Web Forms :: How To Disable Submit Button On Click
Mar 2, 2011
I have a form with client side validation. I need to disable sumbit button on click to prevent duplicates
When I use this script all client side validations get skipped.
Is it possible to disable button and have the validation working?
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Dec 3, 2010
My Problem is ,I have a simple web form, which contains two textboxes and a button.there are some asp.net validator controls on page.so i want client side disabling of button when all validation is done.and also after disabling of button, i am executing some server side code.All of this is working fine but, in case when I set postback url of button it gets fail. bellow is some part of coding that will give you some brief idea.
I wanted to make this functionality in composite control
here is button class
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Dec 14, 2012
This is working:
cmdSave.Attributes.Add("Onclick", "this.style.visibility = 'hidden';return confirm('Confirm?')")
When i choose the yes option the postback is made. But I would like to disable the button instead of hide it.. but the following does not work...
cmdSave.Attributes.Add("Onclick", "this.disabled = true;return confirm('Confirm?')")
When i choose the yes option nothing happens...
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Jun 22, 2010
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Oct 19, 2010
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Apr 16, 2010
i am working on an asp.net mvc 2 web app and i have ran into an issue. I have implemented client side validation using Html.EnableClientValidation() in my View page for providing the site users the ability to submit or cancel some form fields back to the server database. For this i have implemented an Html.BeginForm() along with 2 submit buttons. One with "Ok" and the other with "Cancel" text.
The ok/cancel funcionality is handled server-side from the controller action. The result is that the form fileds are client-validated when the user clicks the cancel button and this is not what he would expect.
how could avoid this issue? Of cource i could remove the submti cancel button from the form and implement it via an Html action link, but i would prefer finding a solution using the first approach.
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Disable Submit button onclick in ModalPopupExtender
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May 31, 2010
Hi can some one please help me out how can i do below task. I have a page with set of TextBox controls, each contorl is binded with one required field validator.These validators should perform only on submit button click, instead in each post back all the validtions are performed.For Instance, on the page if i click on LogOff link button still all the validations performed.
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and my page contains mayny no of textboxes
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Jan 25, 2011
so i figured out how to disable the submit button:
$(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled')
this works on firefox but not IE.
Also how can i check for validation error so i can enable the button.
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a web based form which is used to enter info into an Access DB. When a user clicks on the submit button in the form the information entered in the form goes into the DB. I have made the connection between aspx form and Access DB through an asp page using ADO.net.I wanted to add another feature into the form where when the user clicks the submit button a preformattedxcel sheet pops up with all the info filled onto it automatically (from the form). The user just need to save the file later on.
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Jan 15, 2014
I have a form containing 7 fields and I want that when i press submit button all the fields are cleared how can i do this? In my form when i click submit fields not clear until I refresh.
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I don't want to use javascript:
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Oct 10, 2010
i want the submit button be disable after user click one time , i meant i want 1 user has rights to submit onetime only in a day .
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Oct 6, 2011
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However the problem that I am having is that it requires the user to click the submit button twice. I can't figure out how to fix this. The user should only have to click submit one time. All of the other drop down boxes work fine, it is just this one THAT IS forcing a click twice
<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="IT_EmployeeIncentive_Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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Oct 11, 2010
I need to collect the data entered by user for a quote and send all the data with labels to an email address. SMTP server is set up in web.config file, but I need to know the code behind for the submit button click event for the form. I do not need to store any data in a data base just need to send each label,field,radiobutton,etc. user responses to email address. All of the code I have been able to find has not applied to my situation.
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Jan 21, 2011
I need to implement a click-once button for my asp.net mvc 2 application. I have just a very simple submit form, and when the user clicks on the submit button, I need to change its image to a type of graphics and disables the click event for further submits until the server comes back.
Is there an example or code snippet for this?
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Dec 16, 2010
1) Click on 'Check' button and the button will disable
2) Run a processing code(for checking) and once it is done, navigate to a new page(NewPage2).
Here are 2 code situations (1):
and if I do this way (2),:
it will navigate to NewPage2.aspx, but during the execution of the processing code, ButtonCheck control will not be disabled as the Click Event has not finished, and I want it to disable during the checking process. If the 1st option is executed, it will throw to me "Response is not available in this context."? HttpContext is null for (1). In my opinion, I think that the navigation does not recognise the response object as it is in a thread and has exited out of the buttoncheck event. But I'm still not sure why.
how to disable the button and run processing code during the click event and be able to navigate to a new page?
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Nov 19, 2010
Every time we click on a button. the Page_Load will fire first.
For my case, I have some controls added programmatically to the GridView, when the button click, the Page_Load event fire, my controls just go away.
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May 20, 2010
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Jul 11, 2010
I have a section where Period Start,Period End and submit button.After submiting the bottom of the page displaying(List View) the period with Edit Button .If edit button click then Bottom Top Period Start and Period End load with respective date and if you click on the Submit button then period will modifying .It is working fine.
<td colspan="3" align="center">
<asp:Label ID="lblMessage" runat="server"></asp:Label>
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Mar 24, 2011
I have an AJAX PopupExtender that popsup a panel with submit button. I want to recognise the enter key press as the click event for the submit buttNeed to set the form property called "AcceptButton" to this button to achieve this functionality. I have two popups with a submit button on each of them. How to set this behaviour ?
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Mar 23, 2010
In my project on submit button cilck internet explorer displayes message likepage can not be displayed.and in google crome message is like page might be teporarily moved to new tab..... i dont know what settings i hv changed.
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