Web Forms :: How To Calculate Time On The Page

May 10, 2010

I want to calculate time span of the page - when the page is completely loaded timer should start at '0' and when the page is closed timer should stop. how will i accomplish that ... using javascript or using timer server control.

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How To Calculate Time As User Can Change Server Time

Apr 8, 2010

I am trying to implement a license in which we will provide a license file which will be placed on the server root directory.This license file contain encrypted strings which have ServerName, Concurrent Sessions , Timeperiod.n this i have two issue.How could i calculate time as user can change server time.How could i maintain the concurrent login sessions [because i can't catch the event hen user close the browser].I will welcome any tehcnique otehr then javascript solution.[even polling] but i can't save session information in database

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Web Forms :: Calculate Total Time For A Week?

Sep 28, 2010

My timeIn and Timeout values are like this 17:00,2:00.similarly i have 1 week Timein and timeout.I am calcuating the Totaltime for each day and storing it in string.

I want to calcuate Totaltime for a week.Since it is stored in string i am unable to add.I cannot store it in Integer because value is like 17:00.Tell what datatype i can use in database and also infront end with simple example.

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Web Forms :: How To Calculate Each Visitor Time On The Website

May 7, 2010

I know google analytics can do it,but i need to store each user data on my own database - for various advanced reasons and want to manipulate it. Here are my series of questions

1)How do i calculate time (when the visitor visits the website the timer should start....and when the visitor closes the page on my ASP.NEt Website timer should stop...so collecting his timespan to visit the website(when the visitor closes the page how should i make timer stop....and make an entry of his visit into the database....tricky...but i know there is a way out but how???).

2) I neede to know from which country the user came from...I know to collect the IP address but how could we find out which country the user came from..???

3)the next thing i need to know is..I want to display reports on my ASP.NEt Website of all visitor information,country,date time he visited and which technology i can use...crystal reports will be fine for me...or should any other.

4) i need to make it look like google analytics and make it super fast ...so my website visitors shouldnt wait too long..

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May 7, 2015

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Web Forms :: Calculate Total Hours Time Difference

Mar 2, 2012

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Forms Data Controls :: Calculate Total Time From A Record In A Table?

Dec 31, 2010

I tried with no succcess doing a search here on the forum for some answers or pointers. So here goes.

I would like to Calculate total time from a records in a table.

the Table we'll call it "Time Table" may have four rows IE.

Field1 Field2
IN 08:00:00
OUT 12:30:00
IN 13:00:00
OUT 17:00:00

I am trying to display these records in a Child gridview with a total. Is there any SQL that can total time like this? or any other way I can total this?

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Web Forms :: Calculate Relative Time - Minutes / Hours Or Weeks Ago In Words

May 7, 2015

I would like to get the accurarte (days, minutes, months and years) differnce between two date time variables and not just who is greater.

Is there a better way to do it then run DateTime's methods (TotalDays, TotalHours, TotalMinutes. etc...) and do the calculation?

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How To Calculate The Time

Jan 19, 2010

i want to calculate time like for example i made entery in database on 1/1/2009 and time was 3:30 ,and now if it displayed in gridview in this format like 1 hour ago (if i m viewing it after 1 hour or so)or show 3 days ago if browsing it after 3 days

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How To Calculate Total Time For A Week

Sep 29, 2010

I am calculating totaltime of the employee for each day.I want weekly totaltime working hours.I am using for loop to calculate totaltime for 1 week.But i am storing Total time in String.How to add totaltime for week. If i use DateTime i am getting date also but i want only time. TotalTime - 9:00 for 1 day. I should use Static variable to keep the Previous TotalTime in varible so that i can add previous and current day totaltime.


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Mar 24, 2011


also what if i want to display all records which are entered in last 20min /30mins i m already havn a coloumn of datetime

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Calculate The Time The Visitor Has Been On The Website?

Mar 14, 2010

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SQL Server :: Using Datediff To Calculate Elapsed Time?

Sep 3, 2010

my app requires an elapsed time calculation that I have done like this

CONVERT(Varchar, (DATEPART(dd, GETDATE() - DateAdded)-1) * 24 +
DATEPART(hh,GETDATE() - DateAdded)) + 'h:' + CONVERT(Varchar, DATEPART(mi, GETDATE() - DateAdded)) + 'm' AS ElapsedTime

This works.. I can then colour my grid view cells accordingly using the substring function.. the problem is that I have been told that using GETDATE three times is not a good use of resources, is it possible to use the Datediff function to get the same result?

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C# - How To Calculate Time Elapsed Between Two Consecutive Requests

Nov 18, 2010

I am want to develop a quiz site using MVC 2. A single page will display only one question. The examinee will select or type the answer and press Next button to proceed.

My business logic on the server side will record the time elapsed between two consecutive page requests. This time elapsed must not be tempered by any means to make a reliable diagnostic report.

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VS 2005 - Calculate How Much Time User Spend On Site?

Jun 11, 2010

i have a project created in asp.net 2.0. i want to calcuate how much time user spend on my site ???

i can do it by using (logout time - login time) ...but what happens if user directly close the browser by clicking [X] button..

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Data Controls :: Calculate Difference Between In And Out Time In GridView

May 7, 2015

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I want to do this in C#.

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Localization :: Calculate The Local Time Which Is Ambiguous, With The Correct sDaylightSavingTime Property ?

Feb 25, 2010

I want to store DateTimes in my Database in Universal Time. A user can select his/her TimeZone (Retrieved from TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones)I created a usercontrol, where a (local) datetime can be entered. This LocalDateTime is converted to Universal Time, which is stored in the database:


So far so good. Next step was that I would validate the LocalDateTime. A (Local) DataTime can be Invalid, when the time moves ahead from Standard Time To Daylight Saving Time, preventing it to be converted to Universal Time. This can be done like this:

So the next question is:

How can I calculate the Local Time which is ambiguous, with the correct sDaylightSavingTime Property ?

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Data Controls :: Calculate Individual Time Of User And Display In Datalist Footer?

May 7, 2015

how do i give the individual total time? 

Means if i have a person name asim which is working on project and on same project he start n stop time (2 time) so how can i calculate the total time of only that person on that particular project ?

This is my asp.net code

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Data Controls :: Calculate Individual Time Of User And Display In DataList Footer

Jan 28, 2014

How do I give the individual total time? 

Means if i have a person name asim which is working on project and on same project he start n stop time (2 time) so how can i calculate the total time of only that person on that particular project ?

This is my asp.net code

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Name:</strong>
<asp:Label ID="NameLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Name") %>' />
<br />
<br />
<strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; JobNumber:</strong>
<asp:Label ID="JobNumberLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("JobNumber") %>' />

[Code] .....

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How To Calculate The Page Index In Grid View

Dec 9, 2010

I am using a set of codes for all web pages

grvcity.PageIndex + = 1;

to get the next page in grid view

I want to caluclate the page index where the currently is on . How to do it

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