Web Forms :: How To Include Meta Tag Keyword And Description Dynamically

Jun 16, 2015

I want to include meta tag keyword and meta tag description of my website from database for each products in masterpage of my asp.net website.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Unable To Include The Meta Tag For Description And Keyword

Mar 19, 2010

i could not able to include the meta tag for description and keyword, set to unique on all the pages.

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MVC 3 Building Dynamic Meta Keywords Meta Description Functionality For Multi-culture Site

Feb 10, 2011

create db driven meta keywords/description. I would store these records in a database, xml format i presume; since it would be per culture.How would i go about doing this?

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Web Forms :: Display Value In META Keywords And Description Tag From Database

May 24, 2013

 i have seen your article to display value in title and keyword tag from database. then i want to know to display value in META Description tag from database . 

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Web Forms :: Populate SEO Keywords And Description Meta Tags From Database

Jun 6, 2012

In my website i have some users these users have their own page that they can put their product on it.

their page name is Store.aspx 

and i have users table i want my users insert their keyword in DB  after that thier keyword fetch to meta tag i want all my users have differrent mete tag in their page how i can do it ?

this is my users table


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Web Forms :: Populate SEO Keywords And Description Meta Tags From SQL Server Database

Jun 8, 2012

I use these code to show keyword from my data base in metatag
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("select Keyword1,Keyword2,Keyword3 from House_info", _cn);
SqlDataReader _dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (_dr.Read())


in my page meta tag show above keyword not my keywords from database

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How To Bold Search Keyword In Description Of Result

Nov 13, 2010

i develope the search engine project

how to bold search key word in description of result

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How To Change Meta Description On Specific Pages

Nov 24, 2010

I want to know if there is way to change meta description on specific pages, but to keep the meta data from the master page for the pages where I haven't specified any info.

I am trying this approach:


Which adds the description tag properly, but I want in same time to remove/disable the meta tag from the master page. Is that possible?

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MVC :: Implement Dynamic Meta Keywords And Description In 2

Jul 22, 2010

what is best tutorial to implement dynamic title, meta keywords and description in a mvc2 application.

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ADO.NET :: Add Include Keyword In ObjectResult In Entity Framework?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm Using Entity Framework in my ASP.NET Web Application and I added Procedure tom my Model and Create Function for it which will return ObjectResult ... i want to add Include Keyword to that object Result ... so how can i get childs for that object result

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Web Forms :: How To Add Meta Tag Content Dynamically

Apr 16, 2010

How to add meta tag content dynamically. i have metat tag descriptions in my sql Database. so i need to load it dynamically.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Adding Content For Meta Taq In 1.1

Mar 9, 2011

i am hari,i am working on asp.net 1.1,i want to update meta tag content in page load, htmlmeta isnot working in asp.net 1.1

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Yield Keyword Is Statement Keyword Or Contextual Keyword?

Mar 15, 2011

Is yield keyword is Statement keyword or Contextual Keyword?

Because in MSDN yield keyword is mentioned in both type of Keywords so i'm little bit confused in this.

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Web Forms :: Description Box - Modify The Description Not To Be In A Straight Line

Jan 30, 2011

<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="productnum"
<div class="ContentHead"><%# Eval("name") %></div><br />
<table border="0">
<tr><td style="vertical-align: top;">
<img src='images/big/<%# Eval("image") %>' border="0" alt='<%# Eval("name") %>' /></td>
<td style="vertical-align: top"><%# Eval("description") %>
<br /><br /><br /></td></tr></table>
<span class="price"><b>Your Price:</b> <%# Eval("price", "{0:c}")%><br /><span class="number"><b>Number:</b> <%# Eval("number") %>
</span><br /><a href='AddToCart.aspx?productnum=<%# Eval("productnum") %>'>
<span class="ProductListItem"><b>Add To Cart<b></font></span></a>

this is from the product details page and the description goes in a straight line always - i want to make the description a box and have lenght of 30 characters every line -- i want to modify the description not to be in a straight line

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C# - Reading Meta Tags Dynamically?

Jan 11, 2010

how to simply write the meta tags in an asp.net page. The meta tags have been inserted in the page and I just want to loop through them and write the keywords tag. I don't have a probably adding dynamically, just reading.

