Security :: Set Master Page Title As Username?

Oct 11, 2010

I am using .net membership and have a page that takes userid and display profile information. I also want to set the username as page title but keep getting object initialise error. I am using master page.


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Master Page Generating A Second Title Tag?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a simple page inside a master page (well, in a master in a master).

In the top master I have the head tag with runat="server", with a number of bits such as scripts, stylesheets, etc. and also a contentplaceholder. There is no title tag here.

In the page that uses this master, the content for the placeholder contains the
<title>pagename</title> bit in it. I really have to set it in there.

Unfortunately when the page is rendered I get my title which is all good, but also get a second blank title tag - I presume dumped in there by .NET.

Is there any way of stopping this second title tag coming out?

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HtmlHead head1 = (HtmlHead)Master.FindControl("head1");
HtmlTitle title = new HtmlTitle();
title.Text = "buy online"

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Having Common Page Title In Master Page With Each Page Adding Page

Aug 26, 2010

My master page looks like:

<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="server" />

Content pages look like:

<asp:Content ID="TitleContent1"
ContentPlaceHolderID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="Server">
My Page

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<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="server" />

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EDIT: Here is the code:


EXPLANATION: The checkbox with togglebutton is to mark the page I am on as a favorite. I want this checkbox to be positioned 2px to the left of the TitleLabel span.

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Feb 15, 2010

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How can I get this changed and also have metadata dynamically created to improve SEO returns?

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Oct 17, 2010

how can i add title and meta tags for content pages in a project base on master and content page(dinamically) ?

i used the blow method for master page :


and the error is :(in line *)

Error 17 'System.Web.UI.MasterPage' does not contain a definition for 'SetMetaTags' and no extension method 'SetMetaTags' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Web.UI.MasterPage' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

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Mar 12, 2010

How to update username of current logged username?

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Security :: Redirecting User To Admin Page With Username

Mar 4, 2010

I have a directory structure root->admin-> admin operations admin page inherited from a ase page with principla security.demand role = "Admins" i am usinf forms authantication mode. i have also put a web.config file in admin folder, restricting other users. it is working normaly with siteroot/admin. I want to setup a mechanism to admin like siteroot/username/admin I can redirect to page admin but it gives security error, it should redirect to login page instead of if user did not sign in.

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Security :: Membership.GetUser().UserName On Login Page?

Oct 16, 2010

I have an Employee class in my App_Code folder. On my login page I am trying to create an Employee using the username as a parameter in my Employee constructor.

I have tried creating the employee in the page load event when it is a post back. I have tried doing it in the Login1_LoggedIn event. For some reason I cannot pull the username in either one of these places, but if I redirect after logging in and do the same thing on another page, it works.

How can I get it done on the login page?


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Security :: Finding UserName After Sigin In Login Page

Nov 26, 2010

how to find username who is login.... and how to write code for admin usernames..

i am using SQL SERVER2005 with datatyes: USERTYPE, UNAME, PWD:

here is the code for login:

using System;

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Mar 30, 2011

In my application i have login Page in that i have login Control of, when user clicks on submit button i am authenticating the user and and redirecting to default url.

now what i want is using address bar i want to authenticate the same process with out opening the login page and give user name and password in the login control. Directly i want to inject the username and password in the address bar and need the same functionality what the submit button does.

i have articles on net using post methods but i am not able to do this.

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Aug 15, 2010

i have a page using c#.

1. My page has a login page.

2. i created a list of user in database who has the access in my asp page.

3. but i want to use their SAME username and password (active directory) to use as their login name and password to my asp page.

4. how can i access the active directory username and password and connect to my list of user database.

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Security :: Search Page In Firefox Requesting Username And Password Repeatedly On Classified Website

Oct 16, 2010

Over the past two weeks or so, I've been getting feedback from users on my site that a popup box is interferring with their use of my search page. From the research I've done, it appears only Firefox users are having this problem. I haven't changed my site, so I can't figure out why this is happening. Has anyone successfully corrected this problem. It's costing me traffic, so I have to figure this out. My site is based on the classified starterkit.

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Security :: How To Redirect User To An Error Page From Login Control Upon Entering Wrong Username

Mar 1, 2011

I wanted to know how to add the feature- that user should be redirected to an error page where the error will be display, upon entery wrong username/password when trying to login through an login control?

1. how to redirect the user to an error page upon entering wrong username/password (from a login control which is placed on master page)?

2. how to pass the error to the error page so it can be displayed there?

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Security :: Login Page For Whole Application With Master Page?

Apr 1, 2011

I have searched hours but fail to solve my problem. I have got the following issue,

I have created a login page on my web based application, which works fine, I want if user manually types different page or bypass the login page then it should redirect to the login page.

The problem is I have use Master Page and when I do the following code; it went into the loop, because when page load the session value is null.

How I can exclude my login.aspx and Error.aspx pages from this Check.


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Security :: How To Set User Authentication On Master Page

Jan 23, 2011

I am facing one problem while putting below code on master page load event.

if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)

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Security :: Login Control On A Master Page

May 25, 2010

I have a strange problem on a website with security user & roles active on it, the thing that happens is that if a user hit's the site defaults page he is auto logged in as another user? I have made my site structure like this : On my master page

A loginview with a loggedin & anonymous template on it, when I user is logged in he gets his name & logout button, otherwise a username login textbox and button. A menu that is build from a database depending on the rolde of the auth. user Site structure ROOT

/Level A dir (only for A role users)
/Level B dir (only for B role users)
/Public dir (everyone)


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Security :: Master Page Won't Load When Using Authorization In Web.config?

Sep 14, 2010

I don't have any sub catalogs for the .aspx files and this is my web.config file:


It's as if the Login.aspx won't grab the Site.Master if I add this authorization.

I get directed to the Login.aspx if I try to enter any other page, but without seeing the master page.

Is this enough info to solve this or do you need to know how the other pages looks like?

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Security :: Roles Broke Master On The Secured Page?

Jul 21, 2010

I have a master page and its been working but I introduced roles and created a roll that so only admin's have rights to the admin folder. I then created a page using the master page in the admin folder I have my content there. All is well. However the links now that came from the masters static content isn't working. like HOME, LOGIN, ABOUTthey now try to go to /ADMIN/home.aspx inside the master i have /home.aspxWhats the trick here to get the master links to stay at the root or there orginal location after I click on the secured page.

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