Web Forms :: Loading ImageButtons Dynamically Using FindControl?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a table where each cell contains an ImageButton, with an iterative ID:


I am then trying to assign a URL to each imagebutton dynamically in a separate code file


Everything compiles, but when I run this I throw a Null Reference Exception: {"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Handling Event From Dynamically Generated ImageButtons?

Sep 5, 2010

I have a situation here.

review the following code


Now when user clicks on the accept or reject button, there is an error (could not parse server message) however if there is only one instance of both buttons the code works fine.

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Web Forms :: Downloading A File From Dynamically Created ImageButtons?

Sep 1, 2010


best practices on that? Downloading a file from dynamically created ImageButtons?

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Web Forms :: Getting Dynamically Generated Controls By Id With FindControl Function?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm trying to get dynamically generated control by id with FindControl function, but it doesn't return it

here's short version of code when I generate controls, it is basically in a loop to have number of CheckBoxes depending on inputs





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Web Forms :: Placeholder FindControl For Dynamically Created Objects?

Dec 28, 2010

txtbox.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;

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Web Forms :: Can't Find Textbox Using FindControl In A Dynamically Built Table

Feb 27, 2010

I have an asp:table control that I construct dynamically. I place a few textboxes in it within a for loop and assign their IDs in code. I'll include an abbreviated code fragment showing how I'm doing this:


The page then displays correctly and the ID is set correctly when I view the source, but when I try to access the textbox later when the form is submitted the call to FindControl(idStr) returns null no matter what I do.

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How To Use The FindControl Function To Find A Dynamically Generated Control

Jun 10, 2010

I have a PlaceHolder control inside of a ListView that I am using to render controls from my code behind. The code below adds the controls:

TextBox tb = new TextBox();
tb.Text = quest.Value;
tb.ID = quest.ShortName.Replace(" ", "");

I am using the following code to retrieve the values that have been entered into the TextBox:

foreach (ListViewDataItem di in lv_Questions.Items)
int QuestionId = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)di.FindControl("hf_QuestionId")).Value);
Question quest = dc.Questions.Single(q => q.QuestionId == QuestionId);
TextBox tb = ((TextBox)di.FindControl(quest.ShortName.Replace(" ","")));
//tb is always null!

But it never finds the control. I've looked at the source code for the page and the control i want has the id:


For some reason when I look at the controls in the ListViewDataItem it has the ClientID:


Why would it be changing Numberofacres to ctl00? Is there any way to work around this?


Just to clarify, I am databinding my ListView in the Page_Init event. I then create the controls in the ItemBound event for my ListView. But based on what @Womp and MSDN are saying the controls won't actually be created until after the Load event (which is after the Page_Init event) and therefore are not in ViewState? Does this sound correct?

If so am I just SOL when it comes to retrieving the values in my dynamic controls from my OnClick event?


So i changed the code i had in my Page_Init event from:

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!this.IsPostBack)
//databind lv_Questions


protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
//databind lv_Questions

And it fixed my problem. Still a little confused as to why I want to databind regardless of whether it's a postback or not but the issue is resolved.

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Using FindControl To Locate TextBox In Dynamically Created Template Field?

Jun 2, 2010

My problem is as follows. I have a custom GridView control where I generate the Template fields for each column. I'm using someone elses class that extends the Itemplate and returns lables for ItemTemplate, and TextBoxes for EditTemplate.

I need this in order to implement bulk edit for the gridview where users press button Edit and all fields become textboxes, they can then change the values, and click Update button at which point I need to be able to retrieve the values from the TextBoxes in these Template Fields.

What I have tried thus far: when user clicks Edit button, my dynamic code builds the columns and specifies that the Template field is an EditTemplate, it then adds these columns to the grid view. The gridview shows the textboxes with all values retrieved from sqldatasource.

When I press the Update button, the page does a postback, as I can see Page_Load event fire, I check for a flag that I previously set when the Edit button was pressed (I store it's value in View State) and call the Update method.

In it I iterate throught the gridview rows collection, check that the RowType of each row is DataRow and call GridView.UpdateRow(i, false), passing each rows index to the UpdateRow method.At this point I have tried everything I can to find the values stored in the textboxes, but I cannot find any of the textbox controls.

I've tried using the current row's FindControl method and specifying the name of the textbox field,I've tried using Request.Params method where I can tried passing the client id, as it seen in the View Source of the page such as this


Still no luck, I've tried going up an down the Row's cells, controls collections, it seem to list the counts for rows correctly, the same goes for the amount of cells for each row, but at no point was I able to actually locate any controls such as textboxes or anything else and retrieve any values from them.