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How To Dynamically Include Server Side Scripts

Jun 22, 2010

I'm trying to add dynamic content to my page from external files, but coming short on how to do it properly. First i tried fiddling with the WebClient class, but when i added the dynamic content it just posted the code behind.. Actually the same as Response.WriteFile does

It's for a simple CMS where i have the basic site core and then some extra modules that i have lying in a seperate folder. If the parsing of the requested url demands a modulefile, the idea was to search for that file and if it existed, run the code and post it back to the site core.

In classic i was forced to manually (ugh..) add includes with the filenames statically written in the file-property.. That could be the way to do it again, but is there another way? Something like server.execute in classic, i just need to be able to send site core variables to the external file (without sessions if possible)

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C# - Making A Description Text - Unable To Get A Description Text From The Whole Text Which Exist In Txt Field

Feb 28, 2011

I have in my database the News Table which consist of => Id, Title, txt . I need to be able to get a description text from the whole text which exist in txt Field , but without any codes like <...> , just a pure text !! how can I do this?

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ADO.NET :: Use The Item Description Look Up Table And Store The Item Description Id In The Items Table?

Dec 31, 2010

i have the following two questions:-

1. let say i have a table for ITEMS including (item id,item description id (FK to the ITEM Description tabe), item price,etc) and have ITEM Description look up table having (item descriptionid,item description),.

so what is better to use the ITEM DESCRIPTION look up table and store the item description id in the items table


to directly store the item description "Not the id" in the item table.

2. I am working on an MVC web application using LINQ, now if i want to modify the SQL server tables which i have created for example modify some of the foreign key properties will the effect be directly reflected on any new inserted or deleted records or i have to create a new LINQ to SQL class?

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Include Files Within Include File

May 20, 2013

I have just started with ASP.NET.

I like the idea of using Include files so that I can create various versions of individual parts of a site and decide in code which to display. I used:


to include a content.aspx file within my default.aspx page.

I would like to include a Left.aspx, Main.aspx and Right.aspx file inside the content.aspx file. I tried using the reponse.writefile function but noticed when I debug the website that the text "reponse.writefile..." displays instead of the code contained within the referenced file(s).

Can this not be done?

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Web Forms :: Add Description In Dropdown List

Sep 8, 2010

i have a dropdownlist and i get the value from database and it's working good.. now i want to add description in the same drop down list..

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Web Forms :: Get Title - Description Property Of WebPage

Aug 27, 2010

I'm doing up a search engine & what i want to happen is to get the title and description from the page as in below:


And here is the code that gets the meta tags:


Just can't write the code to get the title & description to show on the search result page.

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Web Forms :: Set Keyword Page On Runtime?

Feb 24, 2011

How can i set keyword page on runtime?

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Web Forms :: Incorrect Syntax Near Keyword Between

Mar 26, 2012

When I use single text box for date it work fine but when a'm check between two dates it gives error this is my code

Dim adp As New SqlDataAdapter("select EmplID='" + TextBox1.SelectedValue + "', date between ='" &
TextBox2.Text & "' and '" & TextBox3.Text & "' ,RESULT = CASE WHEN exists(select * from AtdRecord where RecDate between ='" & TextBox2.Text & "' and '" & TextBox3.Text & "'  and EmplID='" + TextBox1.SelectedValue + "')
THEN ('P')ELSE ('A ' ) END,ResultType= CASE WHEN exists (select * from AtdRecLeave where StDate between = '" + TextBox2.Text & "'and '" & TextBox3.Text & "' and EmplID='" + TextBox1.SelectedValue + "')
THEN (SELECT ResultType FROM AtdRecLeave WHERE EmplID='" + TextBox1.SelectedValue + "'
and stDate between = '" + TextBox2.Text & "' and '" & TextBox3.Text & "') else ('-') END", con)eror=

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'between'.Incorrect syntax near '='.Incorrect syntax near '='.Incorrect syntax near '='.

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Web Forms :: How To Control URL Address When Using Routing - Description: HTTP 404

Nov 27, 2010

Where can I control right url address when the page is routed, using new routing feature in asp.net 4?

I tried to catch wrong url in the OnPreinit(), but the error is already thrown.

Error: The resource cannot be found.

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

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Using XSD Schema As Meta Data For Forms?

Feb 25, 2011

I want to create a bunch of data entry screens in an ASP.NET application based on a bunch of XSD schemas.

Are there any tools that can be used to do any of the following

1) Read in an XSD schema and generate C# busines objects

2) Read in an xsd schema and generate form controls.

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