Web Forms :: Change Visibility Of DataList Labels After Binding Using Code
Jul 7, 2012
I have Table named PRODUCTS , that have 4 column productid, productprice,productname & discount( type numeric(18,0)) .. i am using datalist with itemtemplate that have 4 label to display all ..
I am binding datalist on pageload, now i want that Label4 with "discount" should only visible for those product that have discount , otherwise it remains hidden,
Problem in my code is that when i run it , label becomes invisible for all products whether they have discount or not. Here is my code i am using for it:
ds1 is my dataset
foreach (DataListItem item in DataList1.Items) {
for (int i = 0; i <= ds1.Rows.Count - 1; i++) {
double[] arr = new double[ds1.Rows.Count];
double temp = double.Parse(ds1.Rows[i]["discount"].ToString());
arr[i] = temp;
Label lbl = item.FindControl("Label4") as Label;
if (arr[i] == 0)
} }
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Mar 19, 2010
aspects of some controls in Code Behind (VB) with controls inside a datalist and/or repeater. I have read a lot of stuff on using some tricks but none seem to work so far. I am new to ASP.net so some of the explanations are too cryptic as well. Below is a section of code that I am trying to change. This example is attempting to make the label visible if the dataitem is true and hidden if false. No matter what I seem to do I cann't reference this label to change. I also want to change the text on some other controls in this dataitem if the returned value is a certain value.
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Oct 25, 2010
I have a page with a datalist on it, with an image button and some labels in the datalist item(1,2)..
I have some more labels on the page which get their values from querystrings(17,18)..
I have more labels which are empty (34,35)
On image click in the datalist item, i want the labels from that item to add with the labels outside of the datalist, and the last lot of labels to show this number..
Currently it doesnt do this. Here is my code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label17.Text = Request["b1"];
Label18.Text = Request["b2"];
protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
DataListItem item = ((Control)sender).NamingContainer as DataListItem;
Label Label1 = item.FindControl("Label1") as Label;
Label Label2 = item.FindControl("Label2") as Label;
Label34.Text = (int.Parse(Label1.Text) + int.Parse(Label17.Text)).ToString();
Label35.Text = (int.Parse(Label2.Text) + int.Parse(Label18.Text)).ToString();
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Jul 20, 2010
similar topic to what i posted yesterday ttp://forums.asp.net/t/1580413.aspxBut what I'd like to do, is click a label, hide this label but enable another label (which has a color background) for this I have the following code - but ASP.NET doesn't like the 'click' handling function????Can someone please point me in the correct direction to acheieve this please?
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Oct 5, 2010
I want to change controls visibility on c#, but nothing happens. The controls are in an AspxPopupControl and 3 of them are hidden in design time, 1 of them is visible. I use this code to visible them
if (paramType == "Grup")
gv_Answers.Visible = false;
trlGroup.Visible = true;
chkShowItems.Visible = true;
gv_Answers.Visible = true;
trlGroup.Visible = false;
chkShowItems.Visible = false;
This code is in a CustomCallBack event of a gridview. So i don't know what to do from this point. It's an easy task but i couldn't handle it.
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Jul 17, 2010
I have developed my application using Visual Web Developer 2008 express with Visual Basic code.
If I am working with 2 textboxs on a form, and I set the "Autopostback" to "true" for the first texbox then on the "changed" event, I can just add code to set the visibility to "true or "false" for the second textbox - it works fine. However, I do not seem to be able to figure out how to do the same thing when I am using a Dataview.
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My user enters information into this table using a Dataview form that displays the 4 fields.
When the user enters the value "L" in the field "LevelOfActivity", I would like to then set the visibility of the field "Discount" to "false" - (I want to hide the field as this customer should not get a discount). If the user enters the value "H" in the field "LevelOfActivity", I would like to then set the visibility of the field "Discount" to "true" - (I want to show the field so the user can enter the "Discount").
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<asp:TemplateField ItemStyle-CssClass="phoneCostsPhoneStyle" >
<div style="position:relative">
<asp:Label ID="lblDayCallPhone" runat="server" Text="Day:" CssClass="lblDayCallPhoneStyle"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblDayCostsPhone" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NATIONAL_DAY", "{0:C}") %>' CssClass="lblDayCostsPhoneStyle"></asp:Label><br /><br />
<asp:Label ID="lblEveningCallPhone" runat="server" Text="Evening:" CssClass="lblEveningCallPhoneStyle"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblEveningCostPhone" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NATIONAL_EVENING", "{0:C}") %>' CssClass="lblEveningCostPhoneStyle"></asp:Label><br /><br />
<asp:Label ID="lblWeekendCallPhone" runat="server" Text="Weekend:" CssClass="lblWeekendCallPhoneStyle"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblWeekendCostPhone" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NATIONAL_WEEKEND", "{0:C}") %>' CssClass="lblWeekendCostPhoneStyle">.........
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Apr 4, 2010
I have a details view with buttons in the footer. When the user clicks the edit button the calls the ChangeEditMode() method. I want to change the mode of the details view to edit mode which seems to work fine. It goes into edit mode with a text box. I also want it to set the visible property of the edit button to false and set the visible property of the update button to true. Then while still in edit mode the user can click the update button that will call the appropriate method to persist the changes.
