Web Forms :: How To Convert Ticks To Date And Time
Mar 2, 2011
if I have 2 date and time like this
02/03/2011 11:11:02 PM and 02/03/2011 12:11:02 PM
can I make like this?
02/03/2011 11:11:02 PM - 02/03/2011 12:11:02 PM
and the result will be
02/03/2011 01:11:02 am
I Think I must convert to ticks and make the minus
but who can I convert ticks to date and time??!!!
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Ticks must be between DateTime.MinValue.Ticks and DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks. Parameter name: ticks
There is no reference file/line/column in the error. Becoming quite frustrating as the solution builds in the end, however I cannot debug.In the solution, there is no reference/using to DateTime.MinValue.Ticks at all...
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BAD QUESTION: try again [URL]
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<property name="connection.connection_string">
Server=localhost;Database=user_system;User ID=root;Password=root;
Allow Zero Datetime=true;
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Actually I want a date time picker which date dd/mm/yyyy format date. With validation for start and end date. Also for manual entry it should take only no. and for date rest like / or, will be auto formatted.means user should not be able to enter it.
I m using c# .net 2008.
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2010-01-21 14:35:25.203
2010-01-22 12:55:18.033
2010-01-26 12:10:06.990
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