I want to calculate total hours with minute and display date, IN timing, Out timing of employee and total work between these time and I'm using vb.net 2005 and sql server 2005 ...
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(constr)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),InTime,108 ), CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),outTime,108 ) FROM aten WHERE Id = '" + txtid.Text + "' and date between '" +
I have been working on a .NET/C# form that contains two time fields that are built out of dropdowns. Time A is made up of two dropdowns for Hours and Minutes and Time B is made up of two drop downs for hours and minutes too. I need to compare the two in order to ensure that Time A is always greater than B. I could just use a CompareValidator to check the hours, that works BUT doesn't take into account the minutes. So lets assume the following scenarios:
A = 11:00 B = 12:15 is fine my validation accepts this as it should do A = 11:15 B = 11:00 is accepted because the hours are equal but otherwise shouldn't pass as the minutes aren't validated
How would you ensure B is always equal to or greater than A where dropdowns are used? I would if I could change this but not permitted to do so.
I'm trying to calculate the yrs, months, days, hours, mins, seconds between two dates with sql server or c# (ive just used sql more).
I have some code below that I started, but I get some negative values for months, values over 31 for months, and there very well could be more issues. Honestly my math is not the greatest and Im just not sure how to fix it. I want the user to be able to enter their birthday and for it to calculate the yrs, months, days, hours, mins, and seconds they have been alive.
I have weekly wise scheduled hours of each employee and no of days scheduled for each employee,now i need to calculate no of employees scheduled less than 24 hours,no of emp's scheduled b/w 24 and 48 hrs and emp's scheduled more than 48 hrs in percentage for fisrt week,second week,3rd week and 4th week.
In my asp.net application I user Microsoft Membership to manage site access security and find the time saved into LastLoginDate is ahead of local time (Eastern Time Zone) 3 hours. What is wrong with it and how to ajust it to local time by application system only such as changing some properties od application?
When I tested my ASP.net page on the local host, the time came out exactly right. But when I uploaded everything and tested it out on the internet, it was 3 hours behind -TimeLabel.Text = Now.ToShortTimeString It's 7:44AM here, but it shows up as 4:44AM.
I am trying to implement a license in which we will provide a license file which will be placed on the server root directory.This license file contain encrypted strings which have ServerName, Concurrent Sessions , Timeperiod.n this i have two issue.How could i calculate time as user can change server time.How could i maintain the concurrent login sessions [because i can't catch the event hen user close the browser].I will welcome any tehcnique otehr then javascript solution.[even polling] but i can't save session information in database
whenever I replace a master page on my site the pages load after a few hours(1-2) and only after that the site returned to work as normal.. I dont use VS "open web site" from the web method, instead I download the page I want to change (using flashfxp for instance), make my changes and upload it back. I do this process because every now and then the VS stuck/not responding/think long time. he master pages I change are used by few thousand of pages in the site, my thought is that whenever I change a master all the site get rebuild and therefor the long loading time..
I have a pretty basic search feature on a site that queries a sqldb with a sqldarasource, and then displays the results on a page, in a panel within a Repeater. I'd like to figure out if it's possible to somehow highlight the words the user searched on as they are displayed in the search results. The code below is my repeater. Do you know of any way to manipulate the Title or Description if the words in it's body match the words searched?
I was reading this article about relative time calculationThe problem is that the results are wrong due to the time offset. My webpage is Greek.So how should i modify that function to work correctly, including the GMT+2 or GMT+3 hours offset?
I want to calculate time span of the page - when the page is completely loaded timer should start at '0' and when the page is closed timer should stop. how will i accomplish that ... using javascript or using timer server control.
i was just wondering how one would approach creating a link that would be active for 24 hours for a user... ie i have in the db a time of confirmation and then wanted to make a download active for them for 24 hours and deactivate it post then.
My timeIn and Timeout values are like this 17:00,2:00.similarly i have 1 week Timein and timeout.I am calcuating the Totaltime for each day and storing it in string.
I want to calcuate Totaltime for a week.Since it is stored in string i am unable to add.I cannot store it in Integer because value is like 17:00.Tell what datatype i can use in database and also infront end with simple example.