Web Forms :: Error When Taking Value From Masterpage?

Dec 10, 2010

Dim begin As String = Convert.ToString(Master.FindControl("txtBegindatum"))
Dim eind As String = Convert.ToString(Master.FindControl("txtEinddatum"))
txtStart.Text = begin
txtEind.Text = eind

I try to get an value out of my masterpage but when I try this I get:

System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox in txtStart and txtEind

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Forms Data Controls :: Ajax In Asp 1.1 / Taking Too Much Refresh And Taking Long Time?

Jan 13, 2010

I am making some application in asp.net 1.1 in that I am displaying data in datagrid from database. In data grid first column is of check box and radio button and in the last column we have text box now thing is that when i click on check box crosponding textbox we fill some figure and at the end we press calculate button to get total. After getting total we have to press continue button to go next step

But suppose if some body remove that check the we should press calculate button or chnage some figure in the text box then we should press calculate button again to recalculate. for that i kept autopost back on check box oncheckedchanged event and text box ontextchanged event and hide continue button so user will click calcutae button abd then continue button will re-apper

Problem it that it taking too much refresh and taking long time. So was lloking for some ajax method to use in my application.

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Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator Taking Up Space Even When There's No Error?

May 10, 2010

Is there a way to set the RequiredFieldValidator to use display:none (or something equivalent) unless there is an error? The problem that I'm having is that the error text in the validator is taking up space even when there is no error on the page.

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Web Forms :: Error - The MasterPage Could Not Find The Treeview For The Trigger

Jan 7, 2011

I have an ImageControl inside an UpdatePanel. The image changes upon a Treeview located outside of theUpdatePanel. Im using the treeview _SelectedNodeChanged in the UpdatePanel Trigger. When I run the Web Application I get an Error theMasterPage could not find the Treeview for the Trigger.


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Web Forms :: Accessing Masterpage Property From Base Class / Compiler Error Message: CS0246

Feb 10, 2010

I'm accessing a Masterpage property from a regular page by doing the following:


I get the following error message:

Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'SecondMasterPage' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

My base class file is a file called BaseClass.cs in my App_Code directory. Other functions in there work without errors. Why?

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Web Forms :: Accessing Control In Nested MasterPage From Parent MasterPage?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a MasterPage (MasterPage.master) with 2 child MasterPages (specialMaster.master and standardMaster.master). From the MasterPage.master I need to get at some of the controls in one of the children, specialMaster.master, say for example to hide certain
content if a session variable is not null.

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Web Forms :: Access Hidden Field From One Masterpage To Another Masterpage?

May 3, 2010

I have 2 masterpages. (Default.master and User.master).I have a hidden field in Default.master then how can i get the hidden field value of Default.master file from User.master.is there any way to access that hidden field like: Request.form("hidID") ?

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How To Ignore The MasterPage Does Not Exist Error

Oct 14, 2010

I am working on my CMS project based on ASP.Net MVC2, I have implemented my VirtualPathProvider and VirtualFile for my master page, to use a master page in db.

It works as below:
I indicate the MasterPageFile in the aspx/ascx file.

<%@ Page MasterPageFile="/Content.master"

Then override VirtualPathProvider.GetFile to load the master page from db, "/Content.master" is the key to search in the db.

Everything works fine for me, except

IF I click "Build Web Site" in the context menu in VS2010, I will get an error says "The file '/Content.master' does not exist."

My master page is stored in db and this error is normal, Is there a way that VS2010 can ignore this error?

I am looking into the BuildManager relative code, seems complicated.

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CustomError Handling In MasterPage Error Page

Dec 22, 2010

I redirect Errors to Error.aspx

<customErrors defaultRedirect="error.aspx" mode="On">
error redirect="error.aspx" statusCode="500" />

and the problem is that there is also second error in ErrorMasterPage of Error.aspx

<script Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/ErrorMaster.Master" runat="Server">

and CustomError can not handle the second error while its like a loop ( it will redirect to error.aspx and Masterpage of Error.aspx has Error.


Login.aspx(has Error) -> Error.aspx -> ErrorMasterPage.Master (has Error) -> Show Yellow Page

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C# - Error Creating Control Vs2010 MasterPage?

