Web Forms :: How Large Can The RangeValidator's MaximumValue Be For Type Currency

Jul 29, 2010

The following RangeValidator gives me the exception shown further below.

enter an estimated cost with only numbers."

Exception information:

Exception type: System.Web.HttpException

Exception message: The value '99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999' of the MaximumValue property of 'RangeValidator1' cannot be converted to type 'Currency'.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: RangeValidator - Only MinimumValue Or Only MaximumValue?

Sep 8, 2010

It can only be used in RangeValidator MinimumValue?I need two texts to determine the minimum and maximum.

<asp:RangeValidator ID="RangeValidator1" runat="server"
ErrorMessage="Payment amount is too small!" ControlToValidate="AmountDeposit"
ValidationGroup="ErrormessageValidationGroup" MinimumValue="1" Type="Integer" Display="Dynamic">


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Web Forms :: Display MinimumValue (or MaximumValue) In RangeValidator's ErrorMessage?

Dec 6, 2010

Is there a way to bind MinimumValue or MaximumValue of RangeValidator in it's own ErrorMessage declaratively (in .aspx file)?

I want to do something like

<asp:RangeValidator id="validator1" runat="server".... ErrorMessage="Please enter a value between <%# validator1.MinimumValue %> and <%# validator1.MaximumValue %> />

I would then set validator1.MinimumValue or validator1.MaximumValue in PageLoad, because I get those values from a database.

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Web Forms :: MaximumValue Property Of 'RangeValidator1' Cannot Be Converted To Type 'Date'?

Aug 20, 2010

I am getting error message: The value '31/12/2050' of the MaximumValue property of 'RangeValidator1' cannot be converted to type 'Date'

Asp.net pages were working fine before but after reinstalling the VS2008 on new machine and copied the old pages to new machine i am getting this error message.

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How To Use RangeValidator For Large Numbers (Int64 Range)

Apr 4, 2011

Is there a way to use RangeValidator for large numbers (Int64 range)?

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Web Forms :: Automatically Add Comma To Large Numbers And Display In Currency Format

Jan 24, 2016

How can i calculate the sum of two textboxes(Textbox1 and Textbox2) and then add comma with .00 to another textbox(Textbox3). Example say Textbox1 = 2 and Textbox2 = 500

Textbox3=Textbox1 * Textbox2

Textbox3= 1,000.00

Note: Textbox3 should happen onkeyup ...

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Data Controls :: Add Comma To Large Numbers And Display It In Currency Format

Jan 24, 2016

With reference to the following thread: URL....I have problem applying the same concept to gridview EditItemTemplate. Is there a way i can add comma to large numbers and display it in currency format like exemple below:

Textbox3=Textbox1 * Textbox2

Textbox3= 1,000.00

Textbox3 should happen OnTextChanged and the above controls are in Gridview edit mode.

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DataSource Controls :: Need To Store In MS SQL Server 2005 A Vary Large Text In To One Field Of Type Nvarchar?

Feb 13, 2010

I have the following problem: I need to store in MS SQL Server 2005 a vary large text in to one field of type nvarchar(MAX), In spite of the configuration is apparently correct I keep receiving the following message in the exception: "string or binary data would be truncated".

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Web Forms :: How To Also Add A Comma Within A RangeValidator

Jan 4, 2010

I have the below rangeValidator. However I would also like it to accept 999999,00 (seperated by a comma) I have found the following reg expression: ((d{1,2},)?(d{3},)*(d{3}))|(d+) but I'm not sure where to include this?


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Web Forms :: Can RangeValidator Be Used With Alphabetic Characters

Apr 12, 2010

I want to be sure a user only enters alphabetic characters for a field that accepts strings. They should only be able to enter a-z, no numbers. Can the minimum and maximum values be set to a and z, respectively?

View 10 Replies

Web Forms :: RegularExpressionValidation (moving From RangeValidator)?

