redirect to the appropriate view based on the logged in user, in some of the forms there might be minor difference like the order of the Control might change.

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AJAX :: Dynamically Load Usercontrols Into Update Panel

Jun 22, 2010

I am hoping someone can help me out. I have a web application that contains a usercontrol think "employment details" a user can enter a previous employment detail.

I have created a page that contains an update panel a placeholder and a button. The button I want to use to load a new copy of the same usercontrol. Can anyone point me in the right redirect?

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Usercontrols - Wiring Events On Dynamically-loaded User Controls?

Mar 14, 2011

For a "dashboard" module I need to dynamically load user controls based on criteria as the user enters the page (role, etc). The problem is that the events are not being fired at all from the controls

As I understand it I need to load the controls in the OnPreInit method of the dashboard page, however I cannot get a reference to the Placeholder control at this point of initialization (i.e. I get a NullReferenceException); trying to load the Placeholder dynamically via Page.FindControl gives me, ironically, a StackOverflowException.

I've tried loading the controls in PreRender and OnInit as well but the events in the controls are not wired up properly and will not fire.

The code is basically this:


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Web Forms :: Dynamically Generated DropDownLists?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a dropdownlist on my page which has autopostback set to true. On postback I populate a runat server div with a bunch of other DropDownLists. I then have a button which does another postback to save the selections. Because the second set of dropdownlists are dynamically generated I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get their selected values?

1st DropDownList


Then when I try get the dropdownlists using a foreach on the div that I added the control to it does not work. They are populating fine, its just on the button click. I have tried EnableViewState = true on the dropdownlists and my code is correct because if I code them into the aspx then it works, its something to do with the state.

View 8 Replies

Web Forms :: Referencing Dynamically Generated Controls?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm displaying a table based on query results, and each record has a dynamically generated dropdownlist and submit button (and other controls, but this is simplified). That part works fine, but how do I reference the controls in a function? Here is the code I've tried. Create the controls:


Reference the control values (hopefully):


The function SubmitAction_Click fires when I click the Post button, so that part works. I just can't figure out how to reference the selected value of the dropdownlist. You can see that I'm explicitly giving the DDL a unique ID (DS_RecordID). I'm guessing I have to use FindControl to reference it, but I don't know how to format the code.

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Reading Dynamically Generated Textbox Value?

May 27, 2010

I have a form that has dynamically generated textboxes using javascript.

My question is how can I read the values of these dynamically generated textboxes since I dont see any HTML in the page source for these textboxes even though they appear in the page.

I tried to read using

var str = document.getElementById('txtHello').value;

It always returns null.

txtHello is the Id which I have given to the textbox when I generated it dynamically using javascript.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Generated Button And TextBox?

May 21, 2010

I am generating a button dynamically at runtime and in event button click I am generating a TextBox dynamically at the runtime.

My question is I should be able to generate TextBox on every click. Suppose say, If I click three times then there should be three textboxes generated.

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Web Forms :: Get The Radiobutoomlist Selectedindex From A Dynamically Generated?

Jul 20, 2010

I've to implement dynamically generated 'Tests'. It seems the best asp control to handle each's test option is the RadioButtomList control, thus I am writting in c# code to load programatically a table, render on rows the Tests' questions, and the options via radiobtuttonlist as the code bellow shows.

THE PROBLEM's since I did not ID each radiobuttomlist, once the test's end user submit his choices, I do not know how to get the selected item for each control so I can compute the results.


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Web Forms :: Client ID Of A Dynamically Generated Control?

Feb 23, 2010

I've recently added a Master Page to my site,but realized that it's caused some problems in my existing JavaScript setup.I am able to use the following code in most places without any issue to get the ClientID: '<%=myControl.ClientID%>'

The problem I have encountere is that I have several pages that add controls dynamically,and then execute events based on an ID that's passed in,where I can't use this line,because I won't know the ID of the control I'm trying to access until the Javascript executes.Here's a simplified version of the problem:

When the page runs,it creates n textboxes dynamically,and appends a relevant ID from the database to the end of the ID.Let's say the page has added 3 textboxes with the following IDs:




Later,a javascript event fires,and I need to be able to access the control through JavaScript like this:

myJavaScriptFunction (controlID)

myvar = document.getElementById('myTextBox' + controlID);

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Web Forms :: Getting Dynamically Generated Controls By Id With FindControl Function?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm trying to get dynamically generated control by id with FindControl function, but it doesn't return it

here's short version of code when I generate controls, it is basically in a loop to have number of CheckBoxes depending on inputs





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Web Forms :: How To Find Command Name For Dynamically Generated Linkbutton

Jan 17, 2010

how to Work with Dunamically generated Link buttons..