Jul 1, 2010

Someone can explain this error?Error Creating Control - headObject reference not set to an instance of an object.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Controls/Master1.Master"
AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="GrupoUsuario.aspx.cs" Inherits="GrupoUsuario" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" runat="server" contentplaceholderid="head">

I Think this is a bug of visual studio 2010 in design view. I'not using any event to manipulate session object in the method OnInt(). The "PlaceHolderTopo" is an placeholder in the web user control Topo.ascx. It's work normaly. I Don't have any code inside the content place holder in the page tha inherits from the master page and get this error.Below is the code of the masterpage:

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="PrincipalSeguranca.Master.cs" Inherits="PrincipalSeguranca" %>
<%@ Register Src="Topo.ascx" TagName="Topo" TagPrefix="uc1" %>


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Jquery - Masterpage And ContentPage JavaScript Function Error?

Feb 27, 2011

I am using a Masterpage for my upload_photo.aspx which displays the file upload page using colorBox. However, ever since i added (code below) in the Masterpage colorBox doesn't display:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {


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MVC :: Parser Error Message: Could Not Load Type MasterPage File?

Aug 22, 2010

Server Error in '/' Application.

Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'wamsilverlight.Web.Wam'.

Source Error: [Code]....

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.4952; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.4927

All of the following have been tried over and over again:

1.) Delete all existing .dlls

2.) Delete MasterPage File and recreate it.

3.) Delete MasterPage perform a clean rebuild then recreate

4.) Delete web.config file and recreate

5.) Delete web.config file perform a clean rebuild then recreate

6.) Destroy the entire project and start from scratch

7.) Before any of these steps were taken the project was built with Ctrl+Shift+B and again with F5

8.) Checked all of the namespaces to make sure nothing was conflicting

9.) Checked IIS7 to see which .NET Framework was being used and it is all listed under 2.0 and later at one point even trying to swithc it over to .NET 4.0

The problem is rather persistant, annoying, and frustrating and I would truly love to acquire some input on correcting this matter,issue occured out of the blue one minute working the next minute it errors out.

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Web Forms :: Value Is Passed When Taking Out DirectCast Syntax?

Jul 27, 2010

In my immediate window I get the following:

?DirectCast(Me.FindControl("txtFName"), TextBox).Text.ToString().Trim()
Referenced object has a value of 'Nothing'.

So .. if I take out the DirectCast syntax, the value is passed but with DirectCast I get the Referenced Object has a value of nothing .. why and do I even need DirectCast here?

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Web Forms :: FileUpload Taking Too Long On Web Host?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a webform that uploads data to a SQL Server 2005 DB. When run it on my local machine it works like a charm and is very fast. When I move my web form to my Hosting company's web server and try to upload to my DB it takes a very long time (5 min plus to upload 10MB) or it times out or both. My web hosting company can't seem to fix this.

Has anyone had a similar problem or any clue what might be happening?

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Button Taking Too Much Time To Load?

Nov 19, 2012

I have a web page and i have one user control and one buttone on page...

I am displaying some data on that page.

But problem is that buttong is loading after almost 30 to 40 seconds event after whole data displayed and progress bar of ie is also does not complete

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Web Forms :: Loading Dashboard Screen - Taking Time

Aug 10, 2010

i have a loging page, once i login into my application it is redirecting into main dash borad screen. where i am displaying data from other server. it is taking time to load page..

case 1:- in my dashboard one block i am displaying some simple info like alerts, news, mails count..etc.. that is comming from my local database ( there is no performance issues on that..)

case 2: in the same page (dashboard block) i am showing data, it is comming from another server.. first it will check the credentials and retrive data and displaying in same dashboard screen ( here it is taking time)

once hit the login button and redirecting into a dashbard screen using response.redirect("dashbard.aspx"); it is redirecting to dashbard screen..once all the process of page load is comple,,,then it is displaying the dashboard page what i am looking is first i want to redirect to the dashboard screen and then process the case1 ( simple data ) ..and for case2 i just want to show some ajax spinner image on the second block..

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Web Forms :: Changes Made To Default.aspx Not Taking Effect?