View 9 Replies

Web Forms :: ImageButtons In ASP DataList?

Feb 14, 2011

I am having a asp datalist on my page, there is a html table inside of the datalist itemtemplate, and inside that html table there are a few controls, including image button etc, plz see the below code:


and this is the code behand:


as you can see, only the ibUser is clickable at the moment, and what i would like to do is to make the other three image buttons also clickable, i had added the onclick event for those 3 images, but since the tblUserCell can not add more than one ClientScript on it, so the other 3 image buttons are not clickable.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Loading UserControl From DLL?

Nov 15, 2010

I would like to load UserControl dynamically from DLL in the bin directory.

The dll contains several usercontrols which dynamically create webcontrols within them.

I do not have Virtual Path of the UserControls to use in LoadControl(String virtualpath) and LoadControl(Type, object[]) does not work(why the heck is it there in the first place anyways).

provide me some sample code which takes either the path of dll or assembly name "ServerControls" to load usercontrol "UserControl1" dynamically into placeholder "PlaceHolder1"

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Loading User Control?

Jan 19, 2011

i have a BaseMasterUserControl.ascx and i have create a another ChildUserControl1.ascx

and ChildUserControl2.ascx, both are inherit from a BaseMasterUserControl.ascx.

i have hosted the BaseMasterUserControl.ascx in an aspx page. At runtime i am deciding

which usercontrol should be load. so i am loading a specific usercontrol dynamically and

assigning it to baseusecontrol but content are not visual, is this possible?



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Web Forms :: Loading HTML Files Dynamically From Codebehind?

Aug 25, 2010

i would like to load a banner on to the page based on the registration count we have in the DB. if the registration count is >70, i will have to load banner2 on to the page. i am doing like this On the webForm.aspx

<img src="images/banner1.jpg"

in the code behind

protected void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e){
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
imgs.Src = "images/banner2.jpg";

The above code works. is it Good Programming to load html files from codebehind? is there any alternative way? how does this impact when internet speed is slow?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Loading Different Numbers Of User Controls?

Nov 15, 2010

The web page I am trying to (slowly) build should allow users to add whichever user controls they want on their page, and order them whichever way they like. This is saved in a database.

So each user could have a different number of controls on the page.

This is the design code, at the minute the user controls are fixed and are not loaded dynamically. They user controls are stored in 'blocks' which look like widgets on the page and can be dragged about to different columns. For each user the layout is stored in the DB i.e. which blocks are in column 1 and which blocks in column 2 etc.

How could I change this so that it can create a 'block' div for each user control returned from the database and put the user control in that block and in the right column?


View 15 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Asp:Chart Control Loading Dynamically?

Dec 16, 2010

I can't figure out how to get the legend to populate all the "strReason" and get the correct percents to show for each column. This is where I'm at right now.


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Web Forms :: Dynamically Loading User Controls In Tabs In Page?

Apr 17, 2010

I am using ASP.Net 2.0 with Ajax.

I am working on a pretty heavy page in an application and the scenario is:

There is a Tab control in the page, having four tabs. These tabs individually consist of different user controls and other asp controls. Most of these usercontrols in turn consist of other user controls. Every user control contains huge javaScript functions which validate them, populate controls and call web services.

What I am trying to achieve is to load only the Tab and its user controls on the page load and when the user clicks on a specific tab, load its contents (User controls) dynamically. Once that is done, I am setting the tab's postback to false to prevent loading it again once loaded.

I tried to achieve this by making the user controls in the other tabs - visible="false" in the markup and loading them from server side on some specific event. But that causes the javaScript functions in those user controls to give errors ('Object expected') when I go to that tab.

If I set the user controls in the other tabs to visible true, then no matter what; the page life cycle goes to each registered control and loads every subsequent control in that web user control which makes the main page slow (on loading and every postback).

