MVC :: How To Disable EnableClientValidation When A Cancel Submit Button Is Clicked
Apr 16, 2010
i am working on an mvc 2 web app and i have ran into an issue. I have implemented client side validation using Html.EnableClientValidation() in my View page for providing the site users the ability to submit or cancel some form fields back to the server database. For this i have implemented an Html.BeginForm() along with 2 submit buttons. One with "Ok" and the other with "Cancel" text.
The ok/cancel funcionality is handled server-side from the controller action. The result is that the form fileds are client-validated when the user clicks the cancel button and this is not what he would expect.
how could avoid this issue? Of cource i could remove the submti cancel button from the form and implement it via an Html action link, but i would prefer finding a solution using the first approach.
There are no errors with my Javascript. The Javascript returns false, and the form is submitted. Additionally when setting UseSubmitBehavior to false the form still submits. What am I missing to prevent the form from being submitted?
I have a cancel button on a number of steps which when clicked allows the user to exit the wizard. However, I have a few steps that use the RequiredValidator control, which when the cancel button is clicked these validators are also fired. Also I have these steps inside User Controls as a oppose to being on one page. How do I stop these validator controls from firing when the cancel button is clicked?
How do you get dropdown lists to refresh after a submit button has been clicked and the radgrid has been populated? Basically I have built a search tool which allows users to select the items from a dropdown list, click a button their results are displayed in a grid. However, currently it won't allow users to carry out a second search. It it a rebinding issue?
I created a web part called 'staff phone search'. There are two controls 'Button' and 'Textbox' in it. The web part is inherited from Webcontrols webpart class not from sharepoint web part.My problem is that if I fill the search keyword text box and click the button, the text box and the button disappear. However the webpart displays result properly. Subsequently I am not able to search again because the web part never shows the controls again. How can I keep the controls after the webpart is submitted?
My code can be found below.
public class WebPart1 : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart { TextBox _myTextBox;
I got a webpage where members can download different kind of files on. I wan't to get information about which files and how many times each member have downloaded. when the user want to download a file he get browser pop-up where he gets 3 choises: "Open", "save" and "Cancel (file dialog box in browser). i want to update the download status only if open/save button is clicked
Is there a way to detect which button was clicked on "save/open/cancel" dialog?
i have 3 buttons in an aspx page. one for "Save as Draft", 2nd for "Cancel" and 3rd for "submit". Now i want that whenever i click on any of the 3 buttons then all the 3 buttons should get disabled. I'm using c# for the above
I have forms with payment in ASP.NET site, when user clicks on asp:Button sometime he submits few times. I want to disable this functionality without harming current ASP.NET site ( by that i mean no fancy jQuery, unless it is very basic and will not interfere with ASP.NET built-in validation)
I have a form that occassionally submits more than once per user. I am assuming the problem is that the user gets impatient and clicks submit multiple times. I have a bunch of asp validation controls on the page. There is multiple validation groups, the submit button belongs to the "main" group. How do I validate the "main" group, then if the page is valid, disable the button and submit it? I tried adding this.disabled=true; but that just disables it and doesnt submit or anything.
My Problem is ,I have a simple web form, which contains two textboxes and a button.there are some validator controls on i want client side disabling of button when all validation is done.and also after disabling of button, i am executing some server side code.All of this is working fine but, in case when I set postback url of button it gets fail. bellow is some part of coding that will give you some brief idea.
I wanted to make this functionality in composite control
I have a grid view with each row as a link button. When I click on the row, some data parsing process takes place (about a 15 sec process). The grid refreshes itself at a regular interval. I want to disable the link when it is clicked once, so that the user gets to know that row has been processed already and does not click it again, until the grid refreshes itself and the row disappears. I am copying my gridview code below. how to disable the link button on that row as soon as it is clicked.
I am using a LINQ to SQL data source for a ListView and perform a validation check in the Listview ItemUpdating event:
This works great and keeps the user from updating the record with invalid data.However, when I hit cancel after this operation, it saves the text in the box rather than cancelling the operation. Here's my code for the update button:
Update Function:
I do not handle the cancel button event, as the cancel operation has worked fine... unless someone enters incorrect information and e.Cancel is set to true.What am I doing wrong? Is it the mixture of using the LINQ Datasource and doing my own updating?
I have a detailsview which includes a drop down list bound to an array. However, when I click on the cancel button the dropdownlist values disappear. I have tried to solve the problem by rebinding the values back into list on the cancel command event, but this has made no difference. Does anyone know how to solve this?
I have a textbox and a button on my form for executing a search. I have added an autocompleteextender from the AJAX toolkit to show suggestions while the user is typing. This works fine, however what I want to happen is for the Click event of the button to fire when the user selects
I have 2 SUBMIT button in a form one is display:hidden and one is display:block if user click on SUBMIT button (display:block) then another SUBMIT button {display:hidden} should also submitted.
In ASP.NET when we have multiple input section with required field validator (Like on header for login with userid & Password is required and second on footer for subscription) when we click on subscription login section's userid required field validator activates and say userid required & i can not submit subscription.
when i submit subscription details login section should not have concern with this. how to avoid this conflicts.
I have a LoginView element in an Update panel and use JQuery to hide the div containing the update panel when the cancel button(Html) is clicked.
It works fine normally. However, when I enter an invalid password and there is an error message displayed, the Javascript attached to the Cancel button click stops firing.
Initially I am doing validating form by clicking on btnOK and in btn_Submit I am inserting record into table. I again want to call btn_Ok event in btn_Submit click event for re-checking validation, if it validates properly thne rest of code of btn_submit should work.