Web Forms :: Button Click Triggers HTML Table Refreshed Even Put Within Postback Block?
Aug 6, 2010
I'm reading an invoice dataset and building a html table with checkboxes and textboxes in it, and I put that code in a postback = false block, then i got a button and a literal. The button click will loop through the html table checkboxes to calculate a total and assign it to the literal and display it. I got everything working except one thing, every time i click the button, the html table refreshes and lost all the value in textboxes....even though I put the html building block in the postback = false block,it seems like it still won't preserve the values in the textboxes once there's a button click...Anybody knows a solution to that? I want the textboxes keep what values are there.
Here is the code part:
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The buttons:
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Now, when I test this in Visual Studio 2010, it works fine;
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2. Click Save
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Code Behind:
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(removed for brevity...)
<script type="text/javascript">
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<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="GridView1" EventName="RowEditing" />
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Iam getting an error if i click the refresh button on the ie browser
"The Page cannot be refreshed without resending the information
Click Retry to send the information or click cancel to return to same page that you are trying to view"
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