Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Dynamically Generate A Gridview

Feb 10, 2011

I coded in code behind to dynamically generate a gridview as the columns of the gridview changes based on user selection. In the gridview I have dynamically generated controls like textbox, dropdown list etc.I have a few filtering options about, for example: listbox which will postback on change and causes the gridview content to change as well.My problem is: since the controls are randomly generated and every postback will read dataset from database and reload, the naming of the controls are dynamically generated too.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Generate A Serial Number Dynamically In Listview?

Sep 20, 2010

my listview having 3 columns:SI.No,HallticketNo,Name.

I bind data to listview but the "SI.No" column in listview showing Empty data.

So,how to generate serial number in listview ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Generate HTML From Server Side ?

Jul 24, 2010

How to Dynamicly generate HTML from server side ?

I'll give you some examples..

Now im using Response.Write("<a> hi hi </a>"); something like this and i generating stuff dynamicly depends on what is on the SQL..

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How to generate columns in a list view dynamically?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Generate GridViews And Drag Drop Rows From One GridView To Other

Nov 4, 2012

Actually I already have grid view which show customers list, now i want to add one text box and and button ,customer add category like favorite customer or normal etc and on the basis of this category after button click a new grid view generated on run time which only have same headers like parent grid view but I should be empty,and customer drag the rows from parent grid view to child grid view and after drop on child grid view it should save in data base,,

now im not getting how to do it, because i search on this ,,how to generate run time grid view,mostly codes are in server side ,and if grid view generate in server side how to generate it empty so that it will feasible for me to drag the items from parent grid view to child through jquery sortable function,,either i should use list view or  any other option...

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May 3, 2012

I am developing a mini project in can i visible number of textboxes at runtime to insert records by single click in sql server 2005. for example. If I have assigned 3 subjects in Assign_Subject table then i want 3 textbox at runtime but when we retrieves the subjects from Assign_Subject table we don't know the exact number of subjects to insert students marks into Exam_Result Table....

I need to create textboxes dynamically as per assigned subjects and also I need to read the text entered later (in my case its marks of the student)then 1 Insert button to insert all subjects marks as per single click.

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Web Forms :: Want To Dynamically Generate Asp Controls From Code Behind

Mar 29, 2010

On my form I want to display n number of rows of asp textboxes where n is determined by the number of records in the corresponding database table. I can dynamically generate html controls and get the values via request.form but I can't figure out how to do the same with asp controls.

The output from the following code, displays the text boxes from the "input type=text" statement, but displays nothing for the "asp:textbox" statement. I would prefer to use asp (or third party controls) so would greatly appreciate help on how to render non-html controls dynamically from my code behind.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim ncount As Integer = 0
Dim strOutput As String = "" [code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Generate Table (database) In Gridview

Feb 5, 2010

I am creating a attendance database table in sql server2005.. i just want to generate the gridview as follows in form.aspx.. i am using generate the report in gridview..

Attendance table
employee name(varchar)- Its contain all the employees name
date(datetime)-Its contain dates
status(varchar)-Its contain the status of employee whether they are Present or Absent

I just need all the employee name (data) in one rows and dates in columns.. also i need the status of the employees inside this.. whether they are absent or present.

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May 5, 2010

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Dec 5, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting A Gridview To Generate Thead And Tbody While An Emptydatatemplate Is Being Used?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a curious issue,I am using a combination of controls with Jquery and am using the JQuery plug called datatables. Instead of applying this to a html table, I applied it to an gridview. To get it to work, I had to add the thead and tbody tags to the grid like so in the c#:

tablename.UseAccessibleHeader = true;tablename.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader;

The issue is, is when data is filtered in the table, often there are no results and the emptydatatemplate is used. When this occurs the thead and tbody tags are not in the source outputted by the browser, and an occur occurs and the jquery does not function. Error: 'asSorting' is null or not an objectDoes anyone know a solution? I need to use both the gridview and the jquery datatables ideally.

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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Use FindControl For GridView Auto Generate Edit Command Button

Jul 23, 2010

My GridView uses auto generate Edit & Delete command button. And then program the insert button. I want to do something when users click the Edit button so I wrote something like this:


When click the Insert button in the Footer, the program works fine. But when trying to click the auto generate Edit button, the following statement failed with the exception stated in the code above:

first_name = gvAgent.SelectedRow.FindControl("txtEditFName")

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Forms Data Controls :: Remove Image Button From The Gridview Then Generate The Excell Sheet?

