Web Forms :: Preserving State Of LoadOnDemand TreeView In MasterPage (VB.NET)

Jun 25, 2010

I have an asp:TreeView in my MasterPage, which is loaded on demand from a database using some custom functions to fill the Tree. My tree will only ever be 4 levels deep (root -> 1st sublevel -> 2nd sublevel -> leaf nodes) What I want to achieve is preserving the expand/collapse state of this TreeView while navigating between different aspx pages, that all share the MasterPage holding my TreeView. I have been using the methods described in these resources:


but I am still not getting the results I want... My TreeView markup in the MasterPage looks like this:


I am using a custom class to save and retrieve the state of the TreeView, the code is pasted below:


In my Page_Load on MasterPage I have:


where Reload() makes sure I'm loading the TreeView for the correct argument (based on a user selection)
And in TreeView_Unload I have:


With all this in place, my TreeView is behaving almost as I want it.. I can expand the root node, it will be populated and I can browse to a new content page and have the same treeview appear in the MasterPage (with same expanded root)... BUT if I try to expand any of the 1st sublevel nodes, I end up with a completely collapsed treeview instead. After some debugging I have come to the conclusion that the "NodeExpanded" event gets the ROOT NODE as event argument instead of the 1st sublevel node that I clicked. When the user changes the option that makes the TreeView re-populate with new data, I simply do a "HttpContext.Current.Session("TreeViewState") = Nothing" to reset my saved state.

If you need more info / code snippets, let me know and I will post it.. But I felt there was no reason to post my complete source, as I have multiple files with about 500 lines of code each (there's a lot happening on the MasterPage, other than the TreeView)

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[URL] ....

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<table width="100%">
<td style="width:20%">
<asp:TreeView ID="root" Visible="true" runat="server" RootNodeStyle-ForeColor="BlueViolet">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder>

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<frame src="Main.aspx" name="Content"></frame>

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protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
while (rd.Read())


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Nov 8, 2010

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Feb 4, 2010

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Dec 16, 2010

In my application, session value automatically set into null.In certain workflow only it will set as null (Normally It's able to access value). Example, at the time of login, I will set session values. While, user deleting some entries from drop down list of specifc page,client script will show message like selected entry deleted. After that, flow point will move to master page. There I have to access session variables. It's getting null value. I tried to debug with Quick watch, at the pageload of master page only value set into null (automatically).

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