Web Forms :: How To Run Subroutine Or Activate Event For Control In Content Page From Codebehind

Jan 12, 2011

I am not trying to activate an event or run a subroutine from a control from the masterpage, I am trying to activate or run from VB codebehind of the master page.

I have a button in a content page with a particular .click even that I want to activate from the masterpage codegehind periodically.

Also, how do I access or run a subroutine in a content page from codebehind in a master page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Parameter To Subroutine In Codebehind?

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BC30203: Identifier expected.

So I tried to hard-code it in the code below [ OnDataBound="FillSectorCBList("""WK.002""")" ], but it's obviously wrong. :(





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Web Forms :: Handling MasterPage Event In User Control Of Content Page

Aug 19, 2010

On my master page , I have "Search textbox" and "Search Button".

On My content page , I have a "User Control" which has a "GridView".It shows some data about Vendors.

Also, on this User Control's Page Load, i have code written to display all vendors in GridView.

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How to do this ?

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Web Forms :: Set A Value In A Hiddenfield In Codebehind Of A Content Page And Then Retrieve It ?

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I have a hiddenfield in my mater page declared as:

<asp:HiddenField id="hf1" runat="server" value="0" />

I have a Page_Load subroutine in my vb codebehind file that sets a value for hf1 as folows:

Dim hf1Ref as HiddenField = Master.FindControl("hf1")

hf1Ref.Value = "test"

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I get "0" for the hf1Value.

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Code behind


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C# - Handling MasterPage Event In User Control Of Content Page?

Aug 23, 2010

On my master page , I have "Search textbox" and "Search Button".On My content page , I have a "User Control" which has a "GridView".It shows some data about Vendors.Also, on this User Control's Page Load, i have code written to display all vendors in GridView.Now, when user enters Vendor Number in "Search textbox" , and hits "Search Button" , i want to handle this event inside my User Control.How to do this ?

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Web Forms :: Pass Data From Master Page PageLoad Event To Content Page PageLoad Event

Oct 21, 2015

I have a masterPage on that i am using AjaxModalPopup for login purpose.My requirement is when  i login via Master page then it should show the Logged-in User details on the current Content Page that is using same master page.

Here i am using following code to get it back to the same content page after succesful login but it does not show the user details on the same content page rather when i go to next page then it appears.

 if (Session["SignedIn"] == null)
string currentPageUrl = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Request.Url.AbsolutePath);

But it does not gives user-details on the same content page.

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Web Forms :: Create One Subroutine To Handle All Deletes For Page?

Mar 5, 2011

I am trying to create one subroutine that can handle all deletes for a web app. I have one delete popup panel in my master page, and I call it each time from my content pages. When an instance of delete is called from a content page, I store the name of a delete subroutine specific to the delete instance in a session variable and popup the delete panel in the master page. If a user types YES into a delete textbox in delete popup panel, a confirmDelete Subroutine in codebehind of the Masterpage is called. When the confirmDelete subroutine in the Masterpage is callled, I want to call a subroutine in the content page that has the name stored in the session variable. What is the simplest way to do that?

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Web Forms :: Accessing Master Page From Content Page - Raising Event?

Sep 10, 2010

Here is my situation: I have a user control that has a menu in it. This user control sits on my master page. It is my main navigation menu for my application. I am having an issue where, on one of my pages, users seem to be leaving the page before committing all changes to the database, which results in a loss of data. So what I want to accomplish is - if the user is leaving this page and the data has not been saved yet, I want to prompt the user and say something like "The information is not yet saved, are you sure you want to leave this page" in a modal popup. So my approach is this: In my menu user control, create an event handler called MenuClicked that is raised when the menu web control's (in the user control) MenuItemClicked is raised, I raise my custom MenuClicked event. Then on my master page, I can catch this event in NavMenu_MenuClicked. My problem is - I need to catch this event in my content page, not the master? Am I approaching this correctly?

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Web Forms :: Getting Data From Control In Parent Page Codebehind?

Jan 19, 2011

I am creating an ASP.NET website in Visual Studio 2010 (.NET 4.0) in C#.

I have a user control applicant_information.ascx which contains text boxes.