Nov 12, 2010


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Forms Data Controls :: Child Gridview Editing On Dynamically Added Nested Gridview

Jan 3, 2010

I have a nested gridview dynamically added. It seems I resolved all issues with the loading this control on a parent page along with other controls and I can trigger the edit of the first level - the master part of the gridview. However, I cannot trigger the edit on a child gridview.


The master and the child gridviews have objectdatasources in a markup but I have to do the additional data binding after the loading the control on the parent page (see the code below). I'm doing that additional data binding only for the master gridview that is working fine and shows the data for the master and the child gridviews. When I click the Edit button on the master gridview it shows text boxes for the editing but when I click the Edit button on the child gridview it's doing nothing and moreover the editing mode for the master gridview is going back to the initial stage (labels).

I was trying to trigger it throughuse the registering the event:


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Data Controls :: Retrieve GridView DataSource To Generate Reports?

Dec 21, 2012

object og = GridView_EmployeeTimeSheet.DataSource;
System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
dt = (System.Data.DataTable)og;

But getting null in og(object) and at run time Gridview is showing its required data...

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Generate An URL?

Feb 4, 2011

I want to dynamically generate an URL which should be of the following syntx:

http://<variable for domain>/FolderName/downloads.aspx?MAC=a.b.c.d & dtype=win

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Forms Data Controls :: Add New Row Dynamically In Gridview?

May 19, 2010

i have a gridview with 5 columns and last column is a button column.....

now by clicking on dat button i need to add a new empty row with last column as btncolumn like prevs row

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Generate Sitemap Of Any Url?

Apr 6, 2010

I am develop a webservice for user have to simple enter a url of website and it must generate a sitemap.xml for that particular website.

I have used GoogleSiteMapProvider but gives only local website Sitemap not any other.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Generate A Menu?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a 3 layer application (DAL, BLL,PL)

I wanted to create a horizantal menu and then to populate/enable/disable the items of the menu depending on the user has permision of a specific form/page or not.

The backend/ data base work is complete. I give rights to a user/role on a specific page and I

also develope functions/procedures to check the user rights/retrieve all pages on which the user has rights.

The missing part is the front end, How I can implement this on the front end?

If I got some standard way, I will immplement it in all my future apps, As most of our apps have some menu and we want to display mentu items to the user depneding on the rights.

I may want to clear one thing here that I want a horizantal menu but there is no horizantal menu in tree view.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Generate Texbox?

May 25, 2010

I have Dynamically generated HTML Table which has dynamically generated button in one of its column. If that button is clicked it adds a textbox to the very next row using javascript.I encountered a problem in identifying which column's button is being clicked.Please someone help me how to get the particular row index of a table of which button is being clicked. And how to send that rowindex to the javascript function which generates the textboxes.

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Web Forms :: Generate Hash Key Value Dynamically?

Aug 27, 2010

How to create a hash key based on the user login? And based on that hash key how create persistent url for that user?

i.e picasa album sharing based on one identity key value.

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Web Forms :: How To Generate HTML And CSS Dynamically

Mar 29, 2013

I am trying to integrate URL.... I am selecting urls of 3 images from database and and displaying those 3 images from a particular album. Now the problem is that what if the user has multiple user? It should be able to generate as many Jquery albums on the page as there are in the database associated with that user.

<div class="image_stack" style="margin-left:300px" runat="server" >
<img id="photo1" class="stackphotos" runat="server" clientidmode="static" >
<img id="photo2" class="stackphotos" runat="server" clientidmode="static">
<img id="photo3" class="stackphotos" runat="server" clientidmode="static" >


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Forms Data Controls :: Add Column To A Gridview Dynamically?

Jun 27, 2010

So I take all my current query and through it into my gridview and it works great. What I need to do is grab some data from antoher query and add on columns if anything exists in the data. How can i create columns dynamically and add them onto my existing gridview if data exists.

Sql = Select intMetricId, strBenchmarkName, intBenchmark from tblbenchmark.
myDataTable = New DataTable
myDatatable = GetData(sql)
mygridview.Datasource = mydatatable

So strBenchmarkName would be the new column heading name and then all the 12 rows of data would be the inbenchmark if any exists.

How can i new columns on an existing gridview if anything exists in the datasource.

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