Dec 9, 2010

I am using RangeValidator whose Minimum and Maximum vales are set in code behind dynamically. Minimum and Maximum values are exracted form the database. These values are in the range of 0 to n (integers only). Therefore user can enter values from0 to n (integers only).Now I have a situation where user can also put -1 which can't be handled by range validator. So my last option is to regular expression to handle such situation.Valid values for the user are (-1, 0-n). But I don't now how to get such regular expression , any help would be appreciated. I can manipulate expression in code behind based on values extracted from the database.Also , maximum possible value for n is 255 (Note: minimum and maximum values are extracted from the database)

View 11 Replies

Web Forms :: Enable / Disable Control With RangeValidator?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a text box, a range validator, and a button. The validator is hooked up and prevents the button from doing a post back if the text is out of the range, however I'd also like to enable and disable the button. Is this possible to do within client-side code?

View 12 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Set Maximum And Minimum Value Of RangeValidator From Database

May 7, 2015

I want to set a Range Validator on a TextBox to prevent someone from entering max and min value greater than is available in DB table.

Both min and max Value saved in DB has datatype Double.

<asp:TextBox ID="WaterLvl" runat="server" MaxLength="10"></asp:TextBox>

<asp:RangeValidator ID="RangeValidator1" runat="server" MaximumValue=" " MinimumValue=" " Type="Double" Text="Value out of range" ErrorMessage="Value out of range" ControlToValidate="WaterLvl" ForeColor="Red"></asp:RangeValidator>

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Web Forms :: How To Use A RangeValidator Control Which Will Validate Password Field

Apr 6, 2010

I want to use a RangeValidator Control which will validate my Password field where i want to check that if user enters less than 6 characters passwrod then it will prompt an error .

I want to give minimum & maximun password size ie minimum 6 characters. It could be alphanumeric & combination of special characters.

Maximum size should be 15 characterss.Same any combination o Alpha numeric or special charactors.

I have done it through Custom Validator .But how can i do this with Range Validator control.

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Range In RangeValidator Programmatically?

May 5, 2010

I have a DetialsView that has a year field that needs to have the range set dynamiclly

I use this when it was just a textbox outisde the detailsview

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
rvYear.MaximumValue = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Today.Year);
rvYear.ErrorMessage = "Must enter a year between 1900 and " + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Today.Year);


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Web Forms :: Compare Date Values In TextBoxes Using RangeValidator

May 16, 2012

I have a form where one field needs to check if the person is up to 17 years of age by between 01/01/2011 and 12/31/2011.

So I added a a Range Validator and Validator Callout Extender 

How can I get the page to check this range when the user enters in their dob in the dob textbox then when they go and enter a date in the bmidte box (if they are over 17 years of age) I want my error message to apper.

 Here's the aspx page code:

         RangeValidatorBMIDte.MinimumValue = "01/01/2011"
        RangeValidatorBMIDte.MaximumValue = "12/31/2011"
        RangeValidatorBMIDte.ErrorMessage = "Date Entered is NOT Valid. Value needs to be between 01/01/2011 and 12/31/2011."

[Code] ....

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Forms Data Controls :: RangeValidator Validation Occurs On CancelCommand?

Jul 24, 2010

RangeValidator validation occurs on CancelCommand


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Web Forms :: RangeValidator Doesn't Accept Integer With Group Separator?

Sep 20, 2010

I need to validate integer within a specified range for English and French culture. The integer contains group separator ("," in English culture or " " in French culture). It seems I can't do it with RangeValidator on my machine.

I just want to make sure the RangeValidator can't do this kind validation for Integer before I'm going to write my own control.

I just feel curious because RangeValidator can actually do this kind of validation for Currency!

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AJAX :: RangeValidator With CultureInvariantValues=True?