The position of the Tab and the inner user controls is fixed. Although I am taking care that no data is populated unnecessarily on the page and user controls on hidden tabs, I dont want the tabs to get loaded altogether unless requested. If I load them on runtime, their corresponding javaScripts start giving errors.. note that I am not generating the controls on runtime, they exist in the page design. I just dont want to load them dynamically

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Web Forms :: Changing MasterPage Disables Child Page ImageButtons

Feb 2, 2010

I have a ASP.NET C# 3.5 web application, where I am changing the masterpage & theme for certain pages that have ASP.NET controls. The problem is that when the masterpage/theme is changed, the ASP.NET ImageButtons on the child page cease to function altogether and show up as normal images. The html source for that page would show a disabled="disabled" field added to the ImageButtons at runtime. All other controls including ASP.NET Buttons work fine, only ImageButtons are effected. I've changed masterpages in files many times and have not come across this problem, probably because I rarely use ImageButtons. I'm beginning to think it may be a bug in .NET itself, but it could be code related. I've also executed a javascript function after
load to set the disabled field to "enabled", which has no effect on the ImageButton but the source confirms it is enabled. The MasterPages / Child Pages are relatively straight forward and I've tried many different combinations to get it working. I'm changing the masterpage & theme via a function like:

public static void ChangeMaster(System.Web.UI.Page page)
page.MasterPageFile = "~/GX.Master";
page.Theme = null;

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Web Forms :: No OnClick - Events On Any Button / ImageButtons On Any Page Runs Any Code

Sep 22, 2010

I Simply drag a button from the toolbar onto a new page with a master page and a title, double click it so that I enter the Button1_Click function and sets a breakpoint and add some random code. The breakpoint nor the code never fires. I've tried this on several different pages and controllers, but with the same results: The page reloads, but no code is run. I Have Tried:

Ive tried with three different webbrowsers with all plugins disabled. I've tried to turn of Causes Validation, - Nothing changes. I've tried to clean and Rebuild the project, - Still nothing. I've tried to create a whole new project, -Does'nt work there either. Other Information: A RadioButtonList OnDatabound Event works, but whenever i try to do a Button or ImageButton click event the code for the event never fires. Ive programmed several webapplications in other versions of visual studio and ASP.NET but I have never encountered this problem before.

Breakpoints work in other parts of the code and the compile settings is set to DEBUG.

* Visual Studio 2010
* MVC 2.

Am I supposed to file a bug report or does anyone out there have a solution?

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Loading A Css File Dynamically?

Jan 26, 2011

I have the following code in my <head>

<% if(Context.User.IsInRole("Reseller")) {%>
<link href="<%: themelocation %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<%} else {%>
<link href="<%= Url.Content("~/Content/custom-theme/jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.css") %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<%} %>

The issue is with themelocation, which is declared just above this block of code - like so:

var reseller = new Reseller();
var storeSettings = new StoreSettings();
var themelocation = "";
if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
var resellerRepository = new ResellerRepository();
reseller = resellerRepository.GetResellerByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name);
var storeSettingsRepository = new StoreSettingsRepository();
storeSettings = storeSettingsRepository.GetStoreSettings((int) reseller.StoreSettingsID);
themelocation = storeSettings.Theme.StylesheetLocation;

Setting a break point shows that themelocation holds the string I need, but when the page is run - it generates a 400 - Bad Request error, and the net tab in firebug reveals its looking for this:


Where am I going wrong here? Why is it using the variable name, and not what it contains?

I'm using ASP.NET MVC2, and all of this code is located on my master page.

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Dynamically Loading HTML

Mar 9, 2012

Right now I've got a large .aspx page - starts out loading tons of .css and .js files...


<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="AWCOffice.aspx.vb" Inherits="_AWCOffice" EnableViewState="false" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">

[Code] ....

Then what follows is a large pile of javascript code - about 5800 lines of javascript code.

Code: <script type="text/javascript">

This is the main application. At the moment I like to keep it in the .aspx page because it's constantly changing and I don't want to worry about client caching and versioning.

After the JAVASCRIPT code comes the html - about 2000 lines of it.

Starts like this


<form id="form1" onsubmit="return false;" runat="server">
<div id="acs-system" class="acs-ddreflector acs-dddynamic">
<div id="acs-binder" class="noPrint">

[Code] ....

The DIV ACS-SYSTEM is the only visible area of this HTML.

The DIV ACS-POOL has a css style of display:none and holds template HTML that jQuery copies into the ACS-SYSTEM dom space as the app runs.

Here's the actual question.

Most of the 2000 lines of HTML in the ACS-POOL is customer specific - not all of my customers need all 2000 lines of this HTML. And as I add customers the nightmare of managing all this in one "SOURCE FILE" becomes daunting.

Never mind the wasted band width of giving all my customers all this HTML - even parts they do not need.

What kind of options do I have for breaking down and "dynamically" loading this in a more CUSTOMER-SPECIFIC fashion?

I think I could use jQuery to simply feed it from my "boot webservice" call - but if I can do it in a more HTML-fashion I would think that would be better.

