Web Forms :: How To Carry Values From Form To Form

Jan 3, 2011

How to carry values from "Form to Form" in ASP.net using vb.net?

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Web Forms :: Parent-child Web Form: How To Close Dialog Box And Return Values To Parent Form?

Jan 24, 2010

In my website I have two forms: parent form and child form(dialog box). Their expected behaviour is like this: if clicked on 'show' button on parent form, a dialog form opens that displays a gridview. In dialog form, if clicked on 'select' button it closes
itself and returns value in selected row back to parent form.

To achieve this I write following code (.cs) : in parent form:

void ShowBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


StringBuilder jScript = new StringBuilder(); [code]....

Now problem is: the code in parent .cs works fine, it opens the dialog properly. But when clicked on 'select', instead of returning back to parent, it opens the same dialog again in new window. This newly open window says "Done but error on page" at left bottom.

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How To Submit The Values Of A Form To Another Form In A Different Application

Feb 28, 2011

I have two asp.net applications webapp1 and webapp2, in each application i have a asp.net form Deafult.aspx

I want to do a form submit from Default.aspx in webapp1 and recieve the value in webapp2.

I tried to do it with simply setting action ="webapp2 location" but it is throwing the bellow error

Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

I even added the machinekey element to web.config

but it is still showing the same error.

This is the code for webapp1 form which sends data to webapp2


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Web Forms :: Using Querystring To Carry Over Values From TWO DDL's?

Apr 16, 2010

I have been using a querystring to carry over the value of a DDL to the next page. Now I want to carry over values of two Drop down lists through Querystring on to my next page.Here is my code to carry over one DDL using QueryString:

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Response.Redirect(String.Format("Option1_result.aspx?ddl1={0}", DropDownList1.SelectedValue))
End Sub

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Forms Data Controls :: DropDownLists, Carry Over Values, C#?

Apr 13, 2010

I have a FormView in InsertItem that contains one DropDownList linked to a Table Datasource to display ItemCodes. In that "lookup" table I also have a Retail and Cost field.When the user selects the item from the drop down, how can I have these to field carry over into my new record that is being inserted. The new record also has a Retail and Cost field that are TextBoxes.Basically I am populating the new fields with the default values from the DropDownList.

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Hanging Request.Form Collection Values / Request.Form Collection Is Readonly

Jun 20, 2010

I'm using HttpModule to capture requests to the web server. Before processing the page I'd like to check the values contained in some keys of the Request.Form collection and according to some logic change if necessary. I'd like to do this when BeginRequest event is fired. The problem is that the Request.Form collection is readonly.

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Web Forms :: How To Post Data From One Form To Other Form Using Cross-Page Technique

Jan 14, 2011

I have Master Page and ascx user controls in my application.

how would I use the Cross-Page technique using the @ PreviousPageType directive.

useful links or samples to achieve this.

I am trying to use the Page class that exposes a property named PreviousPage from my User Control.

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Web Forms :: IFrame Form Data Capture Upon Parent Page Form Submit Action

Jun 8, 2010

I have a web form called default.aspx which has a form with user information. In addition to this, I have an iFrame on the same page that displays a page Secondary-Form.aspx that has a few additional dynamic data fields. I need to do two things.

1. I need to pass the parent form data in real time to the iFrame page to refresh its content and modify it's fields accordingly. Example: If the user submits their Vehicle Choice as Car on parent form, the form item in iFrame will display a radio button that says Honda, and if the user submits their Vehicle Choice as MotorCycle in the parent page, the iFrame will display Harley Davidson as the radio button choice

2. The submit button is on the parent page. I want both pieces of this information (from the parent page, as well as iFrame selection) to be passed to a server side ASPX page to process this information.the default.aspx and Secondary-Form.aspx files are located on different domains.

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Web Forms :: Create Form In Asp Which Reloads Another Form Without Refreshing Page?

Jan 26, 2011

i need to create a dynamic form that switches the contents of the page without reloading or refreshing the page.

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Web Forms :: Serializing An Array From Code Behind Of One Web Form To JavaScript Of Another Web Form

Feb 16, 2011

I have a web form where I create an array of type structure.

In this form I have:


but this is not OK.

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Web Forms :: Paymnet Request Form Aka Invoice Form..Best Practice

Nov 1, 2010

I am creating a Payment request form that my customers are going to fill out and submit so they get paid I would classifi it as an invoice. Does any one have any examples or point me to a good place to read about creating this type of form and the database tables to support the application?

The form will basically have some fields they will fill in for the header then in the related stuf come charge amounts with there types aka partnumbers of sorts and also the ablity to put in there own types / aka partnumbers and there amounts. I wont be housing any amounts they will supply all the information of payment amounts and types.

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Web Forms :: Redirecting An Array From One Web Form In The Javascript Section Of The Other Web Form

Feb 16, 2011

I have a web form where I define an array of type struct and I redirected it in the <script runat="server">
section of the second web form. But when I use that array below, in the <script type="text/javascript">
section in the html code of the same web form an error occured in the for cycle saying that the array (Array1) is undefined, and also the counter which I also defined in <script runat="server"> section.

I have this code in the <script runat="server">
section of the second web form:

public struct Point1
public float lat;
public float long1;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Retreive from session
Point1[] Array1 = Session["s1"] as Point1[];
//Run a Foreach loop
int nCnt
= 0;
foreach (Point1 p1
in Array1)
float x1
= p1.lat;
float y1
= p1.long1;
and in the <script
section I have:
for (var i = 0; i <
nCnt; i++)
lineString.getCoordinates().pushLatLngAlt(Array1[i][0], Array1[i][1],0);
lineString = ge.createLineString('');

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Web Forms :: Pop Up Form In .net 3.5 - Clicking A Button  a Small Pop Up Form Appear With Some Controls?