Jan 12, 2010

I am working on a ASP.NET app that supports user level cultures. Just about everything works, however, I am running into a problem with the RangeValidator. Here is the sample control set:


When a culture that uses "0,0" (pt-BR for example) attempts to load this page with the controls as shown, it bombs (Gives an ASP.NET debug page). If I either set MinimumValue="0" or add CultureInvariantValues="true" the page will load. The problem with this is that on several controls, the minimum value is actually 0.0001. When I use the CultureInvariant setting, that validator is telling me that the following values are invalid: ".031" and "1", no matter what culture I am using to view the page.

I understand the the CultureInvariantValues setting applies only to the values in the Min/Max settings on the validator, not on the data entered in the control that is being validated. But this does not explain why values that should be accepted as valid are being flagged as invalid.Our application currently runs in 20 different countries and is internally translated into 4 languages (based on user culture settings), with 3 more on the board for this year. I have googled this extensively, and while I have found some info on Currency and Date data types, the problems experienced are not the same.

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Asp :RangeValidator And Asp:RegularExpressionValidator Both Fired Simultaneously?

Feb 17, 2011

I have Asp:TextBox,Asp:RegularExpressionValidator and Asp:RangeValidator on .aspx page.

These two validators have ControlToValidate value equal to textBox Id.

RegularExpressionValidator have validation Expression such that it allows only number.

Range validator have maximum value ="100" and if I enter any text then both validators get fired .

Logically only RegularExpressionValidator should fire if I enter any textvalue.

Is there any property of Range validator such that it check for numeric value to compare and disbled if value entered in textBox is some text so that no handling of event(Client side and Server side both) is required.

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Rangevalidator Dynamic Date Minimum Value?

Jul 10, 2010

I am trying to put a range validator on a date entered by a user. However, I want the minimum date to by dynamic to only have a user with a DOB which is over 17 yrs ago. Is there a way to put a dynamic value i.e Date.Now() - x;.

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AJAX :: RangeValidator And ComboBox Working?

Jan 27, 2010

The code below when using a traditional ASP.NET DropDownList works perfectly. If a value is not picked (default value still displaying), then the range validator displays the problem. However when I use this same code with an AJAX ComboBox, the RangeValidator
returns false every time, and the message is always displayed. Take a look:


So every time I press a button to postback, the "** Item is required**" message is displayed. Again, this works just fine with a regular ASP.NET DDL, just not with the ComboBox from the toolkit. I can get a RequiredFieldValidator working with the ComboBox, but I like the post selection behavior of a RangeValidator better.

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Validators - RangeValidator Can't Do Even The Most Basic Math?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm having an issue with my ASP.NET RangeValidator controls.

I want to allow users to enter a discount amount, and this amount must be negative (< $0.00). I want to verify that the amount entered in a textbox is a negative value, so I have this in my page markup:

<asp:TextBox ID="tbxDiscount" runat="server" />
<asp:RangeValidator ID="rvDiscount" runat="server" ControlToValidate="tbxDiscount"
MinimumValue="0.0" MaximumValue="0.0" EnableClientScript="true"
ErrorMessage="Please enter a negative value for a discount" />

and I attempt to set the MinimumValue dynamically in my code before the page gets rendered - to the negative equivalent of my item price. So if the item is $69, I want to set the minimum value to - $69:

rvDiscount.MinimumValue = (-1.0m * Price).ToString();

Trouble is: I keep getting this error message:

The maximum value 0.0 cannot be less
than the minimum value -69.00 for

WTF?!?!??! Where I come from, -69 $ IS less than $0 ...... so what's the problem?

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Localization :: RangeValidator And Decimal Separator?

Feb 8, 2010

I'm developing a web application which get number with decimals. When I write 0.08 the rangevalidator understand 80 and it doesn't valid it. It does well if I write 0,08.The most extrange is In the develpoing computer and in the client computer I have the point as decimal separator in regional settings.Where can I change the decimal separator por rangevalidator in the cliente computer?

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Web Forms :: How To Format Currency In A Textbox

Jan 26, 2010

how to format currency in a textbox? i don't want to user ajax maskextender..

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