Web Forms :: How To Use Iframe

May 7, 2015

How to use Iframe in asp.net,give me any example

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Iframe From Code Behind / Load A Dynamic iframe But It Cannot Visualize The Page?

Nov 30, 2010

i am trying to load a dynamic iframe but it cannot visualize the page.

this is my html code:


and this is my codebehind:


i am using a content update panel on the page but the div of the iframe is out of the content panel.

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Web Forms :: Iframe Dynamic Resize Or Iframe Alternative?

Feb 9, 2011

I have created a web application that docks other web applications into it.When an application is docked the app creates a link button in its "tool box" on the left hand side of the page, users can easily click on any link button to navigate to the desired docked app.

I have a web app that uses iframes to display other web applications inside it. In effect it is a docking application where users can easily access many web applications from within one main app, while staying within the main app. I am having challenges dynamically resizing the iframe based on the size of the application the user is accessing.I have searched the web and tried many ideas but have yet to discover the code that will do the trick.

First, for a docking web application is the iframe the best approach? I have see some posts on ajax but am uncertain how that will help.

Second, if an iframe is the way to do it does anyone have code that will completely liminate the need for iframe scroll bars?

Note:The applications docked in the main we app may be of any size and can change size as users interact with them.

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Web Forms :: How To Open Websites In Iframe / Alternate Way To Iframe

Mar 29, 2011

Our website application needs to open other web sites Iframe.(Our application is web based tool to help high school children to analyze the websites. It has to show news websites to in one iframe and in rest of the page there will be questions related to the news website)

But since many websites use framekiller code, these sites take control of entire page. Is there any ternative way / solution to this problem?It is necessary to be able to open other sites in our website (in iframe or any alternate way), otherwise whole concept of our application will become void.

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Iframe Timeout / All Pages Are Loaded On That Iframe According To Menu Selection?

Dec 23, 2010

in my application iam using an iframe, all pages are loaded on that iframe according to menu selection.My problem is that while timeout the login page is loaded inside the iframe.under the menu sectionHow can i overcome this?

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How To Get URL Of The Page Where Iframe Is Open From Iframe

Jun 14, 2010

i open a iframe in a page, from that page opend in iframe, i want the page url.means one page mainpage.aspx have a iframe, that iframe open open a iframepage.aspx page.from the iframepage.aspx page's button click event i want to referesh the mainpage.aspx page.how can i do.

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Web Forms :: Should Keep Using Iframe Or There Is Any Other Better Option

Mar 5, 2011

I have to convert some classic ASP code into ASP.NET Here is the scenario:?id=1234 , Page1 has two iframes frame1->frame1.asp?id=1 , frame1 has some buttons clicking on which will decide if to allow user to print info in frame2.frame2->frame2.asp?id=1, frame2 has detailed info about id=1 which needs to be printed based on action taken in frame1.Is this approach still the best one or are there any other better options?One option I can think of is replacing frame1 and frame2 by UserControls.

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Web Forms :: Postback Using IFrame?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using iframe for integration of ASP.Net application somehow one of the page closes iframe window and opens in the new window. I went through the code and noticed that postback is occuring two times for this page and it is leaving the control. This page uses UserControl and if I remove the UserControl then it works fine.


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Web Forms :: Opening A PDF In An IFrame?

Oct 5, 2010

In a page I want to show a list box which will show all the PDF within a folder. Also besides that I want to show an Iframe or anything for that matter, in which I can show the PDF file content. The things that I tried are

1. Setting the src property of the IFRAME to the file clicked in Listbox

Problem :- It does only work for small PDF's. If the size of the PDF is large then this thing does not work, even waiting for a longer time PDF does not opens up

2. Using a code like this

string path = @"D:AmarCRM DocsCRM_SAP_Docs";
path = path + strParamFile;
System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient();
Byte[] buffer = client.DownloadData(path);
if (buffer != null)
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Response.AddHeader("content-length", buffer.Length.ToString());

but with this approach the page is opened in the page & the Listbox for selecting the PDF file is not visible again.

So I did tried creating another page & setting the IFRAME src with the new page in which I can open up the file & again pass the control back to the first page. But somehow I am not able to do that.

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Web Forms :: Alternate Of Using Iframe?

May 3, 2010

In my application i am using Iframe for opening aspx page which slow down the speed while redering the controls. Is there any other way of calling aspx page from classic asp.

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Web Forms :: Get The Redirect Url In Iframe Using Js

Nov 24, 2013

suppose in an asp page abc.com is running within an iframe. now user clicked on any of the link of abc.com..how would i get that perticular url that has been requested by the user using java script...

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Web Forms :: How To Use Iframe To View Pdf Files

Jan 16, 2010

How can I view pdf files within my documents? I came to know from a link that I can use Iframe to view pdf files. But it doesn't work. When the page is loaded, the download file dialog box shows up.

