Web Forms :: Postback Using Html/javascript?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a literal control in markup. I am generating html layout in C# and then set the text property of literal to the html.

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
sb.Append("my html.....");
lt.Tex = sb.ToString();

Some of these html elements need to post back and call a function on the server side. I googled and found a couple of posts using __doPotsBack, but it is not working. Below is how I am adding an image and adding onclick script.

sb.Append(string.Format("<img title="Add" src="images/Add.gif" onclick="javascript:__doPostBack('Add','');return false;"/> "));

It does cause postback, but Add function is not called. Additionally I want to pass some parameters to Add function.

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Similar Messages:

Javascript - Postback And Get Value From Html In That Postback?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a js function

// do a postback here and get the id on the server side

I need to send the id to the server, how could I do this?

any way will do, using additional/hidden controls anything

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Javascript - HDI: Disable Postback On Html Input Box

Nov 15, 2010

I have an input box that I don't want postback to occur on someone striking the enter key

I want the javascript event to take place instead.

function inputenter() {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
return false;
else {
return false;

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Forms Data Controls ::Postback Of Page Using JavaScript Postback's Slow Down The Page?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm at my wits end on this one looked/Searched/Played/Experimented and I need your help if you can.This page is going to be primarily used on a mobile device using Win Mobile 5 Need to Accomplish:Prevent Postback(serverside) of Page using JavaScript (Postback's slow down the page on mobile device)


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Web Forms :: Can't Get Current HTML On Postback.

Apr 1, 2010

I am currently working on a ASP.net web app which the user enters info into input boxes and selects items from dropdowns. Once the user is finished they click on a button which validates the fields (using jquery validate plugin) and then removes the fields and replaces them with only field value. So essentially there are no more input fields only text.

The next step is to click on a button which will convert the html to pdf. However, when I do this, the PDF that is generated has all of the input fields that I previously removed. When I debug, I notice the HTML being returned is still the old HTML and when I view the page source, I am still seeing the old HTML even though the browser is showing the changes.

I am using this to grab the current html after the button click:

string htmlCode;
WebClient wb =
htmlCode = wb.DownloadString(devurl);

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C# - Auto Generate Javascript To Update Client Html Compared To Previous Html?

Jan 16, 2010

do you think it would be difficult to write a framework where mvc compares last html it output to the current html we want to output, and instead of sending the entire html, figure out what has changed and generate js code that will do the updating as compared to previous html? (presuming nothing was manually changed on the client using js).

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C# - Pass Model Values As Javascript Function Parameters From Inside Mvc Html Helper Such A Html.Radio?

Jul 20, 2010

I think I need to drop in some escape characters, but I'm not quite sure where. Here is the javascript function I'm attempting to call:

function setData(associateValue, reviewDateValue) {
var associate = document.getElementById("Associate");
var reviewDate = document.getElementById("ReviewDate");
associate.value = associateValue;
reviewDate.value = reviewDateValue;

Here is the asp .net mvc line where I'm attempting to create a Radio button with a click event that calls the above function and passes data from the model as javascript parameter values.

<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('<%=item.Associate%>','<%=item.ReviewDate%>' )" } )%>

The above throws a bunch of compile issues and doesn't work. A call such as the following does call the javascript, but doesn't get the data from the model.

<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('item.Associate','item.ReviewDate' )" } )%>
<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('item.Associate','item.ReviewDate' )" } )%>
<% String functionCall = String.Format("setData('{0}','{1}')", Html.Encode(item.Associate), Html.Encode(item.ReviewDate )) ; %>
<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick=functionCall } )%>

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Web Forms :: Postback On Iframe Click With HTML Page Inside

May 19, 2010

I have an iframe in .aspx page , in which i open an html page(local) and I want to postback my .aspx page when user click on an img( that is in html page ) and get that image id on server side.

MyAspxPage -> Iframe -> HtmlPage -> img

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Web Forms :: Find The HTML Of Entire Page Causing The PostBack ?

Jul 30, 2010

I need to know if there is any server-side function/custom-code available to find out the HTML of the entire page which is causing the PostBack.

I don't want to do it using JavaScript/jQuery but instead do it at server side.

