Web Forms :: Implement Wizard - Best Approach?

Oct 1, 2010

I am looking to implement a Wizard for my Web Form, please could somebody give me suggestions as to which approach would be best jQuery or ASP.NET Wizard control? give links describing the implementation, if possible.

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Best Approach To Implement Reusable SortedList?

May 8, 2010

I have a situation where I need to maintain a large number of related integer values in my ASP.Net 3.5 application. The SortedList seems perfect for this purpose. If this were a Windows app I'd just create a class and setup one method to Set values within the SortedList and another one to Get values out of it.

But being a web app, I'm not entirely sure of the best approach to use. Sure, I could just create one method for Set and another for Get but that doesn't seem very "clean".I thought about creating a UserControl without any visual elements but am not sure if that makes sense.How would you go about implementing such a SortedList in your web app?

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How To Implement Wizard Type Page Navigation

Jul 2, 2010

I am using ASP.NET MVC 2 & .Net 3.5 with Visual Studio 2008. Ok, what I am referring to by 'Wizard type page navigation', is a site where you have a list of stages in a given process or workflow. There is some kind of visual denotation to indicate which part of the stage you are at. I have already implemented this part (albeit, it smells like a hack) via the following:
css class current denotes active page.
css class notcurrent denotes in-active page (i.e. page you are not on)

I declared the following method in a class called NavigationTracker.
public static String getCss(String val, String currView) {
String result = String.Empty;
String trimmedViewName = currView.Substring(currView.LastIndexOf("/") + 1).Replace(".aspx", "");
if (val.ToLower().Equals(trimmedViewName.ToLower()))
result = "current"; else result = "notcurrent"; return result; }

I have my stages in a control like this:
<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="TheProject.Models" %>
<link href="../../Content/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<% String currentView = ((WebFormView)ViewContext.View).ViewPath; %>
<table width="100%"> <tr>
<td class="<%= NavigationTracker.getCss("LogIn",currentView)%>" style="width:18%;">Log In</td>
<td class="<%= NavigationTracker.getCss("YearSelect",currentView)%>" style="width:18%;">Year Section</td>
<td class="<%= NavigationTracker.getCss("GoalEntry",currentView)%>" style="width:18%;">Goals</td>
<td class="<%= NavigationTracker.getCss("AssessmentEntry",currentView)%>" style="width:18%;">Assessment</td>
<td class="<%= NavigationTracker.getCss("SummaryEntry",currentView)%>" style="width:18%;"> Summary</td> </tr> </table>

To supplement this process, I'd like to create a user control that just has Previous & Next buttons to manage going through this process. So far, one snag I've hit is that this control cannot be put in the master page, but would have to be included in each view, before the form ends. I don't mind that so much. Clicking either the Previous or Next button submit the containing form to the appropriate action; however, I'm unsure on how to do the following:
1) Detect whether the Previous or Next button was clicked
2) Show/Hide logic of Previous & Next buttons at the beginning & end of the process respectively.

Another oddity I'm noticing with my application in general is that, after going through several pages of the process, if I click the back button, some values from my model populate on the page and others do not. For example, the text entered for a text area shows, but the value that had been chosen for a radio button is not selected, yet when inspecting the model directly, the appropriate object does have a value to be bound to the radio button. I may just need to put that last part in a new question. My main question here is with the navigation control. Any pointers or tips on handling that logic & detecting whether Next or Previous was clicked would be most helpful.

I had a thought to put a hidden field in the control that displays the Previous & Next buttons. Depending on what button was clicked, I would use javascript to update the hidden fields value. The problem now seems to be that the hidden field is never created nor submitted with the form. I've amended the controller post arguments to accept the additional field, but it never gets submitted, nor is it in the FormCollection. Here is the code for the hidden field. Note that its being generated in a user control that is called inside of the form on the parenting view (hope that makes sense).
<% Html.Hidden("navDirection", navDirection); %>

In short, the solution was to have a Navigation class like the one suggested with logic to determine the next or previous page based on the current view & a string list of all views. A partial view / user control was created to display the Previous / Next buttons. The user control had 2 hidden fields: 1) One with the value of the current view 2) a field indicating navigation direction (previous or next). Javascript was used to update the hidden navigation field value depending on what button was clicked. Logic in the user control determined whether or not to display the 'Previous' or 'Next' buttons depending on the first and last views in the wizard when compared to the current view. All said, I'm pretty happy with the results. I'll probably find some code smell issues when I return to this, but, for now, it works.