May 28, 2010

i need a pop up form in asp.net 3.5 like by clicking a button a small pop up form should appear with some controls after entering data that form should disappear and that values should reflect on main form.

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Web Forms :: Master Detail Transaction Form Like Windows Form

Oct 17, 2012

I need to develop web application. In my application  i have transaction form. Like sales invoice contains 2 tables,header table and detail table. In my web form i should have gridview, in that gridview user should enter data's and save it to the detail table.

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Fields On The Form Will Repeated Twice, Once For The Original Values, One For The Changed Values?

Nov 22, 2010

I was told to use a Repeater control in what I am doing which is a "Data Entry" screen with ASP.NET controls -a standard "address" like form. In cases, the fields on the form will repeated twice, once for the original values, one for the changed values. I have not used this control before but it seems like I have to bind to a database. Instead, I have an Entity object that has been obtained via a Repository. Can I bind to an object like this?

public class RON


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Web Forms :: Changing Form Id (form) In Child Page?

Mar 24, 2011

Previously form id in child pages was aspnetform,suddenly now the id has changed to form1, now the problem is there are lots of script used with reference to id aspnetform and they are giving error. So i want to change or override the form1 name to aspnetform to make it work again

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Web Forms :: Accessing Panel Control Of One Form In Another Form?

Oct 12, 2010

i friends i am having two forms say form a and formb and having two panels in formb and i want to show this panels from forma based on some condition and the code which i am using is

Dim capfrmobj As New CaptureForm
capfrmobj.panelvf.Visible = True
capfrmobj.pnlc.Visible = False
capfrmobj.pnlnc.Visible = False

then also i am not getting the output

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Web Forms :: Email Form Field Values

Apr 22, 2013

i have created a web form in which there are few text field i want to save data to database and  and that data should be mail to the website owner and welcome message to the Clinet whose data was it

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Web Forms :: Loosing Values In Form On Insert Attempt?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a page with an asp:FormView. When I attempt an insert and it fails I loose the data in the form. ViewState is enabled.

<asp:FormView ID="frm_Person" runat="server" DataKeyNames="Person" DataSourceID="ds_edit_Person" DefaultMode="Insert" ViewStateMode="Enabled">

I am trapping the error on the datasource with

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="ds_edit_Person". oninserted="ds_Edit_Person_Sql_Event" onupdated="ds_Edit_Person_Sql_Event".

(ErrorHandler is just a static lookup function):

protected void ds_Edit_Person_Sql_Event(object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) {
if (e.Exception != null) {
SqlException sqlex = (SqlException)e.Exception;
lbl_Error.Text = ErrorHandler.TranslateError(sqlex.Number);
e.ExceptionHandled = true;
else {
lbl_Error.Text = ErrorHandler.TranslateError(0);

How do I keep the values in the form?

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Getting Values Of A Form Contains MULTIPLE CheckBox Controls

Jan 8, 2010

can i have the code for getting the values including Images & Data associated with Checkbox control which is checked on submited.i'm using table,in which i have images along with values of measurements.if i'm checking the checkbox means i need to get the value of that particular images and i need to send it to an eamil id.here i need a code for getting values of the image. if any one provide a code for this either for normal tables or ASP tables.

<asp:CheckBox ID="chkbx12" OnCheckedChanged="chkLayout_CheckedChanged" Checked="true" AutoPostBack="true" runat="server" Text="Select" Font-Names="Arial" />

likewise i'm using 12 checkbox in a normal table(i.e <td> ).end of the form,there will be a button which should get verfy the checkbox's and set the correct value.

Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Button3.Click
'Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim s
As String =
"Selected items:<br>"
Dim i
As Int32
For i = 0
To chkbx(i).Count - 1
If chkbx(i).Selected
' List the selected items
s = s & chkbx(i).Text
s = s & "<br>"
End If
Label1.Text = s
End Sub
Sub chkLayout_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As EventArgs)
If chkLayout.Checked =
True Then
chkbx(i).RepeatLayout = RepeatLayout.Table
chkbx(i).RepeatLayout = RepeatLayout.Flow
End If
End Sub

Is this format is correct.i'm fresher and i dont know realy

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Web Forms :: How To Get Updated Values Of Fields In Form Through InnerHTML Tag?

Jul 14, 2010

How to get updated values of fields in form through InnerHTML tag?

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Web Forms :: Adding Values To Form Tag In Mastersite From Site?

Sep 30, 2010

nable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm' to type 'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl'.Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm' to type 'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl'.Source Error:


/* MasterPage mp = (MasterPage)this.Master;

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Web Forms :: Form Inside Form Working?

Mar 19, 2010

there is one dynamic page, that, from a database, based on a lot of gathered information (user id, account #, etc), actually 'spits' out an html form, with an action which goes to a website and sends a bunch of hidden information from our site.y situation is this - I am building a master page for the site, which will include the form tag for the content pagesdon't see how this will work, without rewriting what comes from the database - - -

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Web Forms :: Pass Variable Form One Form To Another?

May 18, 2010

I want to pass the string input from a text boxe in Form1 to appear in a specfic textbox field in form2.

I'm trying to do it via HyperLink in the source form:


and this code in the destination form:


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Web Forms :: How To Validate New Textbox Values In A Form With Required Validator

Jul 6, 2010

I have a form that contains several textboxes and each one paired with a required validator. Each box reads a value from a dataset, and on submit click, update the database with the new value. For some reason, one of the validator always returns the error message even if I enter a value in the textbox. My code is something like this.


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