Web Forms :: GridView And PlaceHolder / Generate Are Saving Data As Per Row, And Authenticate It Using Javascript?
Mar 12, 2010
problem, i've been 3 days more to solve this by myself but i got nothing.. really tired here.
Here's the situation :
1. I want to create a table (gridview) dynamically (programatically)
2. After i created that gridview, i have plan to put it into PlaceHolder.
And here's the problem :
- Whenever i create that table based on OnLoad Event the result is good, data is bounded normally, and from the HTML script i can see the table's script from <table> until </table>
But the main thing :
- If i generate that table not using the OnLoad Event, say, using Event from Click Button : the result is, this gridview printed normally, and the data also bounded normally, but i cannot see this table script using HTML... so far what i could see is <div> (as this is a placeholder).
Did i do something wrong here ? i really need this HTML script for generating other code based on this table, some other action i want to generate are saving data as per row, and authenticate it using javascript.
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tbxProdAC.Attributes.Add("onclick", "$('#" + GridView1.ClientID + "').remove();
$('#" + radProdAC.ClientID + "').attr('checked', true);
$('#" + ddlBuyer.ClientID + "').val('--Choose Buyer--');
$('#" + ddlSub.ClientID + "').val('--Choose Sub Category--');
$('#" + ddlProd.ClientID + "').val('--Choose Product--');");
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<td><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<%-- Content will be displayed from ajax call 1 --%>
<%-- Content will be displayed from ajax call 2 --%>
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<td class="wpss_checkboxtd"><img width="16" height="16" src="../../images/someimg.png"></td>
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<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<div id="divAjax1">
<%-- Content will be displayed from ajax call 1 --%>
<div id="divAjax2">
<%-- Content will be displayed from ajax call 2 --%>
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Attendance table
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only 3 LinkButton in Gridview at position row3 and column 3
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Dec 17, 2010
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tablename.UseAccessibleHeader = true;tablename.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader;
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Aug 3, 2010
I want to use a radio button selection on a GridView. I can get this working with a regular DS. However, my table is manually DS'd. When the page frame holding the GridView is loaded, I trigger that event to fire off the subroutine that loads a DataTable and adds the DataTable to the DataSource of the Gridview.
The Gridview has a radio button in the first column as the "SELECTED ROW" appearance. Whenever I run the onchange event code for the radio button, I try and fix the radio buttons so only one row is selected with the following code:
This code works fine with the gridview if its got a built in SQLLDataSource. However, with my manual assigning of DataSourcing to the Gridview on Frame Load, I believe the gridview is being reinitialized everytime and I'm loosing the state of the radio button. I don't believe I can use the IsPostBack() because sometimes this frame and gridview will be showing sometimes it won't and yet other times it will need to be "recreated" with new data dynamically within the page. However, I tried to use PostBack and it looks like its working until I try and do a sort...than that crashes.
When I click on Sort, it crashes here
If (mydata.Rows.Count <> 0) Then
(its complaining about it being "null")
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