The page application.aspx contains this user control:

<%@ Register src="controls/applicant_information.ascx" tagname="applicant" tagprefix="uc1" %>
<uc1:applicant ID="applicant1" runat="server" />

The application.aspx page contains a multiview, and the applicant1 user control is in one of the views. The button continue takes the visitor to the next view which contains another user control of text boxes.

I want to write validation code on the continue_Click event which is in the application.aspx.cs page. Ideally, from the application.aspx.cs code behind page, I want to get the user input from a text box in applicant1.

Intellicense cannot seem to find any of the text boxes in applicant1 from application.aspx.cs.

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Web Forms :: Content Page Event Not Triggered

Mar 1, 2011

I am trying to do simple label text change on a content page. But the event is never fired.


What am I doing wrong?

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Master Page Button Event Overloading By Content Page Button Event When Enter Key Is Pressed?

Nov 29, 2010

I have two search options:

1. On Master Page there is a text box and button for search.

2. on content page there is form for with two texboxes and a button for search.

Now whenever i press enter key from keyboard, the masterpage button event is fires.

I mean in every case when I press enter key from keyboard the same event is called.

I want If someone fill the content page search form and press enter key, it fires content page event.I am doing it like this:


but not working

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VS 2010 - Newly Added Controls Not Showing Up In Codebehind Page Event Dropdown

Oct 26, 2012

I am working on a web form using VS 2010. The controls I've added previously to this form will show in the drop down list in code behind and are available to add events too. However any new controls I've added for last week or so are not visible in the list. I cannot access their events. I have scoured the forums and tried everything I can think of, nothing works.

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Web Forms :: Catch MenuItemClick Event In A Content Page?

Jan 30, 2011

I have a master page, which has a Menu control:


Now I want to "catch" the event when someone click on the new menu item ("Add File"), which will cause a panel in the content page to become visible. I can't catch it in the master page, because then I won't have access to the panel, and I don't know how to catch it in the content page.

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Web Forms :: Check To See If Content Page Has Event In Script?

Feb 16, 2011

I want to check to see if a contentPageLoad script exists or not, and if so execute code. if I do (if (contentPageLoad) {alert(contentPageLoad);} I get an error.

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Web Forms :: Event Handler Not Subscribed To Content Page

Jan 6, 2011

I have a master page that contains a navigational menu, made up of nested databound repeaters. Buttons are created for the outer-most repeater's items. When the user clicks on one of these buttons, the content page loads and a label within this content page changes to reflect the text from the button that was clicked. In other words - click a button, load the page, change the label on the page to the text on the button. I have tried also changing the initialization on the content page from Page_Load to Page_PreInit to Page_Init, and nothing seems to matter as I'd like to move on in this project! Code follows:

Master Page (Site.Master):


Content Page (BatchView.aspx):


The problem is, whenever a button is clicked, it changes the title of the master page to 'Not Working', which lets me know that the TeamChosen eventhandler is null!

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Web Forms :: Public Event RaiseEvent Not Firing In Content Page

Mar 3, 2010

Here is the situation, I have a nested master page with set of global filters for reports. When they click the run button in the master I want the content page to process the filter and execute a general function called RunReport on the content page. Each report has its own content page with its own RunReport method. Everything I see online says to use public events with the RaiseEvent call. This was easy to code but it doesn't seem to be firing the event on the content page. How do I know, I have an error message section on the master page which I can send messages to from the content and it is displaying nothing. I also put a break point in the content page method and it never hit it. NOTE: MyPortal is a class that contains to variables call Master, which reference the main master page, and Validations which references the nested master page. The page does not throw any errors, it just refreshes like a normal button click. I have traced code to make sure it gets to the RaiseEvent call and when I tried to step into the code it skipped over the line. Here is some code for the nested master page:


Here is some code for the content page:


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Web Forms :: Retrieve DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged Event In Content Page?

Apr 28, 2010

I have in my MasterPage a DropDownList that appears in all my Pages. I want it to run a specific code when user select another item in the list, but the event SelectedIndexChanged in the MasterPage doesn't work. How can I do to get this event working?

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