Web Forms :: Masterpage That Is Populating A Treeview From A Sql Db?

May 6, 2010

am using asp .net 3.5 web forms with VB.I have a masterpage that is populating a treeview from a sql db. When a user clicks on the name in the tree it passes the employee identifier (employee number) to a label on the master page i have hidden. FROM the CONTENT page i am reading the label on the master page and updating the label on the content page to match the label on the master page so i can use the emp number to display info. At least that what i want. However, the content page is not posting back when the label updates of course and its one clikc behind becuase there is no post back. Is there a way to make the page postback when a label changes or a textbox for that matter.Here is how i am updating the label control On the mastepage :

Public Property EmpCode() As [String]
Return Label360.Text


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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Populating Treeview Control Dynamically?

Oct 21, 2010

I want to populate my treeview with the values from database. How can i do it.

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Web Forms :: Set Treeview Target To A Contentplaceholder In MasterPage

Jun 21, 2010

I have dynamically built my treeview by reading hierarchical data from database, I have divided my MasterPage like so:

<table width="100%">
<td style="width:20%">
<asp:TreeView ID="root" Visible="true" runat="server" RootNodeStyle-ForeColor="BlueViolet">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder>

When I click on one of my treenode, I need to set the node.target to the "ContentPlaceHolder1", ie, keep the tree menu as still and let the content page displayed at the right part of the page. However, the node doesn't seem to recognize the ContentPlaceHolder1.

2. I have tried using <frameset> with 2<frame> pages, this way, the node.target can recognize the frame id, code as below:

<frameset cols="25%, *">
<frame src="menu.aspx" name="Menu"></frame>
<frame src="Main.aspx" name="Content"></frame>

But, I need to check user's login permission, I did it with session("userId") variable and I ran into a problem that the session will only exists on the left frame(menu.aspx), not the content page(Main.aspx). I have tried both methods, but one way or the other, there is some function that I cannot accomplish.

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Web Forms :: Preserving State Of LoadOnDemand TreeView In MasterPage (VB.NET)

Jun 25, 2010

I have an asp:TreeView in my MasterPage, which is loaded on demand from a database using some custom functions to fill the Tree. My tree will only ever be 4 levels deep (root -> 1st sublevel -> 2nd sublevel -> leaf nodes) What I want to achieve is preserving the expand/collapse state of this TreeView while navigating between different aspx pages, that all share the MasterPage holding my TreeView. I have been using the methods described in these resources:


but I am still not getting the results I want... My TreeView markup in the MasterPage looks like this:


I am using a custom class to save and retrieve the state of the TreeView, the code is pasted below:


In my Page_Load on MasterPage I have:


where Reload() makes sure I'm loading the TreeView for the correct argument (based on a user selection)
And in TreeView_Unload I have:


With all this in place, my TreeView is behaving almost as I want it.. I can expand the root node, it will be populated and I can browse to a new content page and have the same treeview appear in the MasterPage (with same expanded root)... BUT if I try to expand any of the 1st sublevel nodes, I end up with a completely collapsed treeview instead. After some debugging I have come to the conclusion that the "NodeExpanded" event gets the ROOT NODE as event argument instead of the 1st sublevel node that I clicked. When the user changes the option that makes the TreeView re-populate with new data, I simply do a "HttpContext.Current.Session("TreeViewState") = Nothing" to reset my saved state.

If you need more info / code snippets, let me know and I will post it.. But I felt there was no reason to post my complete source, as I have multiple files with about 500 lines of code each (there's a lot happening on the MasterPage, other than the TreeView)

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Web Forms :: Error - The MasterPage Could Not Find The Treeview For The Trigger

Jan 7, 2011

I have an ImageControl inside an UpdatePanel. The image changes upon a Treeview located outside of theUpdatePanel. Im using the treeview _SelectedNodeChanged in the UpdatePanel Trigger. When I run the Web Application I get an Error theMasterPage could not find the Treeview for the Trigger.


