Web Forms :: How To Include Website Message Board

Jan 24, 2011

I want to include a message board into my website. I am using MySQL database and GridView to populate the Diary and Guestbook pages. I have, for test purposes, included an additional message board column in the database and displayed it with a single column Gridview. However, the adaptability is restrictive and it seems to be over complicated for a simple message board.

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How can l create a message board using visual studio 2005

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Trying To Put Together A "message Board" Type Of Section On Intranet Site?

Jul 14, 2010

i was wondering if this was possible.. any tips or thoughts are welcome!!

i'm trying to put together a "message board" type of section on my intranet site.. right now theres an ajax timer that just ticks and checks for messages.. so basically its "real time" messaging.. however.. the tick events do pose some annoying problems with other portions of the site..

so i was curious.. is it possible to hit a button.. post the message.. and have that trigger IIS.. or something.. to tell all actively connected sessions.. to update.. this would eliminate the need for a timer.. or anything like that

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Web Forms :: Include A Confirmation Message Upon Check Out Of Websore

Feb 25, 2011

I want to include a confirmation message upon check out of my websore. I have already included it in the load statement and the message box appears as intended. I still don't know how to obtain the value (true or false) so that I can continue with check out or return to page. I've been reading a lot about using scripts, but all the scripts that I've seen are in the main aspx page and not the code behind page. I'm using VB2010. give me an example of using code behind page in VB to filter the result of the confirmation box?

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C# - How To Include A Newline In A Text Message Sent As Email From .Net Application

Apr 6, 2010

I have an ASP.Net Application that sends text messages to mobile phones. It does this by sending an email. For instance, if your phone number is 555-555-5555 and your wireless carrier is Verizon, you can send an email to 5555555555@vtext.com and it will show up as a text message.

I want to be able to include a newline in the body of the message. How do I do this? Also please note that my ASP.Net program gets the message from a database (MS SQL Server) so what I really need to know is what characters to include in the message body when I store it in my database.

I already tried but it just showed up in the text message as

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Error Message Doesn't Include Line Number?

Jan 27, 2010

We're trying to write an error tracking solution for our sites and ran into something interesting. Sometimes the error exception includes the actual file and line number that the error occurred on and other times it doesn't. Is there a setting somewhere that we need to change to enable the file and line number to be returned? The two situations are each on a different server. Do we need to change something on the server?

Examples, with error file and line number:

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Intro at System.Data.ProviderBase.FieldNameLookup.GetOrdinal(String fieldName) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_Item(String name) at AccountUser.get_PracticeInfo(String sUserName) in C:xxxxxxxxxxxxeta.xxxxxxx.comAccountUser.vb:line 106

Without line number:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Dealers_Toolbox_UserEdit.LoadRoles()

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Web Forms :: How To Insist On The Story Board

Nov 19, 2010

I'm in the mid of doing an asp.net web project for learning purpose and realize that I always wanted to add additional logic in order to insist on the story board of web pages. For example, after a successful registering, new users are took to the congratulation page. But if any logged in-users can go to that page too if they know the address (and suppose they incline to do so!). I'm tired of checking of which page did they come from, especially pages that allow multiple source pages. Is there a beautiful way to keep the story board? I mean Easy. By the way, consider this code snippet: Number of users online: Why do I still get 1, after I - the only testing user - logged-out? Do it have something to do with session id?

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C# - Include Another Project Console Application Exe In A Website?

Mar 30, 2011

I've got two projects: a .Net 4.0 Console Application and an Asp.Net 4.0 Website (they are in the same solution). Now I'd like to include the console application (its .exe) in the web application, because I need to run it on the server when the user clicks on a certain button.

Now I would like to include it in a way that the console application will be updated whenever I recompile the solution, so it stays up to date.

So... how can I include my .exe in my web app?

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May 14, 2010

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Aug 10, 2010

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Use Of Dash Board In .net?

Apr 28, 2010

Can any one tell about Dash board in .net? recently i have attended two interviews they asked about Dash boards,

please tell me wat is dash board,where it is used, how it is used and tell me one example program.

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How To Create Online Notice Board

Dec 8, 2010

I have a new and different kind of requirement-

I have to create an online notice board. It should work like this-

Whenever user logon his/her system. There should be a window opened displaying upcoming events, news, birthdays etc. In this there can be data fromm database(sql server).

How can i get this with .net?