A JavaScript workaround that implements it can be found at this link. [URL]

Reason, Why I need it? I am writing some inline javascript in page which performs some vital actions and supposed not to be tampered by user(hacker). So, when a postback occurs, I would like to find out the HTML of entire page (at server) so that I can verify it (I have already generated the hash code for entire HTML while rendering the page to check it on consecutive postbacks) for non-tamering and then process further.

This is the reason why I need a way to find out the HTML of the page causing the PostBack.

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Checkbox Postback In Javascript Disable

Feb 2, 2011

I need code to work in javascript disable for postback of checkbox. As i know with lots of google search that it is not possible..

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Javascript - Html.ActionLink In Html.TreeView?

Dec 18, 2010

Im using the HTML.TreeView to render my code structure like this :
<%= Html.TreeView("CategoryTree",
l => l.ChildList,
l => l.Name + " / <a id="treeLnk" + l.Id + "" href="JavaScript: OpenAddDialog('" + l.Name + "', " + l.Id + ") " title="Lägg till" >Lägg till</a>" +
" / <a id="treeLnk" + l.Id + "" href="JavaScript: OpenChangeNameDialog('" + l.Name + "', " + l.Id + ") " title="Ändra namn" >Ändra namn</a>" +
" / <a id="treeLnk" + l.Id + "" href="JavaScript: OpenDeleteDialog('" + l.Name + "', " + l.Id + ") " title="Tabort" >Tabort</a>") %>

This work fine, but now I need to include a action that redirects to another controlleraction.

I have tried to ad a Html.ActionLink but this does not work?

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Web Forms :: Button Click Triggers HTML Table Refreshed Even Put Within Postback Block?

Aug 6, 2010

I'm reading an invoice dataset and building a html table with checkboxes and textboxes in it, and I put that code in a postback = false block, then i got a button and a literal. The button click will loop through the html table checkboxes to calculate a total and assign it to the literal and display it. I got everything working except one thing, every time i click the button, the html table refreshes and lost all the value in textboxes....even though I put the html building block in the postback = false block,it seems like it still won't preserve the values in the textboxes once there's a button click...Anybody knows a solution to that? I want the textboxes keep what values are there.

Here is the code part:


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Web Forms :: Disabling LinkButton Using JavaScript After Click - No Postback?

Dec 7, 2010

I want to allow users to click only once on button. In fact, the button is a user control:


That button control gives us access to OnClientClick property of lbButton. This button is used on other user control:


As you can see - i disable button on client-side and then return true (to do a postback). That's for only sample purposes. This code will disable my button but there will be no postback. If leave only "return true;" inside onclientclick script then i'll have my postback. The conclusion is - i can't do a postback if i disable button. The question is what's the reason of such behaviour and can i do any trick to over overcome this issue. I figured out i can hide button and still perform postback. But why it can't be disabled? There was already a thread on similar topic : [URL] but answers weren't satysfying. User Participant gave his solution there but i'm not fully understand his idea. Could someone explain to me why it can't be done my way and if it can be done by any other method?

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Web Forms :: Postback Using Javascript For Radio Button List?

Oct 5, 2010

My current structure:

1. An asp.net radio-button list with autopostback = true. The radio-button list has 2 items - Yes and No.

2. An asp panel that has 2 textbox.

Current behaviour:

When the user clicks on the radio-button list (i.e. Yes), the panel is made visible.

My clients wants the same functionality without the page refresh (i.e. the postback).

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Javascript To Get The Value(Image) Of The Row With Out Postback?

Oct 29, 2010

I m using Javascript to get the value(Image) of the row with out postback. I want to pass that Image Name to the server and get that Image and want to display below the GridView.

I dont want to postback my page to display Image.

<tr><td style="height:500px" colspan="2" align="center">
<div style="border:1px solid #000; width:500px;" id="divSelectedRecords">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel2" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<Triggers><asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="BtnNext" EventName="Click" /></Triggers>
<Triggers><asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Btnprevious" EventName="Click" /></Triggers>
<Triggers><asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="GridView1" EventName="Select" /></Triggers>
<iframe height="0px" width="795px" id="TiffSer">
<uc1:TIFFServer ID="TIFFServer2" runat="server" Visible="true" />
</iframe> </ContentTemplate>

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Postback In JavaScript And Update A GridView?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a GridView on a web form, which displays data fetch from database using Linq. When I update the GridView in a button event on server side everything works fine. Now I want to update the GridView from a JavaScript funciton call. Here is the code on the page.