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Treeview On Masterpage Not Expanding

Jan 17, 2010

Work on Asp.net VS08. In my master page i need to fill a treeview form database.I done it,i set the NavigationUrl value. When user click a leaf, then they see there wanted page. But then the MasterPage tree become expanded on root. I want the tree will not expanded and tree will the same as before click on leaf.

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Treeview - Access Masterpage Object From Regular Page?

Jul 20, 2010

In a project I'm working on, the master page codebehind does a load of complex checks and confirmations that decide the navigation list displayed on the TreeView of the page. Now, I need a way to access this list from another front-end page, such as "frontpage.aspx".

This serves two purposes. One, the masterpage will hide pages on the navigation list the user shouldn't have access to, but the user can still enter the page by typing the page name into the URL manually. By being able to browse through the TreeView, I can isolate the whole authorization into a single method by simply checking if the page name exists within the currently used TreeView.

Two, this will allow me to easily change the displayed content of any page without checking the database or storing sessions for whatever specific rights the current user has, as I can just look if the TreeView contains "Products Admin" for example, and then use that to hide or display the section of the page that has to do with "Product Admin" functionality.

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AJAX :: Refresh The ContentPlaceHolder , Not The Entire MasterPage When A Link Is Clicked On The TreeView?

May 5, 2010

I have an app that uses masterpages. On the masterPages I have a TreeView. I would like to only refresh the ContentPlaceHolder & not the Entire masterPage when a link is clicked on the treeView.

I have placed the contentplaceholder in an Updatepanel. I would like to if possible avoid including the menu in the update panel.


VS2008 C#

AJAX Control toolkit Version 3.0.30512.20315

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Web Forms :: Accessing Control In Nested MasterPage From Parent MasterPage?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a MasterPage (MasterPage.master) with 2 child MasterPages (specialMaster.master and standardMaster.master). From the MasterPage.master I need to get at some of the controls in one of the children, specialMaster.master, say for example to hide certain
content if a session variable is not null.

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Web Forms :: Access Hidden Field From One Masterpage To Another Masterpage?

May 3, 2010

I have 2 masterpages. (Default.master and User.master).I have a hidden field in Default.master then how can i get the hidden field value of Default.master file from User.master.is there any way to access that hidden field like: Request.form("hidID") ?

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Web Forms :: Handling TreeView Error Detected By System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView.LoadPostData?

Mar 1, 2011

Periodically a rash of occurrences of the following error happen. I believe they're the result of hack attempts. Whether that's the case or not, my question is how can I handle the error? I want to avoid unhandled exceptions. The TreeView control is just
a standard .Net TreeView control, not a custom one. If you suggest a code solution, please code it in VB.Net as that's what I'm using.

Message: Input string was not in a correct format.

Stack Trace:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView.LoadPostData(String postDataKey, NameValueCollection postCollection)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView.System.Web.UI.IPostBackDataHandler.LoadPostData(String postDataKey, NameValueCollection postCollection)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessPostData(NameValueCollection postData, Boolean fBeforeLoad)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

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Web Forms :: Treeview .each Node In A Treeview Will Need To Display Different Page?

Nov 15, 2010

I have a treeview which will be generated dynamically which need to be displayed on left side and when user clicks on a node it need to open a page on the right side of the same page. and each node has different aspx page. so whenever user selects a node the page details should be displayed on the right side .we can use an iframe on the page which will display the different pages clicked on the node.Is there any alternative i can use to display different pages based on the user selection on the right side without using iframe.

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Web Forms :: Drag And Drop TreeView Nodes Of TreeView?

May 7, 2015

Code to drag and drop a TreeNode to another control or tag such as Div or even another TreeView.

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Write Css For .net Treeview By Applying Color And Theme Like (msdn Website Treeview)?

Feb 18, 2010

how to write Css for asp.net treeview by applying color and theme like (msdn website treeview)?

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Web Forms :: Populating Dropdownlist Using C#?