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How To Develop A Signature Generator In C# For Board-signatures

Mar 14, 2011

my goal is to develop a signature generator for board-signatures.

I have my database with a few information about characters in a online-game. A user should get a image-link, and should be able to write it in there board-signature. In the Image should be a link to my page and a few information from my database. Here is an example, which I want to build for another online game:

How to do that in ASP.Net / C# / .NET 3.5?

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Architecture :: White Board Using Silverlight And Flash

Jun 11, 2010

I want to use some collabartive white board for my project in which users can chat and at the time 3-4 pople works on the same board etc.

I want open source white baord for that purpous so that I can modify code according to me .

If any can tell me which one is better to use.

Silverlight whiteboard or flash white board .Please detail me with reasons which technology is better for this purpous.

It will be of great help if any one can provide link to open source collabarative whiteboards.

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WebMatrix :: Include Microsoft.Data.Entity.CTP.dll Reference To WebMatrix Website?

Jan 19, 2011

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code-first development in my WebMatrix project. I think is even easier than writing SQL-s into the code...

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Include Files Within Include File

May 20, 2013

I have just started with ASP.NET.

I like the idea of using Include files so that I can create various versions of individual parts of a site and decide in code which to display. I used:


to include a content.aspx file within my default.aspx page.

I would like to include a Left.aspx, Main.aspx and Right.aspx file inside the content.aspx file. I tried using the reponse.writefile function but noticed when I debug the website that the text "reponse.writefile..." displays instead of the code contained within the referenced file(s).

Can this not be done?

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How To Send A Message From Website On A Server To PC

Sep 27, 2010

i have few websites on servers around the world that run a certein function and i want that the site will send the output directly to my computer (no neccessary my computer, it can be my other website that is located in my country, the important thing is that the data will arrive form the site to my location on the globe).

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How To Send Private Message To Other Users On A Website

May 25, 2010

I want to create a system you may have seen on many forum sites where user can send private messages to other users

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Code 3005: To Access The Website - Error Message Appearing?

Nov 3, 2010

I am receiving the following error on one of the web servers I support:

Event Type: Warning

Event Source: ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0

This is completely preventing access to the web site. Every attempt to access the website results in one of those error messages appearing in the event viewer. If I enable custom error pages on the website, I can see that same error.I have not been able to find any information whatsoever on what could be causing this.

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Implement A Message Passing Facility Through A Social Networking Website?

Jan 24, 2010

I was wondering how i could implement a message passing facility through a social networking website i am making. Instead of creating it all from the start, is there a much more simple approach i could possibly take?

I quite like the way facebook does it, how is this done?

I am ok with AJAX but would prefer something really simple not to the extent of adding emoticons etc.

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IIS Configuration :: Show Custom Error Message When Website Is Under Maintenance

Sep 17, 2012

How to show page Error msgs wen user tries to open the page , while tat page is under uploading on the sever?

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How To Get The Focus To A Button On Pressing The "enter" Key In The Key Board

May 24, 2010

i have a aspx page with two buttons,"close" and "submit" button.when i press the enter key in the keyboard the focus automatically goes to "close" button and closes the page.Instead i want the focus to be focused on the "submit" button on pressing the enter key in the keyboard.

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Web Forms :: Server Error Message + Client Side Validation Message?

Apr 19, 2010

I have forgotte password page in my application,page have one textbox to insert email address,when user click on submit button if inserted email address (i.e. abc@gmail.com) does not exits in DB it will give custome error message like "Email ID not available".after that suppose user will enter inproper email address (aaa#gmail.com) than client side validation for regular expression will file "Email id not valid",at same both message be on screen,now i want only one message at a time.so please can you help me for same

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Web Forms :: Display Error Message From Catch Block In Message Box?

Nov 11, 2013

no Massagebox not working in the web

at catch I want appear windows and retuen to....

catch (Exception ex) {Console.WriteLine("Error reading from", ex); }

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Web Forms :: Sending Message To A Group Without Using Message.to.add(recipient)?

Jan 28, 2010

I would like to write a loop that sends an smtp message to a list of emails that I'm getting from a database.

I wrote a loop where I used message.to.add(recipient) first to add all the emails to the recipients collection.

However when the e-mail was received each recipient sees the entire list of recipients. How do I send to only

one recipient at a time, or prevent each recipient from seeing who all the other recipients are?

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