Web Forms :: Getting ID-clash / In Real Code Dont Have Labels?

Jun 7, 2010

In the aspx markup I would like to do the following

<%if (some_condition){%>
<asp:label ID="LabelID" runat="server" />Label 1</asp:label>
<asp:label ID="LabelID" runat="server" />Label 2</asp:label>

But that wont work due to the ID-clash. I hoped that it would work this way since the labels cant exist together anyway, but that werent the case. And if I use different ID:s I have to do checkups in the aspx.cs to see which one got included.

# In the real code I dont have labels, I have UserControls, but it should be the same problems, right?

# I know this is not a very pretty way of doing things but thats how things are at the moment.

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Web Forms :: Real - Time Control Effect Via Code Behind

Feb 19, 2011

I have two checkboxes on web form chkYes and chkNo. When I click either I want the other one to be un-ticked. I have implemented the following in code behind;


Problem is ticking one tick has no effect on the other. What is the reason and how can I make it work?

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Web Forms :: Change Visibility Of DataList Labels After Binding Using Code

Jul 7, 2012

I have  Table   named    PRODUCTS , that have 4  column   productid, productprice,productname & discount( type  numeric(18,0)) .. i am using datalist with itemtemplate that have  4  label to display all ..

I am binding datalist on pageload, now i want that Label4  with "discount" should only visible for those product that have discount , otherwise it remains hidden, 

Problem in my code is that when i run it , label becomes invisible for all  products whether they have discount or not. Here is my code i am using for it:

ds1  is my dataset 

 foreach (DataListItem item in DataList1.Items)  {
                            for (int i = 0; i <= ds1.Rows.Count - 1; i++) {
                                double[] arr = new double[ds1.Rows.Count];
                                double temp = double.Parse(ds1.Rows[i]["discount"].ToString());
                                arr[i] = temp;
                                Label lbl = item.FindControl("Label4") as Label;
                                if (arr[i] == 0)
                            }  }

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Forms Data Controls :: Labels From Item To Add With The Labels Outside Of The Datalist?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a page with a datalist on it, with an image button and some labels in the datalist item(1,2)..

I have some more labels on the page which get their values from querystrings(17,18)..

I have more labels which are empty (34,35)

On image click in the datalist item, i want the labels from that item to add with the labels outside of the datalist, and the last lot of labels to show this number..

Currently it doesnt do this. Here is my code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label17.Text = Request["b1"];
Label18.Text = Request["b2"];
protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
DataListItem item = ((Control)sender).NamingContainer as DataListItem;
Label Label1 = item.FindControl("Label1") as Label;
Label Label2 = item.FindControl("Label2") as Label;
Label34.Text = (int.Parse(Label1.Text) + int.Parse(Label17.Text)).ToString();
Label35.Text = (int.Parse(Label2.Text) + int.Parse(Label18.Text)).ToString();

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SQL Server :: Operand Type Clash : Int Is Incompatible With Xml Error?

Feb 15, 2011

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declare @EmployeeID int
set @EmployeeID = 454655
SET @XMLCONTENT = N'<EmployeeID> <Data ID="'+ CONVERT(nvarchar(100),@EmployeeID) +'"/> </EmployeeID>'

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SQL Server :: Operand Type Clash: Nvarchar Is Incompatible With Image?

Mar 6, 2011

My table contains a column named visitorimage with image as the datatype. I have a stored procedure to insert an image but whenever I try to create the sp an error occurs saying"Operand type clash: nvarchar is incompatible with image". What's the problem and how to fix this?

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_addvisitor] @lastname nvarchar(50), @firstname nvarchar(50), @visitorimage image, @gender char(6), @personalid nvarchar(50), @vehicleno nvarchar(20), @company nvarchar(50), @represent nvarchar(100), @phonenumber bigint, @mobilenumber
bigint, @address nvarchar(100), @remarks nvarchar(200) AS INSERT INTO tblVisitor VALUES (@lastname, @firstname, @visitorimage, @gender, @personalid, @vehicleno, @company, @represent, @phonenumber, @mobilenumber, @address, @remarks)

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Web Forms :: Dont Get The Special Characters In Particular Way

Jan 31, 2011

I'm having an issue when requesting querystring variables in a ASP.NET C# webapplication. With special characters.I dont get the special characters in the way i want(original).Here is the code I'm playing with:
string todo = Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["todo"]) ?? ""; string str = Convert.ToString("%E6%F8%E5%3Ftest"); Response.Write("str original=" + str); Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); Response.Write("<br />str decoded=" + HttpUtility.UrlDecode(str, enc)); Response.Write("<br />todo querystring=" + todo); Response.Write("<br />todo querystring decoded=" + HttpUtility.UrlDecode(todo, enc)); string t = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; Response.Write("<br />requested url=" + t); string[] test = t.Split('?'); foreach (string

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Web Forms :: Backgroundworker Dont Display Data In .net With C#

Jun 15, 2010

I want to retrieve values from a function at regular intervals and display it.I have two different fucntions 1 for getting values and 1 for display.I am using backgroundworker for that.