Here is the code for the control I built to display the 'Next' & 'Previous' navigation buttons:
<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Project.Models" %>
<link href="../../Content/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" > function setVal(val) {
var nav = document.getElementById("NavigationDirection"); nav.value = val;
} </script> <% String currentView = ((WebFormView)ViewContext.View).ViewPath;
String navDirection = "empty"; currentView = NavigationTracker.getShortViewName(currentView); %>
<input type="hidden" value="<%= currentView %>" name="CurrentView" id="CurrentView" />
<input type="hidden" value="<%= navDirection %>" name="NavigationDirection" id="NavigationDirection" /> <% if( currentView != NavigationTracker.FirstPage) { %>
<div style="float:left;"> <input type="submit" value="Previous" onclick="setVal('previous')" />
<!-- On click set navDirection = "previous" --> </div> <% } %>
<% if (currentView != NavigationTracker.LastPage) { %>
<div style="float:right;"> <input type="submit" value="Next" onclick="setVal('next')" /> <!-- On click set navDirection = "next" --> </div> <% } %>

From there, you render the control just before the closing tag of a form on views you want it like so:
<% Html.RenderPartial("BottomNavControl"); %> <% } %>

Now I can't really post all of the NavigationTracker code, but the meat of how it works can be deduced from the selected answer and the following snippet that returns the name of the view, based on the current view and the direction (previous or next).
public String NextView { get {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.NavigationDirection)) return string.Empty;
int index = this.MyViews.IndexOf(this.CurrentView); String result = string.Empty;
if (this.NavigationDirection.Equals("next") && (index + 1 < MyViews.Count ) {
result = this.MyViews[index + 1]; }
else if (this.NavigationDirection.Equals("previous") && (index > 0)) {
result = this.MyViews[index - 1]; } return result; } }

Now, doing all of this has a few side effects that could easily be considered code smell. Firstly, I have to amend all of my controller methods that are marked [HTTPPOST] to accept a NavigationTracker object as a parameter. This object contains helper methods and the CurrentView & NavigationDirection properties. Once this is done, I can get the next view the same way in all of my actions:
return RedirectToAction(nav.NextView);
where nav is of type NavigationTracker.
Another note is that the FirstPage & LastPage properties of NavigationTracker are static so I'm actually using NavigationTracker.FirstPage in my global.asax.cs file for my routing. This means I can go to my NavigationTracker class and change the flow in one place for the entire application.

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AJAX :: Wizard In Update Panel - When Click Any Button The Wizard Disappearing

Jul 14, 2010

I am trying to use wizard in an update panel but the wizard is disappearing when I click for the next or prev step button. I only want to close wizard , when I click the finish button. How can I do this ?

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Web Forms :: A Good MVC Approach To Encrypt Password?

Feb 22, 2011

I have the following requirement:

- During client registration, the password must be client side encrypted with SHA1 algorithm and stored in the DB

I have done that before using javascript on the client side. But it was a non MVC web app. I know I can use js again, but I'm trying to find a better approach.Using https or not is not depending on our development side, so we can not change the requirement.

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.net - Approach For Replacing Forms Authentication In .NET Application

Dec 24, 2010

My question is about an approach, and I am looking for tips or links to help me develop a solution. I have an .NET 4.0 web forms application that works with Forms authentication using the aspnetdb SQL database of users and passwords. A new feature for the application is a new authentication mechanism using single sign on to allow access for thousands of new users. Essentially, when the user logs in through the new single-sign-on method, I will be able to identify them as legitimate users with a role I will have something like HttpContext.Current.Session["email_of_authenticated_user"] (their identity) and HttpContext.Current.Session["role_of_authenticated_user"] (their role).

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Web Forms :: Page Validation General Approach?

Aug 19, 2010

I have a web app that presents a list of statements pulled from the db to be ranked from "Never" to "Always" using a radioButtonList.

Some of the assessments have up to 100 statements, so I'm thinking that a ListView with paging and a RequiredFieldValidator for the radioButtonList would keep the presentation manageable.

I would like to submit the data after all of the pages are complete but I think that would require customization, or is my approach wrong?

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Web Forms :: How To Customize Pager Control In Custom Paging Repeater Approach

Aug 31, 2013

URL... I'm trying this approach and I like it, It is what i was finding. customize the function he wrote to populate the pager control: 

private void PopulatePager(int recordCount, int currentPage)
double dblPageCount = (double)((decimal)recordCount / Convert.ToDecimal(PageSize));
int pageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(dblPageCount);
List<ListItem> pages = new List<ListItem>();
if (pageCount > 0)


I need the paginator is something like that:<FIRST><BACK>1,2,3....N<NEXT><LAST>where first return back to first page, back go to previous current page, next for next page and last jump to last page.How can I do that?

