Web Forms :: Identify KeyPress "Enter" In TextBox?
Mar 3, 2010
I have a textBox where a I enter some text. After this is done I will press "Enter" on the keyboard to call the control Button1 that I have on the same form.
Assume that I have: textBox1 and Button1 on my form. In somehow I will need to identify that "Enter" is pressed in the textBox1 ?
I have implemented some javascript to handle the keypress of the "Enter" key to click a certain button. This has worked well on several pages but I have one that does not behave:View:
May return controller:
When I actually click a button, the value assigned to strButtonClicked is correct.Example: Click "Login" --> strButtonClicked = "Login"When I hit the "Enter" key, I get a different value.Example: Hit enter --> strButtonClicked = "I forgot my User Name and/or Password"Below is a View that works correctly:
The goal is a facebook style interface where one users post can be commented on by another by clicking on a "comment" link. I am finding this some what difficult.
First - although I think that I will have to use a nested repeater, the initial issue is how to ID a text box that is embedded in the repeater.
I tried to modify downloaded code from URL... to use with content pages/ master page by placing javascript at master page and put below code at the content page, But the when i type somethng on the text nothing filters. How to filter gridivew using master page.
* txtSearch => text box created at the top of gridview.
Below query brings data to the gridivew on page load.
If Not Me.IsPostBack Then Dim ds As New DataSet ds = PR.PRFInquiry(BadgeNo) GVPRFInquiry.DataSource = ds GVPRFInquiry.DataMember = "DataSet" GVPRFInquiry.DataBind() End If
below code create text box inside gridview to filter and calls the javascript.
Protected Sub OnDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) If (Not Master.Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("function")) Then Master.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "function", "fucntion();", True) End If Dim row As New GridViewRow(0, 0, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal) For i As Integer = 0 To GVPRFInquiry.Columns.Count - 1
I have a gridview with textbox and that textbox is for searching. My question is do you know how to search with all fields in gridview.For example: I have a gridview contains, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE NAME, and LAST NAME, and if I type in the textbox the gridview will automatically get what I've inout in textbox.
I have a problem. I have a textbox where i enter the amount and in another textbox the amount in words comes automatically. The function appended below works fine when the amount entered is without a decimal. But if the amount entered has a decimal, then the function gives an error. Can anyone check the same and tel me a solution.Wat i want is suppose the amount entered in 2345.68 the amount in words should come, Rupees two thousand three hundred forty fve and sixty eight paisa only. if the decimal is not entered then the function gives proper result.
Added <Body onkeydown = "return(event.keyCode!=13)"> into a VS2008 masterpage. Did this to disable the Enter key from basically doing a button click event. The code works great, however, we use multiline textboxes that were accepting Enter to do a newline in the textbox. Now the multiline textbox does nothing when Enter is pressed. Is there an override that would work on a single form that loads behind the master page? Ref: your Disable Enter key in TextBox to avoid postback in ASP.Net.
im here trying to find a solution to this problem, in a form i have a textbox and a button to do a basic search in a database, so the user types the search criteria in the textbox and then clicks on the button to search, this works just fine, the problem is when the user enter the search criteria and then press enter inside the textbox, in this scenario the user gets to the login page, its a strange behavior, its like its loggin me out of the web application, im using form authentication in asp.net with vb.net
i have trying this to disable the textbox onkeypress event, but it doesnt seem to work:
My question is better tricky,i know how to handle enter key event in single for textbox in master page. but in my case, i have a text box and button for do the seach and another login user control to do the login.
Then i have write code for trigger the enter key event to every textbox focus. but alwys search button click event is raising. even if focus the login control text box focus.
I have a textbox in which I want to be enter normal character as well as password character like *****6789.
My TextBox accept 9 character in which 5 will not be readable and when user will type it will show * and last 4 character will be display as it is. suppose I have enter 123456789 and so it should be display like *****6789 and suppose I delete 5 character 5 so 6 should be come into 5th place and it will be convert to non readable (*) like *****789.
How I can achieve such functionality for my Textbox in aspx or in JavaScript
I've a Username and Password TextBoxes, and more than one ImageButton in the page, so while I type the password, press enter, it presses another ImageButton than the Login ImageButton in my page.
How can I choose which ImageButton function to fire when pressing Enter while in the Password TextBox?
There are a lot of post about how to disable the Enter key in a one-line Textbox, but non of them works if you put the Textbox inside an asp:panel.I assume there are multiple eventhandlers on the keypress event on a Textbox if it is inside a panel. So I would have to add my own handler at the end of the list somehow.
I apologise for the newbie question, but if i have a (e.g) textboxKeyword and i type in "Pets" into the box and instead of having to use my mouse and click on my 'Go' button, I simply hit the 'enter' button and the event gets fired and my datagrid gets filled with all my search criteria. What's the event / code that I would use on the 'textboxKeyword' ?
I have a few sections in my code with a button to do something different in each. I'm pretty sure the user would press enter to submit the section, but I would like to handle it nonetheless.To handle it, I put the "sections" into Panels, and set the default button for each. There is a total of 4 panels and default buttons set to their respective included buttons.When I press enter in 3 of them, the correct event fires, but not in one (it calls a different button).I put MsgBoxes (for testing) at the beginning of each server event to see which is being called, and it's not the correct one.I might as well post the code, but it's fairly simple. I don't know if the accordion affects it at all, but it doesn't seem like it should...
Sorry, I hate when people post way too long code, but most of it doesn't exactly apply, so just focus on the panels.When I press enter when in focus in on a textbox in BudgetReportsPanel2 and press enter, the UpdateButton event is called instead.