Web Forms :: Can't Read Value Of DropDownList In Web Control

Feb 27, 2011

I several instances of a webcontrol on my page. The codefile can't see the drop down list's Text property so I am using the FindControl. I have had this working, but only if I specify which 'instance' of the webcontrol I want to read. Due to the fact the webcontrol is repeated 6 times on the page, I want to put this through the loop. This is the working version:


Now, I have tried to loop through all web controls. My code (C#)


The value of ddl.Text and ddl.SelectedIndex is always null.

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Web Forms :: Read The Selected Value Of A User Control's DropDownList?

Feb 26, 2011

I have a survey form, survey.aspx, that looks for information about 3 different people (hiking guides) who are all contained in a single DropDownList. Instead of repeating the list over and over, I figured I'd put them all into a single user control, GuideList.ascx, shown here.


The form has 3 instances of this User Control. Here’s what the first one looks like:


In trying to access the value the user chooses from the DropDownList, I have created the following code
in GuideList.ascx.cs


In Survey.aspx.vb, I have the following, that often blows up because it doesn’t like G1:


I have tried using GuideList1 and GetGuide and GuideList1.GetGuide and GuideList1.G1 and all sorts of variations, but cannot seem to figure out what I'm missing to access the value of the DropDownList.

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Using: Visual web developer 2008; APS.net; VB.net Code; Access db

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MVC :: Read Values From A Multiple Selection Dropdownlist

Jun 3, 2010

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I use some jQuery code to exchange element between them (Here too, no problem). My problem begin when I post my form, I'm unable to get the data from the DropDownList with attribute multiple or size. I tried in my controler to add a FormCollection parameter, I can see every element in my form except those select tag with more options than id and name. I tested to put a manual select tag in my code with only an id and a name then add size and multiple attribute, when there is only id and name I can get the value but when there are more I can't get my select tag in the FormCollection

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I've got a dropdownlist control that the user can select an an employee name and that should then fill in the detailsview control with specific information about that employee.

My dropdownlist control works fine and I do have AutoPostBack set to true. For some reason my detailsview doesn't work. There's no error message. The detailsview control just doesn't show up.

Here's my code:

This is the sqldatasource control for the dropdownlist control:


This is the sqldatasource control for the detailsview control:


Dropdownlist control:


Detailsview control:


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<asp:LinkButton ID="AddBtn" runat="server">Add Committee</asp:LinkButton>

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Data Controls :: Read Multiple ExcelSheet And Bind It To Multiple DropDownlist Using ClosedXml?

Feb 25, 2016

I am not able to find the projects related to working with excel sheets by using ClosedXML to refer. I have an excel book  which contains two sheets.

In sheet 01: In column A:              In B:                                          In C:

Student name01       Student's phone number                        blabla

Student name02       Student's phone number                        blabla

Student name03       Student's phone number                        blabla

In sheet 02: In column A:              In B:                                          In C:

course name01       computerscience              blabla

course name02       dhfsthshbstgs                  blabla

course name03       garsfghsefrgs                   blabla

now, I would like to see in two comboboxes (all the words/text presented in the column A) from two sheets, the student name and course name and then I want select any student name and course name of my choice. Afterwards, when I click on a button, my program should display the students phone number and the course name (from column B from both sheets) and related things present in the Column C D E.. of the selected things in combobox in a label or a in a textbox.

PS: I solved the following problem: I can select student name in one combobox and print the the corresponding data from the only one column B (but I worked only with one sheet). It is bit complicated for me to continue with two sheets.

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Nov 4, 2010

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Jul 19, 2010

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May 24, 2010

Does anybody have an example on how to query a dataview and populate a dropdown? I'm having a hard time doing this:


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Read Control Id And Values From Pdf File?

Sep 27, 2010

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Can't Read User Control Parameters

Jan 15, 2010

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Here's a short snippet: (hopefully I'm formatting this correctly)


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Web Forms :: Dropdownlist Control SelectedIndexChanged Event?

Jun 22, 2010

I have one dropdownlist control which populates values to other controls. Means upon selecting item in dropdownlist, related data is populated in other controls. I have also assigned dropdownlist's autopostback to TRUE. Everything is working good as far as dropdown has more than one item.

Whenever there is only one item, selectedindexchanged event is not fired (obviously.....) and eventually the data is not populated to other controls.

How could I get rid of this scenario? I mean which event should I use to avoid this?

At this time, I have just added the first item as something like "---Select Item---" , so when end-user has to select different item and thus the selecteditemindexchanged is fired. no biggie... but just wondering if proper solution is available....

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Web Forms :: Use A Dropdownlist Control So That A User Can Select A Value

Jan 25, 2010

I want to use a dropdownlist control so that a user can select a value. My problem is, the text value can be very large. Is there any way to make the text to appear on more than one line? Or is there any AJAX or jquery solutions? I can use a gridview with a checkbox but my client really wants a dropdownlist.

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