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MVC :: What Is The Best Approach To One To Many Relationships

Aug 5, 2010

What is the best approach to one to many relationships?

This is my scenario:

I have a simple one to many relation:


I want to have a DETAIL view of customers and CREATE view for CustomerNotes all in the same page.

I create CustomerController and the different views and its respective actions for edit, create, delete, etc.

I also create a CustomerNotesController and the views and actions like before, but I made the views PARTIALS

I put a RENDERPARTIAL for the CustomerNotes create view in the Details view from Customer.

When I run the app, the page is render as expected: It shows the detail info of the customer and bellow the create form for the notes. However, when I click SAVE, nothing happens. I put a breakpoint in the notes controller and never get hit.

I also try with RenderAction and don't work at all.

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DDD Approach Be Used With NHibernate?

Nov 12, 2010

I've been reading up on DDD a little bit, and I am confused how this would fit in when using an ORM like NHibernate. Right now I have a .NET MVC application with fairly "fat" controllers, and I'm trying to figure out how best to fix that. Moving this business logic into the model layer would be the best way to do this, but I am unsure how one would do that.

My application is set up so that NHibernate's session is managed by an HttpModule (gets session / transaction out of my way), which is used by repositories that return the entity objects (Think S#arp arch... turns out a really duplicated a lot of their functionality in this). These repositories are used by DataServices, which right now are just wrappers around the Repositories (one-to-one mapping between them, e.g. UserDataService takes a UserRepository, or actually a Repository). These DataServices right now only ensure that data annotations decorating the entity classes are checked when saving / updating.

In this way, my entities are really just data objects, but do not contain any real logic. While I could put some things in the entity classes (e.g. an "Approve" method), when that action needs to do something like sending an e-mail, or touching other non-related objects, or, for instance, checking to see if there are any users that have the same e-mail before approving, etc., then the entity would need access to other repositories, etc. Injecting these with an IoC wouldn't work with NHibernate, so you'd have to use a factory pattern I'm assuming to get these. I don't see how you would mock those in tests though......................

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How To Encrypt The Url In A Mathematical Approach

Aug 25, 2010

I am looking into the possibility of shortening / encrypting a url which will be from 150 to 250 characters in length to maximum 12 characters using an algorithm. Initially I am doubting it's possible but I wanted to leverage the great minds of StackOverflow :)

the algorithm should be one that can be written in classic asp, sql, c#, vb, or foxpro or other language.

Is that even possible without a database centric approach?

I was reading here that AES in CFB mode, will do a stream cipher and the output length will be the same as the input length. Is there any way to shorten it even more?

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C# - Looking For Right Approach To Develop A CMS Application?

Oct 25, 2010

I am developing a CMS application. Its a very huge deep and with full of configurable features. Current, I am developing it using Asp.net C#, form authentication and by creating UserControls.

There are lot of configurable items need to decide at run time as per user roles and some rules are predefined and some will be defined by Admin at runtime. The all information is stored in DB. I am getting lot of issues with USerControls. I consulted with some other guys who told my approach is wrong, I should go through DB data fetching. I really don't understand what is it? It is something like my all pages will be stores in Database and will construct at runtime and display as per rights?

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Best Architecture/Technology Approach In C#

Dec 14, 2010

I was planning to utilize MVP, DDD, TDD, IOC, Dependency Injection, Repository , StructureMap etc but the timeframe is very tight and this can also be achieved in n -tiered architecture:


Client Web Portal

ASP.Net /C#/SQL Server

Project Specification:

5 types of customers
Template of service
Dynamic Data Driven portal
Modules can be activated/deactivated through management console
Branding and customization
Rapid deployment portals of future clients as well
Portals willallow for customization
Data reporting services: reports and
BOBJ Ad hoc Query
Value- Add services to the clients
Each Clients welcome page can be
customized by client as well
How can I determine which Client is
on "Welcome" page without them
logging in? Create different URLS for
each client base? how?
Mobile Application services
Demo portal should be built and sent
to client for testing rapidly

Database structure:

There will be core database which will be connected to 50-60 client databases depending on the login and other details.

What is the best approach in terms of data layer? since dynamic db connections will have to be implemented?

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Best Approach For GOOGLE MAP In Website. .NET C#

Mar 25, 2010

Do you guys know a good website or a good tutorial to manage this.

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Best Approach To Provide Technical Documentation

Dec 21, 2010

I landed on a job to continue working on exisiting asp.net 3.5 application using Visual Studio 2008. The former .net developer is no longer around and I have to dig into the application code to understand how the app works( workflow, logic, etc...)I have added new development to the existing application and enhanced existing pages. Now, I need to provide Technical documentation for the application so any new developer comes onboard will not struggle enhancing the app or do new development following the same methodology . Q1. What is the best approach to provide technical documentation.I thought of the following

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Best Approach For Deploying An .Net Website To A Web Form?