I got the changemode() to change to edit but can't change the visible property of the buttons correctly. This is what I have so far. Can some one please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
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Oct 15, 2010
On a single page, I'd like to fill 2 hyperlink controls as well as a datalist control with table data using one call to the database. The page looks like this:
In the code-behind, I've tried several ways to accomplish filling the labels and the datalist with a single call but I can't make it happen without using either reader.read() or if (reader.read()) on the line before I make the call to fill the labels and the datalist. This fills the hyperlink controls correctly but advances the recordset forward by one, which results in the datalist missing it's first record.
I've tried using while (reader.read()), but I get an "invalid attempt to read when no data is present" error. I've also tried using if (reader.hasrows) but I get the same error as above.Here's an example of one of the 2 ways I can get the labels and the datalist filled with data, but again this advances the recordset forward and I end up missing the row of data:
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Protected Sub GridView1_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowDataBound
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then[code]....
This will work only for the first hyperlinkfield.Omitting the comments will make the first hyperlinkfield not visible for all rows.
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Nov 6, 2010
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I am able to to this using a GridView but no success with the datalist
My form code:
Text='<%# Eval("SD") %>'></asp:Label><br
Text='<%# Eval("SDT") %>'></asp:Label><br
My VB Code behind Starts out:
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Apr 24, 2010
i need to know how to use controls like image button and labels in datalist control,and how to use imagebutton click event which is in datalist control.
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Jun 9, 2010
<asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="false" />
How to change visibility programatically from Page_load method?
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Jun 7, 2010
In the aspx markup I would like to do the following
<%if (some_condition){%>
<asp:label ID="LabelID" runat="server" />Label 1</asp:label>
<asp:label ID="LabelID" runat="server" />Label 2</asp:label>
But that wont work due to the ID-clash. I hoped that it would work this way since the labels cant exist together anyway, but that werent the case. And if I use different ID:s I have to do checkups in the aspx.cs to see which one got included.
# In the real code I dont have labels, I have UserControls, but it should be the same problems, right?
# I know this is not a very pretty way of doing things but thats how things are at the moment.
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<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Calendar ID="Calendar1" runat="server" Visible="False"></asp:Calendar>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Show" />
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Sep 26, 2010
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<asp:RadioButtonList ID="ChoicesRadioButtonList" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ChoicesRadioButtonList_SelectedIndexChanged" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Text="Show 1"></asp:ListItem>
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Sep 18, 2010
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Jun 18, 2010
I have downloaded a slideshow code snipper form one of the website, it works well when loaded with static images, but i want to display the slideshow dynamically
i have used a datalist, but the slide show is not working,
here is my code
runat="server"> [code].....
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Feb 12, 2010
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i want to know how i can Bind them with the Same DataReader without using any Collectins , Arrays ...ect?
if this is not possible whats the good solution for that? note: i dont want to update or delete these data, only dislpay them.
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Mar 28, 2010
I have a requirement to access DataTable from BLL.I want to access the same via a genric list.I have tried converting the same but all in Vain...I am a fresher at ASP .NET Here is the code I am using to convert
Then I am binding the code as follows
Is there any other way Out?As I am not getting the query results in return
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Apr 27, 2016
How to change visibilty of panel based on imagebutton mouseover and mouseout here, i have panel1(Panel) and btnimg2(imagebutton) i want to show(Panel1.visibility=true) when mouseover happens on imagebutton and Panel1.visibility=false when mouseout on imagebutton
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May 7, 2015
I would like to change the text of my X axis.
Look the below picture :
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Aug 4, 2010
i am creating one gallery in datalist, i am getting images from db with reference of perticular id like this
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblCID" ForeColor="OrangeRed" Text='<%#Bind("School_ID") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl = '<%# "Gallery.ashx?id=" + Eval("School_ID")%>'
Width = "200px" Height = "200px" onclick = "LoadDiv(this.src, this)" style ="cursor:pointer" />
e how can i pass the School_ID in above,i have been trying but i cant
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Dec 21, 2010
i have datalist.i can bind datalist but problem is that null value does not bind.but all values are not null.
my scenerio is asign click btn click then view open then insertion and save.if free class btn click then another view open and then insertion...in asign class it can bind but free class not bind.while i m providing day and period also.so why they canot bind?
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Aug 26, 2010
I am working with a formview edititemtemplate. Currently in my page load, i have some stuff that would show or hide certain panels based on dropdownlist values. These dropdown values get binded during page load. I need to be able to change the values/dropdowns, without rebinding the old data, and updating the visibility of the panels based on predefined rules.
I have experimented with putting my formview.databind() in page load if isnotpostback, in prerender, in prerender if isnotpostback. I have tried my rules (ex if ddlState.selectedvalue = "DE" then pnlDelaware.visible = "true") in the page load, and the page render. I'm just not sure how to get the stars aligned here. The closest i have come is having the databind in the pageload if notispostback, and the rules in the prerender. However I get an error "dropdownlist has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items.
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