MVC :: Implement Dynamic Meta Keywords And Description In 2

Jul 22, 2010

what is best tutorial to implement dynamic title, meta keywords and description in a mvc2 application.

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MVC 3 Building Dynamic Meta Keywords Meta Description Functionality For Multi-culture Site

Feb 10, 2011

create db driven meta keywords/description. I would store these records in a database, xml format i presume; since it would be per culture.How would i go about doing this?

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Web Forms :: Display Value In META Keywords And Description Tag From Database

May 24, 2013

 i have seen your article to display value in title and keyword tag from database. then i want to know to display value in META Description tag from database . 

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Web Forms :: Populate SEO Keywords And Description Meta Tags From Database

Jun 6, 2012

In my website i have some users these users have their own page that they can put their product on it.

their page name is Store.aspx 

and i have users table i want my users insert their keyword in DB  after that thier keyword fetch to meta tag i want all my users have differrent mete tag in their page how i can do it ?

this is my users table


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Web Forms :: Populate SEO Keywords And Description Meta Tags From SQL Server Database

Jun 8, 2012

I use these code to show keyword from my data base in metatag
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("select Keyword1,Keyword2,Keyword3 from House_info", _cn);
SqlDataReader _dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (_dr.Read())


in my page meta tag show above keyword not my keywords from database

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Generate Meta Keywords From Database?

Mar 19, 2010

Ok my website I built for fun I am trying to take all the posts that are displayed and have the keywords for the page be auto generated at page load.

Now I know how to add keywords from code behind I just never tried to scrape the data in the database for what would be the best keywords to use.

Has anyone ever done this and or know where something like this is on the web.

I can create the SQL Query and the C# code how to determine what is a bogus word that should not be included such as I could count how many times each word is shown and go for the most common words as the keywords but that would include words like "And", "Or", "It" etc... and that would not be good.

I have no problem with studying more detail about it and expect to do so I just need to get set onto the right path....

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How To Change Meta Description On Specific Pages

Nov 24, 2010

I want to know if there is way to change meta description on specific pages, but to keep the meta data from the master page for the pages where I haven't specified any info.

I am trying this approach:


Which adds the description tag properly, but I want in same time to remove/disable the meta tag from the master page. Is that possible?

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Web Forms :: Unable To Include The Meta Tag For Description And Keyword

Mar 19, 2010

i could not able to include the meta tag for description and keyword, set to unique on all the pages.

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Web Forms :: How To Include Meta Tag Keyword And Description Dynamically

Jun 16, 2015

I want to include meta tag keyword and meta tag description of my website from database for each products in masterpage of my website.

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C# - Automatically Generate SEO Keywords Based On Dynamic Page Contents?

Jan 30, 2010

I have a webforms (framework 3.5) site with a TON of dynamic content. Depending on the url, one or many content items will be sent to the client. I need a way to generate meta keywords for SEO based on the contents of the page (or part of the page, if possible).

I've done a little research and am not really turning up anything that addresses my problem directly. I have, on the other hand, found some interesting stuff that might get me there with considerable work. One idea I have is to intercept the response buffer at Application_BeginRequest (global.asax), parse out some meaningful keywords, and inject them back into the response buffer. However, this seems like a pretty expensive process and I don't even know if it's possible. I also feel like there could be a way to do this with an HttpModule.

I'm interested in what the community has to say about this. Is there already an existing and accepted way to do this that I'm just missing.

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Dynamic Meta Tags Using SQL And VB?

Jul 27, 2010

I am new to ASP.NET and I am trying to dynamically bind the Meta Keywords, Title and Description from a SQL database to a MasterPage / Code Behind file using VB. I need to know what goes into the Master Page and what goes in the Code Behind file. My database is named "Products" and the columns I need to bind are Keywords, WebTitle, and Description.

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C# & Adding Dynamic META Tags?

Apr 30, 2010

I have this code

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataSet.DestinationsDataTable GetDestinations = (DataSet.DestinationsDataTable)dta.GetData();[code]....And it's returning this error (on a content page)The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Meta Tags And Aspx Files?

Dec 8, 2010

1 - I am trying to create on the fly dynamic meta tags: keywords and description (possibly others later). I have managed to do so however when I view the source page I find the meta tags at the end of the Head tag and everything else is before them like reference to JS files and CSS files. I want them to be right after the title tag and then everything else is listed after them: css, js, javascript functions, etc.

2 - I am also trying to create dynamic ASPX pages. Meaning for example: I have a client who has a dynamic website that consists of 3 pages: home page, about page and contact page. He wants to add more pages to his website in the CMS software I created for him. He wants to add History.aspx page for example which is simply created using an editor (no fancy coding like gallery, products, news, etc) but when he hits the save button, I want the new page to be saved as a stand alone page and I want the navigation menu to be updated to the new links which one of them would be history.aspx. I don't want the page to be displayed as page.aspx?Id=history. I want it to have its own name. How can this be possible especially when it is not compiled and I want to add other aspx features such as the caching feature like:

VaryByParam="none" %>=

View 9 Replies

Web Forms :: Description Box - Modify The Description Not To Be In A Straight Line

Jan 30, 2011

<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="productnum"
<div class="ContentHead"><%# Eval("name") %></div><br />
<table border="0">
<tr><td style="vertical-align: top;">
<img src='images/big/<%# Eval("image") %>' border="0" alt='<%# Eval("name") %>' /></td>
<td style="vertical-align: top"><%# Eval("description") %>
<br /><br /><br /></td></tr></table>
<span class="price"><b>Your Price:</b> <%# Eval("price", "{0:c}")%><br /><span class="number"><b>Number:</b> <%# Eval("number") %>
</span><br /><a href='AddToCart.aspx?productnum=<%# Eval("productnum") %>'>
<span class="ProductListItem"><b>Add To Cart<b></font></span></a>

this is from the product details page and the description goes in a straight line always - i want to make the description a box and have lenght of 30 characters every line -- i want to modify the description not to be in a straight line

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Installation :: Windows Installer Keywords / List Of All The Keywords Available In A Windows Installer Like [TargetDir] And [ProductVersion]?