And here is the code behide

protected void Buttons_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


The problem is that GridView1 never gets updated in IE. It works perfectly in Firefox. I can see the event was triggered by the Javascirpt call and I get correct dataset from database through debug. However the GridView never display the correct data. Is GridView handled different from regular web form control?

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Web Forms :: Javascript Block Must Be Placed Before Html?

Jun 6, 2010

I'm new to ASP.net 3.5 and creating a test web site. I have created a master page for my web site with page content blocks. Now I want to use some javascript on the client side to provide for more interaction. I would normally create page specific Javascript functions and insert them in a <script block on the page. Howevere the Javascript script block must be placed before the <HTLM block. If I'm using Master Pages, it doesn't seem that I can use page specific Javascript functions. How can I resolve this problem? I think my options are

1) Don't use Javascript. Use ? instead to write client-side code.
2) Don't use Master Pages because you cannot use Page Specific Javascript functions.
3) Here's how to insert Javascript Functions in a Page with a Master Page.

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Web Forms :: How To Combine C# And Html/javaScript

Apr 17, 2010

i got a question that realy bothering me .... for the last 24 hours ...

how to combine c# and html/javaScript .....??

so ... the question :

for example i create a varible in my asp.net form .......

int variable = 2;
// some function .....
protect int makeItdouble(int variable)


return variable*2;

variable = makeItdouble(5); // some code i

and now i want to take this "variable" into my my javascript code .... this important thing is that i want thet this function will run first .... (the C# function)cus i take first my DataBase from the server and that prosses him more with some javascript code ...

View 10 Replies

Web Forms :: Client Javascript Runs But Then Page Errors Out When Clicking On A Control That Uses Postback

Sep 3, 2010

Using this script on a button click


After it is done, I can't click on my calendar control. I was hoping to add somethign that would force a refresh in the script, but nothing I do works.

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Forms Data Controls :: Moving 'postback Script' To A Separate Javascript File?

Jan 8, 2011

I'm writing few custom controls. The server controls inject javascript so that the postback can happen as everyone know.

Is there a solution to move this script to a seperate js file?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Attribute Changed By Javascript Is Lost On Postback

Sep 10, 2010

I have a gridview control that extends the default gridview. I have added an attribute called "hiddenSelectedValues" to to the gridview during the "PreRender" event and I have a private variable that points to the value of that attribute.

I have some javascript code that modifies the value of this attribute based on the user checking or unchecking checkboxes in the grid. I have confirmed that the javascript is indeed modifying the value of the "hiddenSelectedValues" attribute by using Firebug to see the change as it happens.

However, once a postback occurs, the grid looses the updated value of this attribute and I am unable to reference get the updated value on the server side.

How do I keep the value of an attribute changed by javascript on postback?

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C# - How To Get Value In Html Control On Postback

Sep 2, 2010

I have an html control (not a server control) like textarea. How can I get the value in this control from the server side when I cause a postback by clicking on a button, without writing the value in the url.

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Web Forms :: Embedded Javascript In Html Page - Get ID Of Control

Jan 17, 2011

With embedded Javascript in an html page, I would use the following to get the ID of a control.


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Web Forms :: How To Get Html Input Value That Created On An Event With Javascript

Feb 22, 2011

i am trying to get html input value from codebehing using name attribute of input

the input is created by client on dropdownlist change event

html input like <input type=text name=myinput value="123"/> and codebehind code like Request.Form("myinput") is nothing

also Request.Form.AllKeys does not contain name of myinput

my question is it is possible to get html input value that created on an event with javascript from codebehing using formnamevaluecollection

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Getting Hold Of Html Control On Postback

Apr 13, 2010

I have an aspx page with a bunch of aspx controls, nothing unusual.

In this page I also have an html select control and a simple input control with type="submit". When I hit submit, the request goes back to the server, where I am trying to get hold of the value of the select control, but how can I do that? I tried looking for it in the Request.Form scope, no luck. My code looks like this:

<div id="divSearch_ctl00_ctl01_CustomContent_BasicCustomContent_RoyaltiesGrid1" style="display:none;">

<select> [code]....

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