Jan 19, 2010

I am getting a problem while working with the Dropdownlist in VS2008. I am trying to populate the DDL using c# codding instead of creating DataSource in GUI. The DDL is getting populated as expected, but then I've added a label that will show the current selected item; for this I've written a code in DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged() :

Label1.Text = DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString();

I hae also enable AutoPostback for the DDL.
I have placed the PopulateDDL() method inside of the Page_Load();
But whenever I select a item, it's always giving only the first item's name as the Lebel.Text.
But when I use GUI and ceate a SqlDataSource and attach that to the DDL all works fine.
What to do??

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Web Forms :: Custom Self Populating Listbox

Jan 23, 2010

custom self populating listbox


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Web Forms :: Populating DDL Dynamically From GetFiles?

Jan 21, 2010

I am populating a data bound control DropDownList with file names from a local folder that resides within a ListView control.

I am able to populate as expected, in testing list is generated - all good in that regard.

However once I set to databind by adding SelectedValue='<%# Bind("ImageFile") %>'the following error occurs

ERROR:Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control.

This is the aspx file .. no codebehind:



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Web Forms :: Populating DropDownList From Database?

Sep 18, 2010

I'm really struggling with this tonight (this being exactly what it says on the tin, (or the subject!)).

Code I'm working with right now is:


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Web Forms :: Populating A Text Box From A Link?

Feb 21, 2010

I have just built a contact form for a website and it works fine but now I would like the "Subject" textbox to be filled if the user has been redirected to the contact.aspx page from another link.

For example if the user just clicks on the contact us link then the form will be blank but I have some items on the website where there is a link that says "Enquire..." that redirects to the contact.aspx page but I would like the subject textbox to be filled in with the item that it was redirected from?

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Web Forms :: Populating Textbox Based On Two Ddl's?

Nov 1, 2010

I am just trying to figure out a way to populate a textbox based on the results of two ddls. I have one table that stores the whole data...So an example would be

DDL1 - State
DDL2- City

Textbox(Comments) - "Sometimes the comments would already be on the table...so i will like to populate the ones already in there based on the two ddl's

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Populating A Page?

Feb 27, 2011

I'm currently building my website and have hit a brick wall. I've not begun coding anything fro this yet as I am unable to get my head around it and not sure where to start.

I've got a database table with a list of town/ county names ( columns are id, town, county).

What I'd like to do is have a template page with set places for town/ county names and then when a particular area is searched for in google/ bing etc my template page with the relevant town/ county name is shown.

I know that's a bit vague so if you have any questions, let me know. One thing I don't want to do is manually create a page for each individual town/ county!

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Web Forms :: Populating Textbox From Outside Page?

Aug 18, 2010

I want to write an independant class that can fill the fields in an HTML using asp:textbox. I have a class that can pull information from username and send it back to the webform. I would really like to use another, or possibly the same class, to take that data and send it to asp:textbox.text to populate the fields.

My issue is I just can't seem to find anything in my books, or online, that would help me let the class know the form is there, and that it has those fields inside the html code.

Are they objects that I could potentially pass into a new class constructor that I could populate that way?

After accomplishing this my next step would be to use this to create a class to send an email with some of the fields being passed from the form to help fill in the email.

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Web Forms :: Pre-populating CreateUserWizard Always Returns InvalidEmail (5)?

Oct 22, 2010

In my attempt to handle referrals, I thought it would be nice to pre-populate the username/email since I know it from the referral record. I use email as username.It appears to work, i.e. the email address is already in the textbox field, however, it always fails with Invalid EmaiIf I erase it and type the same email, it works.In page load I do the following:


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Web Forms :: Populating Checklistbox With Data From Datbase?

Oct 19, 2010


i have the above code but the check listbox in not getting any data from datbase.

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Web Forms :: Populating Dropdownlist In LoginView From MySql DB?

Jun 13, 2010

Trying to populating dropdownlist in LoginView from mysql db but am getting Object reference not set to an instance of an object error.

Protected Sub Page_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreRender

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