Mar 7, 2011

Can anyone guide me to a website where I can see the list of all the keywords available in a windows installer like [TargetDir] and [ProductVersion].

Can anyone also show me a very detailed tutorial of customizing the windows installer?

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C# - Making A Description Text - Unable To Get A Description Text From The Whole Text Which Exist In Txt Field

Feb 28, 2011

I have in my database the News Table which consist of => Id, Title, txt . I need to be able to get a description text from the whole text which exist in txt Field , but without any codes like <...> , just a pure text !! how can I do this?

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How To Implement Dynamic Changing Password

Mar 22, 2010

What is the Best practice of dynamic changing password for this scenario?

The scenario is:

There are three web apps using ASP.NET.

App1 checks the passwords of app2/app3 to authenticate the identity, and if app2/app3 is authenticated then app1 is allowed to receive information from App2 and App3.

And app1 has to change the passwords of app2/app3 every two hour for security reason.

Is it possible that there is a way to implement this scenario without app1 saving the passwords of app2/app3 for security reason?

Or is there any best practice for dynamic changing password scenario?

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Implement Dynamic Navigation System?

May 29, 2010

im am trying to write a forum using at the moment i have threads -> topics -> comments i realised that at the moment if users try to go back (from comments to topics and to threads), they can only use the back button in the browsers i am now trying to creat a menu like the one used in this forum (at the top "home > forums > general > getting started") as at anytime you can go back to see other topics at the moment i have tried to implement the following :


i thought that if i store get the topic_id from the address bar once, and store it in the session - then when i navigate to ..?comment_id - the topic_id would remain in the seesion i thought that in theory it kind of works, but now that i am trying to explain it here, i know that the session would then = to null. So i wondering is their any way to implement this navigation system

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AJAX :: How To Implement Accordion With Dynamic Texts

Feb 15, 2010

Is there a way to use AJAX Accordion with dynamics texts from SqlDataSource control? If so, will someone point me to a step by step instruction?

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How To Implement Animated Dynamic List Using JQuery Or Ajax Control Toolkit

Jul 9, 2010

what I wanted to implement is something like this: lick meThis demo is PHP based, so I wanted to ask whether this is also possible to implement in ASP.Talking about performance, would it be better to use the jQuery framework than the Ajax Control Toolkit?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Implement A Filter Feature With Dynamic Chained Dropdown List

Jan 15, 2011

how to implement a filter feature like this? What Ajax or JQuery controls can be used for this (if any)?

Here is an example of how the UI might look like:

See the Exchange Management Console image:


Here is the spec:

The ASP.NET page has a "Filter" component and a "Apply Filter" button. The "Filter" component consists of 4 UI controls as below:

1. A dropdown list with prepopulated values like "Name", "Department", "Building", "Email Address".

2. A dropdown list with four operators - "Equal", "Not Equal", "Like", and "Not Like"

3. This is a dynamic control. It could be a textbox or a dropdown list. If the user chooses "Name" from the first UI control, the third UI control will become a Textbox. If the user chooses "Department" from the first UI control, the third UI control will become a dropdown list with all departments within this company pre-populated.

4. A button with AND expression. If the user clicks this button, one more Filter component will be created.

One possible user case is like this:

ASP.NET: when the page is loaded, it displays one Filter component (3 UI controls and a AND button), a "Apply Filter" button, and an empty "Filter Result" data grid.

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ADO.NET :: Use The Item Description Look Up Table And Store The Item Description Id In The Items Table?

Dec 31, 2010

i have the following two questions:-

1. let say i have a table for ITEMS including (item id,item description id (FK to the ITEM Description tabe), item price,etc) and have ITEM Description look up table having (item descriptionid,item description),.

so what is better to use the ITEM DESCRIPTION look up table and store the item description id in the items table


to directly store the item description "Not the id" in the item table.

2. I am working on an MVC web application using LINQ, now if i want to modify the SQL server tables which i have created for example modify some of the foreign key properties will the effect be directly reflected on any new inserted or deleted records or i have to create a new LINQ to SQL class?

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Can Add Keywords For Seo In Every HTML Tag

Mar 20, 2011

Can I add Keywords for Seo in every HTML tag?

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Search More Then 2 Keywords In

Dec 17, 2010

i want to Search more then 2 item with one TEXTBOX field using with , Eg. item1,item2.

Result should be shown for both in one gridview i am using SP with one Parameter.

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Dynamically Add Keywords And Title To A Webpage?

Mar 29, 2010

How can one dynamically add Keywords & Title to a page. I had created one table called Meta table for URL rewritting in which in addition to url details, i had stored keywords & title of Product page. I had done URL Rewriting of the page but I just couldn't make out how can one associate a Product page with Keywords & title at runtime.

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