Nov 18, 2010

We made some changes to the default.aspx page our website, but those are not taking effect. If changes are made to pages in sub-folders it just works fine. Only that the default.aspx page is acting weird even though they are just changes to the markup.

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Web Forms :: Taking Data From Database And Putting Into A Label?

Mar 18, 2010

Is it possible to draw data from the database and put it straight into a label?

I just want to extract the id field from a table and display it in a label. I will only be drawing out the latest record using the SQL statement


View 25 Replies

Web Forms :: Autocompelte Search Not Taking Onchanged Value To Next Page?

Feb 8, 2011

this is a autocomplete feature with dropdown results, on click of result it should take user to search.aspx page with the clientname (search_input.Text) and id (lbltest.value).

in current.aspx page i have called the following acomplete.js:
source: "http://www.abc.com/xxx/xxx/auto-complete-list.aspx",
minLength: 1,
select: function(event, ui) {


View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Change Image On Mouseover Taking Too Much Time?

Nov 1, 2013

Change image on mouseover taking too much timeĀ in firefox and internet explorer but work ok in chrome...

Code I used is below:

<img id="img1" onmouseover="this.src='/slideworld-homepage/images/f2.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/slideworld-homepage/images/f1.png'" style=" height:36px; width:36px; border:none;" src="/slideworld-homepage/images/f1.png">

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Web Forms :: Taking A Particular Page (.aspx, .html, .htm) Offline Instead Of The Whole Application

Apr 5, 2010

While having a file App_Offline.htm takes the entire application offline from the web server, is it possible to just take a particular or certain particular pages offline?

E.g. Default2.aspx, Default3.html, Default4.htm, etc.

Such that when a user navigates to the page, a message would tell the user that the page is offline / redirect the user to an alternative page?

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Drop Down List Not Taking The Selected Value?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm using vs2008 and add a dropdown list in my page. Default value of this control is "Digital". When I select another value from the list and press a button, next time the page displaying the same value, i.e Digital, not the selected value. I just want to show the selected value on the page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Taking Care Of Duplicates In A Dropdown List?

Mar 22, 2011

I have query that returns a line that looks like this belowA NEWYORK PROGRAM AA NEWYORK PROGRAM Bnow, the NEWYORK is inputted into a dropdownlist and the program A and program B is inputted into a dropdownlist as wellI am using utility.ControlTools.SetListControl for my dropdownlist. I would like a situation where my dropdownlist only contains one NEWYORK instead of two and my dropdownlist for programs to contain Program A and program B. Can this be done.

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Web Forms :: Modal Form Taking Ages To Load / Gif Whilst The Page Loads?

Nov 25, 2010

I have a modal popup which contains a listview with multiple rows containing multiple controls so the form takes around 6-7 seconds to load, which is fine. What I want to do is display a little animated gif whilst its loading. What I don't understand is from the Page_PreInIt to the Page_SaveStateComplete (which is the first lifecycle method to last i think) it's only a matter of milli seconds.

a) why is it taking so long to load?

b) hows best to show the gif whilst the page loads (if possible)

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Forms Data Controls :: Taking Attributes From Gridview1 And Inserting It Into GridView2 As Column HeaderText?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a problem here.

I have a Gridview, lets call it GVDistinctDate which displays Distinct Date in one column only. For example: I got 5 rows, and 1 column where the column only display distinct dates such as 02/04/2010 | 03/04/2010 | 04/04/2010 | 05/04/2010 | 06/04/2010 where obviously this dates come from a table in the database.

Now i want to take those dates in GVDistinctDate and assign it to another gridview, lets call it GVReport, as column Header Text. For this GVReport, the first column would be StudentID where a list of studentid will be displayed, and then starting from the second column onwards, where the Header Text would be the dates from GVDistinctDate, will display a Status of absent or present according to the studentID and the corresponding date. How do it get the dates from GVDistinctDate into the column Header Text of GVReport?

AND how do it display the Present or Absent status based on the studentID in column 1 GVReport and the dates on the Header Text? Below are the codes of how i got the distinct date into GVDistinctDate


The code below is for GVReport and the comments are where i tried to put in the dates into the column header text.


There is a problem here: GVReport.Columns(k).HeaderText = headerText
Error:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

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