<iframe src="Documents/test.pdf" width="500px" height="500px"></iframe>

Is there any other way I can view pdf files in my .aspx page?

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Web Forms :: Setting The Layout Seen To Be The Same As First Iframe?

Apr 27, 2010

I have the web page which will open the iframe window and then redirect to another iframe window.Then the layout happen. Some portions of the top including header can be seen in first iframe but not in second iframe.How can I set the layout seen to be the same as first iframe?

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Web Forms :: Using Iframe To Submit A Web Form With 4.0?

Apr 22, 2010

This post is related to the issue of using javascript with asp.net form found here:[URL]I figured out that the issue I am having is not that the javascript cannot find the control but rather that the ajax frame I am using, for some reason does not allow me to find the controls.Here is how I submit my form in VS 2008 which is working fine:

<form id="form1" runat="server" target="ajaxFrame" defaultfocus="userName">
The ajax frame below, is on the login page right before the body closing tag:
<iframe id="ajaxFrame" name="ajaxFrame" src="" style="visibility:hidden;"></iframe>

When the user clicks the login button, all the vb.net code on the code behind page is executed and some hidden fields are populated with some login/user validation data. The iframe then takes the user name and password (using jquery and some custom javascript) and automatically redirects and login the user on another website where an asp/js login page is used.For some reason, this exact setup does not work with asp.net 4.0.

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Web Forms :: Why Isn't Possible To Post Form From An Iframe

Aug 30, 2010

Why is it not possible to post my form from an iframe? The form in the iframe is the same as the form outside the iframe. I have put in the EnvableEvent Validation="true". It is not working.

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Web Forms :: How To Print Pdf Document Or Iframe

Mar 21, 2011

I want to print pdf document or iframe from button click event in asp.net. If someone know pdf print or iframe print code in asp.net

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Web Forms :: How To Open PDF File In Iframe

Jun 7, 2010

I have my webpage, left hand side contains Treeview, and Other Side contains IFrame,

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Web Forms :: How To Display PDF Dynamically In Iframe

Feb 16, 2011

i have an ifram in a web page and i want dynamiclly to pop a pdf.

i am generating a pdf into a byte[] .

is it possible to bind the ifram with the byte[]?

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Web Forms :: Redirect Outside Iframe After X Seconds?

Jun 5, 2010

I have a page called HP.aspx that has an iframe to display a presentation made up of several pages. On the last page (Movie.aspx) within the HP.aspx iframe, I want to redirect the page to Projects.aspx outside the HP.aspx iframe after 25 seconds.

I know I can use 'Response.Write("<script>window.open('~/Projects.aspx','_top');</script>");' in the Movie.aspx's codebehind to redirect the page outside the iframe, but how do I set the page load to redirect after 25 seconds.

I' know the usual way of redirect after a specific time in C# is 'Response.AddHeader("REFRESH", "25;URL=~/Projects.aspx");,' but that leaves me still within the HP.aspx iframe. I tried replaces '~/Projects.aspx' withe '<script>...</script>' but it just gave me an error still inside the HP.aspx iframe.

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Web Forms :: IFrame Redirect With Asp Parameters

Oct 26, 2010

I have a website using two iframes as follows

-----MAIN (default.aspx)
|----------------IFRAME1 (navigation.aspx)
|----------------IFRAME2 (content.aspx)

My issues is this:
I want to click on a button in IFRAME1 that will update the page of IFRAME2.
Also, i want to pass it some parameters (from aspx textboxes) to change the IFRAME2 output ( content.aspx?value=12&name=bob)

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Web Forms :: How To Close Iframe In Code Behind

Dec 14, 2010

how to close a iframe in code behind

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Web Forms :: How To Ridirect Users From An Iframe

Apr 3, 2010

have an .aspx page that hostes an iframe, when iframe is loades it displays 2 buttons (OK, Cancel) if OK is clicked i want to ridirect the user to the default.aspx, i tried to map the url but it loades the url on the iframe.i would like to close the iframe and send the user at the default page

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Web Forms :: Post To Iframe On Another Page?

Dec 23, 2010


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Web Forms :: Usage Of Iframe In Project?

Sep 14, 2010

I want to use an iframe in my project.. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 using asp.NET and VB.. I created the iframe okay.. but here's the tricky part.. I have a variable in the VB CODE called "htmladdress" and from the VB CODE i wish to do the following example:

[Code].... how either I access the iframe from the VB CODE (preferably) or access the variable from the asp code.

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Web Forms :: Login Control Within An Iframe ?

May 11, 2010

I need to allow users from another site to log into mine. The login control needs to be on the other website.

I was going to accomplish this using an <iframe> eg:


However when the user selects the login button they are directed to the homepage but its inside the iframe.

Is there a way to open the homepage in a new window (or the same window) after authenticating the user in protected void UserLogin_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e) {} ?

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