Web Forms :: Extending The MSDN Theme Switching Walkthrough?

Oct 18, 2010

I just completed the theme switching walkthrough on msdn [URL]/ms366514.aspx, and I want to expand this to convert the DropDownList into a custom control with either swatches or icons that can be clicked to switch the theme. It seems to suddenly become more difficult to work with themes when you change the scope. I found a couple of links online, one that used a global asax file to change the the theme but it didn't actually work.

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Security :: VS2008 Walkthrough - Create Website With Membership And Login

Apr 26, 2010

WARNING - Absolute beginner here with VS. I'm expecting a steep learning curve, but I'm up to it! I'm trying to create a website with membership/login. Followed the above walkthrough MANY time, and been very careful with the username and password entered, but I keep getting the message that the loging failed. The asp application name is "Membership" This is the whole thing, automatically created following the walkthrough, apart from adding 2 members - yes, did go to the memberpages folder at the set rules page.

Solution Explorer:
Solution 'membership' (1 project)
- //localhost/membership/
- App_Data
- MemberPages
- Default.aspx
- Login.aspx
aspnet_Membership: (2 members)
PasswordFormat = 1
The ApplicationId for the 2 members is different - should it be?..........

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Web Forms :: Refresh Page Like Social.msdn.microsoft.com?

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Web Forms :: Extending Membership Provider To Include CVs

Jan 23, 2011

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Mar 23, 2010

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Web Forms :: Avoid Loading Time While Switching Over From One Menu Item (tab) To Another?

Feb 24, 2011

I have used the following controls in my web page.

2.Multi view

But my problem is...whenever i clicks on the menu item it loads particular content individually. I mean if i click on menuitem1 it takes some time to load Gridview1 , after if when i click on menuitem2 again it takes some time to load Gridview2. Is there is any way to load all the menu items content during first time of page load. So that we can avoid loading time while switching over from one menu item(tab) to another.I have used the following code


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Forms Data Controls :: ListView Not Switching Into The Edit Mode

May 4, 2010

I need to display data somewhat like this:

Student Name: John
Exam Grade
MidTerm1 A
MidTerm2 B

For this, I defined a class 'Student' that has the properties StudentName[String] and Exams [a list of ExamGrade objects which has the Exam and Grade properties]. And I am using nested listviews to display the data. Here is the markup for the ListViews:


And the StudentInfo class looks like this:


And Exam class has just two properties.

Now the issue is that I have to press the Edit button [link button] twicw to get the EditItemTemplate. Even then I would get the blank textboxes. So what should I do to make the EditItemTemplate appear on the first click and the TextBoxes to appear with the existing data?

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Aug 30, 2010

I am developing a CompositeDataBoundControl that is basically a 'table' inside a 'div', in order to limit the size of the Control and use the scrolling capabilities of the 'div' tag ('RenderBeginTag("div").

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<div style="overflow:auto;width:400px;height:300px;">
<table style="table-layout:fixed;">


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Oct 31, 2010

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Security :: Extending Asp Forms Auth To Be Multi Tenant / Domain?

Jan 24, 2010

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Web Forms :: Setting A Theme From A Dll?

Jan 7, 2010

I am new to ASp.Net 3.5 and the concept of themes. I have a master page named ParentMaster in a web site along with a theme in the App_Themes folder. When i publish this website, i get 2 dll's one for the masterpage and one for the theme. Now i am inheriting the parent master page in another web project's child masterpage using the property


Now i want to get the theme also like this. I have a theme dll that i have referenced and i need to set the theme on an aspx page based on this dll. How can i do that?

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How To Login Via SSL Persist When Switching To Non - SSL

Apr 5, 2010

I have an application I would like to force SSL on the login page and on the page that the CC is entered on. I would prefer to keep the rest of the application free of SSL.

I have the code working to force SSL on certain pages, and remove SSL on others. The problem I have is that if I log in with SSL enabled the user is only authenticated on the pages that are SSL. The reverse holds true as well, if the user logs in without SSL they are only authenticated on pages without SSL.

What can I do to have this persist between the two. Is this using cookies or the session?

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C# - Switching From Wilson ORMapper?

May 13, 2010

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Web Forms :: How To Apply Theme To Control

Jun 15, 2010

this will work


do I miss anything should do but I didn't

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