Web Forms :: Read Receipt And Read Outlook Inbox For The Same
Jul 21, 2010Read Receipt And Read Outlook Inbox for the same
View 2 RepliesRead Receipt And Read Outlook Inbox for the same
View 2 RepliesI want to read my Outlook application Inbox by cliccking on the link button. On clicking the LinkButton , it should open the Outlook Mail application inbox that is configured in the system.
View 1 RepliesHow to get Emails from Outllok in asp.net...
get only emails and contact no...its possible
I want to import contacts from my outlook account to my web application in asp.net.
View 1 RepliesI want to bind a treeview control so that it display exactly like outlook inbox. How can I do that? Note: All data are coming from a single sql table even though you can create to statement to get the child and parent.
View 7 Repliesi want to read a pdf file i am using code
using org.pdfbox.pdmodel;
using org.pdfbox.util;
PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load("C:\Documents and Settings\mohit.tiwari\English.pdf");
PDFTextStripper pdfstripper = new PDFTextStripper();
TextBox1.Text = pdfstripper.getText(doc);
Error:Could not find file 'C:Documents and Settingsmohit.tiwariEnglish'
i am giving right path still it is giving the same problem.
How can i Read pdf in zip file in asp.net 2.0?
View 10 RepliesI want to read file js from other web site in code behide, How do I make It? This is link : [URL] I only know code load file js from my PC!
is it possible to get the last record from .read()?
View 2 RepliesI have a html file .i want to write each and every div tag inner text using c #
View 9 RepliesHow to read .db file i added namespace " using System.Data.SQLite;" and
string path=@"c:xxxyyydalitelocal.db";
string myConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + path + ";Extended Properties=Paradox 5.x;";
how to read contents of path file.
Is there any way to read the properties that are declared in the dll file in c# ....
View 1 RepliesHow to print data Fron listbox ..
Pattern being
Item name Quantity Price
ABC 2 20
Total= 20
how to read content from other webiste in asp.net ?
View 5 RepliesI am passing dynamic form name value in url as querystring using following code
http://mysite/Source= + form.ToString() + ".aspx";
In other form I am reading querystring value
RequestSource = this.Request.QueryString["Source"];
Now I want to check that RequestSource contain "accinfo.aspx" or not, How can I check this?
I several instances of a webcontrol on my page. The codefile can't see the drop down list's Text property so I am using the FindControl. I have had this working, but only if I specify which 'instance' of the webcontrol I want to read. Due to the fact the webcontrol is repeated 6 times on the page, I want to put this through the loop. This is the working version:
Now, I have tried to loop through all web controls. My code (C#)
The value of ddl.Text and ddl.SelectedIndex is always null.
i have this code:
this code above can read the followings RSS:
but cant read this RSS:
why is that? and how can i make it read the last RSS too?
is it possible to read url link from excel file?
I have in excel link like:
but when i read from excel i see onl word PARK and no link.
I found some code that looks like it will do what I want to do, but the code doesn't work.
The error seems to occur here: mytext.txt
Error Message is: unrecognized escape sequence
I think somehow the syntax with StreamReader is not quite right.
I did something similar in VB and it worked fine. I'm just beginning to learn C#; it's going to be a little while before the training wheels come off.
I want read data from xls using asp.net 2.0 & insert into sql 2k. before inserting data into sql 2k i want to validate data of xls. xls file will have two columns merchact name & value. the combination of both we have stored in db. so before inserting values i ve to check xls value are proper & it should similar as mapped in db. for each record it's very difficult to go & check in db,also it is time consuming. is there any alternate or easy method to do this.
View 3 RepliesI have the following code to populate data into data grid from DevExpress:
View 1 RepliesI've got the following in my .aspx:
<input type="image" src="<%=PayPalButtonImage %>" onserverclick="RedirectToPayPal" runat="server" />
In the code-behind I've got this property:
protected string PayPalButtonImage
get { return PayPalExpressCheckoutButtonUrl;}
why can't it see this property or the server method RedirectToPayPal? I get a runtime error of :'ASP.cart_aspx' does not contain a definition for 'RedirectToPayPal' and no extension method 'RedirectToPayPal' accepting a first argument of type 'ASP.cart_aspx' could be found
What i have is a number of themes in a solution under the App_Themes directory. How can i read all these and bind them to a list so that when the user selects on it applies that theme to the web page ?
View 2 RepliesI am new to developing. I am trying to defelop an application which deals with reading and editing a document.The updated document was stored in data repository in pdf format and it's path was maintaind in database. To show this document to user I am using ArrayList Which holds Image in binary format and it was assigned to Rad Binary Image "Datavalue Property". So I am getting well and I can able to show that document. Now My task begins... Now User can able to edit(i.e like Web Editor) that document that means commenting on words,MarkUps,Redo,Undo, creating new document,save,save as ..... like this. So how can I achieve this task? Can I do such functionalities on that showed document?
View 2 Repliesi am using below code for reading the csv fie..by using this code, it's reading the csv file first line onwards, but i want to read the csv file from 2nd line onwards
below am displaying the code