Web Forms :: Activate Event Or Postback In A Page After Close Another Window?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a main page, when i click a button, appear another window. When i close the another window, i wanna make one loop for fill my fields in the main page. How i can do that? Activate some event or something like that?

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Web Forms :: Fire A PostBack Event On A Page When Close A Window?

Mar 26, 2010

The program is written using dotnetnuke and c#

Im facing the following problem. I have a aspx page (test.aspx) where I have a form what I want to do is when I hit a button on the test.aspx I open another window (getCoordinates.aspx)where I do some things and create some session variables.

When I close the getCoordinates.aspx I want to call the page load of the test.aspx so I can make use of the session variables I created and fill some textboxes

How can you refresh the 'parent' page when you close a 'child' window

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Web Forms :: Close Popup Window And Open Page In Parent Window?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a login page that is loaded in popup window (colorbox) and after user logs in it should be closed and parent window should be loaded with new page.

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Do While reader.Read()
If Trim(reader("ZAP").ToString()) = Trim(textBoxZap.Text) Then
Session("A") = "1"
lblErr.Text = "incorect"
End If

So once the buton is clicked and user name and password is corect popup window should be closed and user redirected to default aspx.

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Web Forms :: How To Run Subroutine Or Activate Event For Control In Content Page From Codebehind

Jan 12, 2011

I am not trying to activate an event or run a subroutine from a control from the masterpage, I am trying to activate or run from VB codebehind of the master page.

I have a button in a content page with a particular .click even that I want to activate from the masterpage codegehind periodically.

Also, how do I access or run a subroutine in a content page from codebehind in a master page.

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Web Forms :: Refresh Parent Window On Close Of Chlie Window

May 14, 2010

I have created an intranet application in ASP. From my main web page I am opening a web browser window and adding a record to database from that new window. Now on close of that window I want to refresh my main web page to reflect the database changes. My backend is "ms access" Also on the other hand I also want to disable the closing button of web browser.

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Close After Postback Event In An Ascx File (user Control)?

Feb 15, 2011

I have an aspx page with multiple modal popups. These modal popups are trigger in the page behind code using .Show() and .Hide().

This is what I have in the .aspx page for the particular modal popup under discussion:


The example below demonstrates the type of calls I am making to the modal popup extenders. Basically using the Datalist item command, the datalist commands are responsible for triggering my modal popups.


They all work fine after postbacks except the "activityReport" case (the last one). The only difference with this modal popup is that it contains a user control and all the postbacks are happening in the user control. So the problem is that in the last case whenever a postback happens in the user control then the modal popup is close.

1. If I separate the modal popup and place it in a page all by itself and trigger it to .Show() through a button click in the page behind code then the modal popup doesn't close. See below example.


2. The button click event in the test page looks as follow:


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On Close Button Click On Child Window,parent Window Refreshes?

May 20, 2010

Refresh the Parent Window. I open the child window,I want that on close button click on child window,parent window refreshes



I searched all on the net & find the above soln,But its not refreshing.when i click on button1,then some Pop up appears see in Pic(with buttons Retry & Cancel). When i click on Retry again the child window loads Then again i click on button1,again popup appears & so on & on.

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How To Close All Threads On Browser Close Event

Dec 16, 2010

I have website which runs multiple threads. When user close the browser but threads are still running. How to kill/stop all thread in asp.net on browser close.

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Handling Browser Close Event And Page Refresh

Nov 16, 2010

In our application we need to handle browser close event. When a user directly closes the browser, we should give him an alert message and stop him by directly closing the window based on some conditions. This we have handled through body onunload event. The problem is we are getting the alert message but after showing the alert message the window gets closed.

Is there any way to stop closing the window on click of browser close event?

And also when the page is refreshed, the last performed action is getting fired again.

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Web Forms :: Refresh And Close Popup Window?

Mar 5, 2010

I have all of my code into one ASPX file. Called Scheduler.aspx. I am using the DayPilot scheduler and the Obout Flyout. But i moved it all to one page to make it simpler. But one thing I am having probelms with is; when I save my popup it should close and refresh the page. And when I hit the close link it should close (which it does) and then refresh the popup when I click on it to open again (which it doesnt). Since I have this all on one form and I am calling the popup using the flyout I can't figure out how to do these.

My page is called: Scheduler.aspx

My Scheduler is called: dps

My flyout is called: EventFlyout

Right now I have the flyout opening from a label. So when I click on the label my flyout opens, I insert data and it saves to the database. But i have to close my browser and open another to get the data I just imputed to show.

View 9 Replies

Web Forms :: Close Window After Downloading File?

Oct 31, 2010

I have a page that has a note to the user about the file they're about to download and a button to click to start the download. When they click the button, it does a Response.Redirect to another page with the following code in its Page_Load:

Response.Buffer = True
Response.AppendHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" & FileName)
Response.AppendHeader("Content-length", FileSize.ToString)
Response.ContentType = "application/download"

I want the download to start and then I want this page (which is a tab in the browser) to close.

The code to download the file works fine. I just can't figure out how to close this tab when it's finished. I've read a lot of forum posts from people who are using similar code, but none of the suggestions seem to work for me. I understand that Response.End means that I can't put any more code this page; it will be ignored. But how do I get this tab to close?

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Web Forms :: How To Call Button Event On Browser Close Event

Dec 28, 2010

How to call button event on browser close event? is it possible?

i have a button placed on my master page and when user try to close the browser window, i want to invoke this button event placed on my master page...

