Web Forms :: Label Update When Site Has Been Updated?
Mar 17, 2011
What I would like to do is have a label on my web site that will automaticly update when I upload to the site. is there an easy way to do this or do I have remember to do this every time I update the site ??FYI the Label will be on the Master Page.
I run through some code in my debugger that is definitely changing the value of a label on a master page. But it's not changed on the page:
// set the label on the masterpage olbl.Text = Session["TestScriptCount"].ToString() + " Test Scripts"; Label olbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("TestScriptCount"].ToString() + " Test Scripts";
i use asp.net and c# to build my web application.i'm trying to display message dynamically using ModalPopup extender.I add the event inside a loop and the message is selected according to my logic.My issue is that the label stays empty, it seems that the set does not take effect, so the popup comes up empty.
In my code behind on a button click event I want to set the text of a label to inform the user where in the process we are. How do I create a delegate to allow the label to get updated
But, name may not have changed, it may only be a change to the content textbox.
The problem is that entity framework treats Name as changed just because I've set it's value, regardless of whether I've set exactly the same value or not.
Ideally, I would like EF to only mark things as changed if they genuinely have changed.
Controls in the update panel holds a listview and each row here has a button. This button fires a FancyBox (modal dialog) When closing this a call to the onClosed event is triggered like here:
There is two of these sections one for each update panel. The problem here is that this 'Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference' actually updates the wrong update panel!It is always updating the first updatepanel on the page, and I cannot figure out why this is. The two update panels areencapsulated in its own user control, but still the first update panel is always fired.
I am working with asp.net 2.0 and sql server 2005. so trying to describe it below:
I have a few tables to hold data for billing information. The first table has each dedicated to each location, and a serial number that can be incremented. The concept is to update this data based on location, every time there is a new bill, so may be location A has serial 25 since it is doing well but location B has serial 5.
SO based on this requirement I need to update a table to get the latest serial for a particular location and then use that serial for other tables which will be holding the billing details. The second part is as regular as it can be, but generating a new number, and getting this value is my problem. Since this will be multi user system, so I want some robust solution. I do not know whether I can use a identity field for this purpose or not.
I am using C# for my programming. I am facing issue, that my hidden variable value is not being updated when it is in update panel. Please see below code for aspx:
and below is the code where I am trying to update one of the hidden field with my CS code. Interesting, when I am trying to debug its showing all the values, however when I see it f on page source it doesn't give any value. Here is my aspx.cs code:
protected void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dtTrips = null; WEX.Prototype.Data.TripDA tripDA = new WEX.Prototype.Data.TripDA(); string tID = hidTripIds.Value; string[] tripIDs = new string[1000]; tripIDs = tID.Split(','); foreach (string tripID in tripIDs) { TripSummaryBO tripSummaryBO = tripDA.getTripSummary(Convert.ToInt32(tripID)); if (tripSummaryBO.tripLastEditedOnDate > Convert.ToDateTime(hidCurrentDate.Value)) { WEX.Prototype.Service.WSProxies WSProxies = new WEX.Prototype.Service.WSProxies(); dtTrips = WSProxies.Build(); Session["AllTrips"] = dtTrips; dtTrips = (DataTable)Session["AllTrips"]; if (dtTrips != null) { if (cnt==0) { hidTripDetails.Value = ("Trip name-" + tripSummaryBO.tripName + " was modified by user " + tripSummaryBO.tripLastEditedBy); } else { hidTripDetails.Value = hidTripDetails.Value + " <br/> " + ("Trip name-" + tripSummaryBO.tripName + " was modified by user " + tripSummaryBO.tripLastEditedBy); } BuildGridViewControl(dtTrips); cnt = cnt + 1; } } else { //upTripsGrid.Triggers.Clear(); PageInit(); } } }
Is there a way I can automatically update a 'Date' column in my database table to the current date whenever any cell in that record is updated?I've started looking into table triggers a little bit and I'm wondering whether I can do it using this?
I have Dropdownlist and Datalist in Usercontrol. Images in Datalist will be loaded
according to Drodownlist Selected Value.I have placed the Usercontrol in Page with Update panel. So Now Usercontrol is placed With in Update Panel.the problem is Datalist is not Updated Properly. according to the Dropdownlist Selected Value.Can any one solve this issue.
I'm trying (poorly I might add) to set up a select statement and due to my noobishness I simply have not found a way to do it RIGHT. Then again - I'm probably starting entirely wrong - but I've gotta' learn somewhere.I'm attempting to track product usage (think mild inventory tracking). In the system, I have independent parts and builds (combination of independent parts) - each has its own SQL table. Each time a "build" is completed, I want to update my part inventory with an updated count of that item.
I have a ListView control that is inside of an update panel. I have a Button control that calls code behind when clicked and I have a trigger in the update panel that is triggered based on the click event of the button. The button that calls the code behind and inserts a record into the database works fine but I get a full page refresh and the ListView Data is not updated as expected. I then can go to another page, come back and the new data is there. I'm not sure what I missing. Please see the code below.
I am binding repeater control for mega menu, its working fine but i want to repeater do not load every time from database ,it load when any change or add in database ....
I try to install vistual 2005 on Win 7 On meantime I have net1.0 sp3 developer ;net Framework 2.0 , Microsoft Device Emulator version1.0 -ENU,Microsoft Visual J#2.0 Redistributable Package( can I uninstall This package)the studin 2005, but when I try to install the update (VSBsp1-KB926747-x86-INTL) i get hte error:The update patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be updated may be missing, or te upgrade patch may update a different version of the program, verify that the program to beupgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct Upgrade patch how to deat with this problem??
I keep a label on the master page of my site that indicates when the site was last updated. I wanted to know if there was a quick and easy way to have the system update the date in the label everytime i compile the solution so the last updated field is always correct even if i happen to forget to update it manually.
I am checking to see on the form if they answer No to question one then go to comments. On the client side I added autopostback="true". So when the page reloads the random number in the label is updating to a new number. How can I avoid the random number not to be updated when the page post pack to itself?
Protected Sub form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles form1.Load Dtetxt.Text = Date.Now F() End Sub Private Sub F() Dim _r As New Random() Dim n As Integer = _r.[Next](5) ' Can return 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 Label2.Text = n.ToString End Sub
Lets say I have the above situation, and I need to update the appropriate label based upon which button is clicked. I have no idea how to do this. I can find a label via: (Label)Repeater2.Controls[0].Controls[0].FindControl("Label1");
But that only gives me the same label each time (so no matter which button I click the same lablel gets updated). How would I find the correct label to update?