I used vs 2008 for coding this and in my IDE here at the office I change the CONNECTION STRING in the web.config to point to different customer databases. Anything I can do in the WEB.CONFIG that the .aspx page can pickup???

View 14 Replies

C# - Loading Of Master Pages Dynamically?

Dec 16, 2010

Can we have the Masterpage loaded dynamicallu. I have a page that must be used in 2 different scenarios ie., using two different master pages.

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C# - Dynamically Loading Usercontrol In Updatepanel?

Feb 16, 2011

So I'm trying to dynamically load a usercontrol into a placeholder in another usercontrol inside a updatepanel.

basically I've got this markup:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upPopup" runat="server">
<UC:Popup runat="server" ID="UC_Popup" />

And then this markup inside that usercontrol (Popup):

<div id="modal">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="phPopupPlaceholder" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
<asp:Label ID="lblModal" runat="server"></asp:Label>

In the codebehind of the popup usercontrol I have:

public void Show(UserControl control) {
this.lblModal.Text = "Loaded";

And I call this show method elsewhere with:

Popup.show(new MyUserControl());

Nothing loads into the placeholder though.

But in the show method I can load regular server-controls fine like this:

this.phPopupPlaceholder.Controls.Add(new Label(){ Text = "Label!" });

Can anyone explain to me why regular controls are loaded fine, but my usercontrol isn't loaded?

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Dynamically Loading Controls And Postbacks?

Mar 18, 2011

On a dashboard page I'm loading several controls dynamically; the controls always need to be loaded so there is no if (!Page.IsPostBack) code. The problem though is in that in the code-behind, we are using Request.Form.GetValues and a particular dropdown field's value is always null (presumably because the controls are being cleared and reloaded on a postback) and this is triggering an error later on in the page that expectes a value from this dropdown. I have to use Request.Form.GetValues because the page enables dynamically adding rows (each row containing 5+ HTML inputs) via Javascript.

If I check for postback, then the button event of the control does not fire at all but instead the dashboard page is reloaded, and no controls are loaded at all (i.e. the page is blank).

How do I get around this issue? I need to dynamically load the controls at all times, but I also need to retrieve the values via Request.Form.GetValues.


Here's what the code looks like, roughly:

(Client-side HTML)
<td align="center">
<select id="Class1" class="txtboxcomm" name="Class1" runat="server" />
<a href="javascript:classFinder('1')"> Look Up</a>
<div id="action">
<asp:LinkButton ID="ibtnGetQuote" runat="server" OnClick="ibtnGetQuote_Click" CssClass="getQuote" AccessKey="G">Get Quote</asp:LinkButton>

(Server-side, in ibtnGetQuote_Click - this is actually a loop since user can append multiple rows; "i" is appended to the word "Class" to find the exact row)

IList<string> classes = this.GetFormValues("Class1");
// This will return null all the time...
private IList<string> GetFormValues(string clientID)
String[] values;
values = Request.Form.GetValues(clientID);
if (values == null)
Control ctl = FindControl(clientID); // uses built-in FindControl method
values = Request.Form.GetValues(ctl.ClientID);......

The original code was hardcoding the "ctl00$xx$xx" stuff, but the control may or may not be loaded so we cannot guarantee the name the control will get. In fact, I'm not even sure if this will work for all scenarios since only the FIRST control is a server control, the rest are just standard HTML controls so wouldn't have a "ClientID".

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MVC :: Dynamically Loading Partial Views

Mar 16, 2011

I want to load the partial views when I click on the hyperlink, in my case I am loading both the partial views and then I am showing or hiding depending the parital views.

$(document).ready( [code].....

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Dynamically Loading Data In Listbox?

Aug 2, 2010

I am new to .NET. I want to load data from my table to listbox at runtime.

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Vb.net - Redirect To Different Pages If Use Two Imagebuttons In Gridview1?

Jan 2, 2011

I have a asp.net webform i m working in VB ..

I have a gridview with template field status ..i have taken two image button in same template field in Item Templates ...

i want when i click on image button1 i redirect to default.aspx ?

and if i click on Imagebutton2 i redirect to default2.aspx ?

I have did this ... but ...

Me.Response.Redirect("Select_seats.aspx?" & "s_no=" & GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(9).Text.ToString & "&" & "journey=" & Label6.Text & "&" & "seater=" & label4.Text & "&" & "sleeper=" & label2.Text & "&" & "service=" & lab5.Text.ToString)

The problem with this is :

that the both image button would be redirect to same page .... if i taken this query in gridview select index changed ?

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