I need to find the unic name of each dynamially generated linkbutton..]

Is there any way to work with that..

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Web Forms :: Event Is Not Raised For Dynamically Generated Checkbox?

May 6, 2010

I have a asp.net page where we need to dynamically generate a table, table row, and a checkbox controls in this row. A button serves Add Row and create checkbox function, which works fine. We have another button which serves on deleting the selected row if a user checks the checkbox. The deleting event is dynamically added to the checkbox. But the delete button is not working at all. I think that the page does not maintain the states of dynamically generated controls, even I set Page enable view state to True. Here is the code:

I am generating a table dynamically with one row having four cells.

First cell is having checkbox and below is the code how i declare it and assign it a new id at runtime.


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Web Forms :: Can Bind The Dynamically Generated Table Content To Div

Feb 23, 2011

i'm trying to bind the dynamically generated table content to div using


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Web Forms :: Dynamically Generated Textbox Versus Static

Jun 2, 2010

I have a dynamically-generated textbox and a static text box. They both have enableViewState = false. On the web page, I enter "ABC" in both textboxes. In the code-behind I set both text boxes to "EFG" in the page_load event.

In debug in page_load I can see both textboxes say "EFG". This is what I want.

When I hit the LoadComplete event, the STATIC textbox still has "EFG", but the dynamically generated textbox has gone back to "ABC".

I went one-by-one through all properties on the dynamically generated/static textbox, and they are all identical.

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Web Forms :: Handling Event From Dynamically Generated ImageButtons?

Sep 5, 2010

I have a situation here.

review the following code


Now when user clicks on the accept or reject button, there is an error (could not parse server message) however if there is only one instance of both buttons the code works fine.

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Web Forms :: Get Text Of A Dynamically Generated Link Button?

Jan 13, 2010

i am working on a website,As i am new to coding i got a problem in it. It was, i hav dynamically generated link buttons in my page, If i click on the any link button i should get the text of the link button, how to get it ?

LinkButton lnkbtn = new LinkButton();
lnkbtn.Text = dt.Rows[i]["vcSchoolName"].ToString() + ("<br><br>");
lnkbtn.CommandName = "ghg" + i;


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Web Forms :: How To Get The Values From Runtime Generated Textboxes

Oct 28, 2010

I have able to generate several labels and textboxes based on a table in the database during runtime. My problem is that I could not get these values from these textboxes whenever a user changes these values and update them.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Generated Dynamic Menu Items Width?

Sep 21, 2010

I have the following Menu:



It's being loaded from a dynamically generated XmlDataSource Item:


The XML of which looks something like this:


I can't seem to figure out a way to make the width of the drop menus consistent (they're following the padding conventions I have outlined, I get that). What I'm interested in is a way to make the DynamicItemsStyle width on all items the width of the widest one.

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Web Forms :: SiteMapPath With UrlRouting Not Working On Dynamically Generated Routes VB

Feb 28, 2011

I am learning .net and I have implemented SiteMapPath on a site i'm developing which uses Url Routing. It is working fine for static routes but i am trying to get it to work on a dynamically generated route that passes a {date} and a {title} but I can't find any information on it anywhere, I have a book but it doesn't go in to SiteMapPath with UrlRouting.

I have set up routes in Global.asax file:


My web.sitemap currently looks like:


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Web Forms :: Dynamically Generated DropDownList SelectedIndex Overwritten In Paging

Jan 27, 2011

I am generating Dropdownlists to each row that I get of a database table and then bind them to an asp table.

I am doing the paging of the asp table myself. I'm just adding the rows regarding to the page.

Example: Page 2 (10 rows) => Rows 11 -20

The problem is, when I click a next button to get to the next page. The selectedindex of dropdownlists on the next page are getting overwritten.

I am loading the table in the page_load.

Here is some code of page_load[Code]....

And this is my load_table:

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