So when i put continous loop it goes into infinite loop without displaying data.The problem is with asp.net ..

What have i done is

public void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs

if (this.backgroundWorker1 == [code]...

Now until it doesnot come out of DoWork method if doenot display data eventhought it called Display_data() method.

I removed whilke(1=1) and checked that after exiting DoWork method it displays data.

So is there any way that after data binding in Display_Data() method i can display data and then refresh the whole process at backend ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Links Dont Work

May 6, 2010

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<asp:Repeater ID="rptClientBooking" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="rptClientBooking_ItemBound">
<tr> [code]....

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<exact:RepeatableRadioButton ID="rbtSelector" OnCheckedChanged="rbtSelector_Changed"


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Oct 6, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: The Total Amount Show The Correct Calculation Result, But The String Format Dont Work?

Feb 27, 2010

my query is like this " select product_id, product_price, purchase_amout from purcases"

and on my formview i tried to add a "total purchase"

i tried using <asp:Label ID="total_purchase" runat="server" Text='<%# string.format(cint(eval("product_price")*eval("purchase_amout")),"{ Rp 0:###,###,###,###,###}")%>'>

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btw. "Rp" is the currency symbol in my country... i dont use {0:c} coz the server user US currency

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Log-In Screen / Dont Validate?

Apr 9, 2010

So I am creating a log-in screen that is similar to that of Facebook's. In other words you can log-in but if you are a new user you can create yourself a profile quickly by filling in a few fields.

The problem I have is I want to put validators in to check that a user has completed all the necessary fields but the validators dont validate even if the user is not using that form. For example, if I filled in the create user form and pressed the create user button the page would not progress as the validators for the log-in section would say that there is no text in the username or password fields.

I was wondering if there is a way of fixing this. I thought that maybe you could write in the VB code something like:

IF btnCreateUser_Click = True


the required validators for the log-in section are set to true.

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Jun 16, 2010

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Apr 9, 2010

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I believe that is a configuration issue, but I don't kwon how search about.Anyone has an explanation for this?

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Web Forms :: Reload Page / Upload A File That File Dont Shows Up In The Gridview?

Feb 11, 2010

i have a page that uploads a file, shows what files are availeble in a gridview and allows the user to donwload or delete the files. When i upload a file that file dont shows up in the gridview i need to reload the page to see the file. Theres any command in C# to do that? like when i click to save the file it saves d file and it does a page reload.

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Forms Data Controls :: Concatenate With "0" Dont Work With A Gridview?

Mar 15, 2011

i have a gridview.one column of this gridview is a number of 13 caracter.(its a concatenation of a value of 7 caracter ,a zero ,4 caracter and the chekcksum value)i have a button to insert a new row in the gridview.when i add the row the field show 12 caracter and not 13 caracter so the ZERO is not shown and not inserted and i dont know why.i tried in another page to concatenate and it works but in the page with gridview it dontthere's my code





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Web Forms :: Validate Email Address In Real Time?

Jul 17, 2010

I found one link or web services [URL] which enable me to search whether email id exist in real world or not...Did some testing and it works. Is it possible to make similar web services and use it in my application? because i am not sure till what date this web services will work.

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Web Forms :: Real Time Text From Textbox To Label?

Oct 14, 2010

I was wondering how I would develop a page that allowed a user to type something into a text box that would show up in a label as they typed. I was looking for this online and found a few options but none of them worked. They included JavaScript, Ajax, and using the text box is onTextChanged command. For an example I need something similar to VistaPrint.

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Apr 14, 2010

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HttpCookie coo = new HttpCookie("test");

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Jan 22, 2010

I have the following settings. Asp.net 2.0 / Vs.net 2005 / Web.config -> customErrors mode="on"

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/ErrorPages/Default.aspx">

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