Feb 10, 2011

We need to deploy our asp.net web site in web farm which consists of 16 web servers. Whenever we need to roll out a new release it is very time consuming and tedious as we need to deploy it first on the DR environment (16 web servers) and then on to Live environment (16 web servers). Currently we prepare the msi on our build server and copy it on all the front end web servers which involves first FTPing the msi to a common location on hosting network and then copying from the common location to each server.
After thet we backup the existing website and then run the installer one by one on each machine

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Best Approach To Authenticate The Client Certificate?

Jun 25, 2010

I have hosted a secure WCF service on cloud with a certificate created by makecert.

Now I want to restrict the access to the service by allowing only those clients who have the certificate generated by me.

What is the best approach to implement this

* Shall I go with the changes in the configuration file
* Or Shall I write the code to validate this in the service
* Is there any other alternative?

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The Best Approach To Avoid Error Message ?

Jan 7, 2011

I do have a log system and the correct error is well explicit there, but I want to give a better message to the user.

I keep trying several ways but I'm using Telerik components and well jQuery and I ended up using both ASP.NET Ajax methods and jQuery, so I use

function pageLoad() {

try { [code]....

as well$(document).ready(function() { ... }

that alert(err) is never fired even upon OnClick events

what's the best approach to avoid this message errors and provide a cleaner way?

all this happens in <asp:UpdatePanel> as I use that when I didn't know better (3 years ago!) and I really don't want to mess up and build all again from scratch

Updated with more error windows after volpav solution

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Architecture :: What Is The Approach / Calculate: BL Versus DB

Dec 29, 2010

What is the approach? calc: BL vs. DB?

Using Asp.net3.5/ sql2005.

What is the approach? What should calculate in the database and what to implement in the business lyre??

If I will calculate in the db - I will have less round trips and less resources on the server side host - but less flexible programmatically side..

When to use object oriented programming and when to implement the calculation on database - when what I am looking for is first performance.

View 12 Replies

ADO.NET :: Which Is Best Approach For Designing Data Layer

Mar 3, 2011

I'm designing a mid sized business app in asp.net / c# Framework:4.0 environment.

I'm just wondering which is the best approach for designing data access layer.

Candidates designs are:

1. ADO.Net

2. LINQ using sps or LINQ with Entities

3. Hibernate object model

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C# - Best Approach To Handle Session Timeouts?

Jul 22, 2010

There are various ways to handle session timeouts, like "meta refreshes" javascript on load functions etc.

I would like something neat like: 5 minutes before timeout, warn the user...

I am also contemplating keeping the session open for as long as the browser is open(still need to figure out how to do it though... probably some iframe with refreshing).

How do you handle session timeouts, and what direction do you think i should go in?

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VS 2010 N-tier Approach - Saving SQL Connection

Sep 29, 2010

What is the most correct way to save your connection string when using the n-tier approach ? Right now I have two windows app and one web app using my DLL library, what I'm currently doing is to create a static
method inside my dal "GLOBALDAL"
inside I'm making this check:

if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null) ...
if httpContext.Current is null
That's mean that one of my windows applications doing the request, if so I get the CN from a file otherwise it's mean its the website knocking on my door so I get the CN from:
Code: System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["ConnectionString"]
I am thinking of changing it all and just set properly in my DA layer that expose the CN as a string. But I fear of security issues. So what is the correct way?

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Exception Logging Approach For Concurrent User?

May 12, 2010

I am involved in designing a asp.net webforms application using .NET 3.5. I have a requirement where we need to log exceptions.

What is the best approach for exception handling, given that there would be concurrent users for this application?

Is there a need or possibility to log in exceptions at a user level? My support team in-charge wants to have a feature where the support team can get user specific log files.

To give you a background, this application is currently on VB 6.0 and we are migrating it along with some enhancements. So, today the support personnel have a provision to get user specific log files.

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Mvc Module Wiseapproach Or Table Wise Approach

May 18, 2010

asp.net mvc module wise approach or different controller and repository for each table approach is better?

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Using Nhibernate In An Open Session Per View Approach?

Nov 28, 2010

I am using nhibernate in an open session per view approach where the session opens before the action method and closes right after. Using an AsyncController makes this model break because the controller performs data operations even when it has returned from the original XXXAsync method but it finds a null session while the HttpContext.Current is null as well. Is there any way to fix this issue?

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