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Close Popup Window Without Alert Box Message

Feb 8, 2010

I produce a popup window by adding a hyperlink to a table cell dynamically in my vb.net code behind. Here is the code:

Dim sHyperlink As
String =
"<a href=""LabPopup.aspx?RefNo=" & iLabRefNo &
""" target=""_blank"">" & strValue &
"</a>" objCellValue.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl(sHyperlink))

So on my web page, I will have a list of these hyperlinks and each have a different iLabRefNo. When I click on one of these links, the popup window does appear correctly.

I have a button on the popup window that closes the popup. But I get this message in an alert box when click on my button:

The webpage you are viewing is trying to close the window. Do you want to close the window?

If I click OK then the window close. But I just want to close the popup wondow without this message. What do I need to do?

Here is my code for the button to close the popup:

<script type="text/javascript">
function CloseWindow() {

View 11 Replies

Web Forms ::close Window Itself When Popup Button Clicked

Aug 15, 2010

On successfull update a popup is appearing that "Data updated Successfully." with the Ok button. I used following piece of code:

"alert('Record Updated successfully.!');",

I want if user click OK button then window should also close.

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Web Forms :: How To Close Window And Return To Index.aspx

Jan 20, 2011

I create a page index.aspx and another inserir.aspx

The index is the master and the inserir.aspx is the popup... The popup is a insert form and works fine but, when it inserts I want to close the window and return to index.aspx...


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Web Forms :: User Controls And Close The Popup Window

Mar 15, 2010

I inherited a poorly designed ASP.Net web site. Here are some of the main parts;

1. Default.aspx. This web page conatins several user controls that do the bulk of the work.
2. Alerts.ascx. Used by Default.aspx
3. Dashboard.ascx. Used by Default.aspx.
4. LabResults.aspx. Popup window called from Alerts.ascx

bear with me while I describe the scenario:

1. The user clicks a button on default.aspx and a page in Alerts.ascx is displayed. This works fine.

2. The user then clicks a hyperlink control on Alerts.ascx and the popup window LabResults.aspx displays. This also works fine.

3. The user clicks a button on the popup window. Here is where I am having problems. I want to close the popup window and do a post back but not to Alerts.ascx. i want to instead call dashboard.ascx and run a particular event which displays some patient info. I do not know how to pass control to the dashboard.ascx user control at his point. Presently, my popup window closes which is good but the Alerts.ascx page is still displayed. I want to close this page and open the dashboard.ascx instead.

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Web Forms :: Close Popup Window By Server Side Code?

Jan 5, 2011

I open a popup window by client code. Now I want to do some calculation on this popup window & if it success then I want to save the calculation result in a session variable and close the window. I mean I want to click a button on popup window, it will do some calculation on server side and if it success the it will store the calculation result in a session variable and close the popup window.

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Cannot Close The Window In Mozilla And Chrome Gives Scripting Error

Jan 24, 2016

Please click <a onclick="self.close();" href="#">here</a> to close this window. this is my code .

when i submit in chrome and mozilla it shows the error.

" script must not be allowed to close a window that was not opened by that same script."

I tried with

function quitBox(cmd) {
if (cmd=='quit') {
open(location, '_self').close();
return false;

but it does not work for me

window.open('', '_parent', '');
and also with this script.

how i close the tab on clicking the close tab.

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Web Forms :: Call Server Side Method On Browser Window Close Button

Oct 26, 2012

How to call the server side method on browser window close button...

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How To Close A Pop Up Window

Sep 3, 2010

I am using this code.This pop up window pops up when I clicks a button on the main page.Now I want the pop up window to be closed if the password is successfully changed and reload the main page,but if the password is not changed then refresh the pop up window again.

Here is the code.

<asp:Textbox id="curnt_paswrd" textmode="Password" runat="server" />

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Web Forms :: Does Event On Silverlight Control Postback Whole Page

Feb 21, 2010

I know silverlight page doesn't make postback itself but does event fired from silverlight control postback whole asp.net page If this silverlight,control embedded in aspx page?

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Web Forms :: Providing Vertical Scrolling To Page In Postback Event?

Feb 27, 2010

I am using gridview in my aspx page. In that i have placed questions and related link button with text viewAnswer.Bellow that gridview i have olaced a lable . When i click on viewanswer the answer apear on lable. but here i want that the user can view lable at first sight. for that how can i provide dynamic verticle scroll to my page target as lable..

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C# - How To Close Html Window When Click Button

Oct 14, 2010

I have asp.net button "OK" in html popup window. I after my logic done how close that popup window it self?

<asp:Button Id="btnOK" runat="server" AccessKey="<%$Resources:
wss,multipages_okbutton_accesskey%>" Width="70px" Text="<%$Resources:wss,
multipages_okbutton_text%>" OnClick="btnOK_Click" />

View 5 Replies

Include Close Option In Popup Window?

Jan 10, 2011

< asp:ModalPopupExtender
PopupControlID="popupcontent" >

this is my popup window code.. how can i include close(*) icon and make it work??

View 3 Replies

One Webform And Two Popups - Parent Window Close

Nov 29, 2011

I have one webform and two popups. I am opening 1st popup using window.open method from my webform and it is working fine. then i am opening 2nd popup as showmadaldialog from 1st popup.

my second dialog have one button and if i click the button my two popup's(one popup and one dialog) should be closed and my webform should be appear.

currently am able to close 2nd popup. but am unable to close 1st popup from second popup.

[note : two popups are modal dialog] ....

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