Web Forms :: Read Dynamically Genrated Checkboxes From Calendar Control?
Feb 4, 2011
I am dynamically adding the checkboxes in calender DayRender event. i need to read them on some other button click event on webpage.I need to read the checked checkboxes.
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Similar Messages:
Feb 9, 2011
I want to add two checkboxes to selected days in a calendar control. I can do that but I can not figure out how to get the checkboxes to fire an event. I tried to get a button to fire and event by iterating through the panel without success either. Here is my code so far:
Photon (Springfield, Missouri)
<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Default.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Caledar_Add.aspx.vb" Inherits="Admin_Caledar_Add" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="Main" Runat="Server">
<div id="home">
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Jan 18, 2011
I have an sql table for customised Fiscal calendar..following are the columns of the table
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May 7, 2015
I have a dropdownlist with year value i.e. 2010,2011,2012,2013,2014 etc... and a calender control.
I want a user when select a particular year from dropdownlist then the calendar of selected year should show..
For ex :- if i choose 2012 then only calendar of 2012 should be showÂ
And one more question can i display each calendar of 12 months if i use one calendar control ? if it is, then how ?
View 1 Replies
Sep 21, 2010
I have a form that does a loop to create checkboxes. Here is the code in the loop:
cbxDrives.Top = TopPosition;
cbxDrives.Left = LeftPosition;
cbxDrives.Text = d.Name;
CheckBox cbxDrives =
This creates multiple check boxes on the form, and this works fine.
However, in the code behind for my button that the user clicks to execute the form, I cannot figure how how to read the values for the checkboxes. I've tried:
foreach (CheckBox cbxDrive
in cbxDrives)
but cbxDrives is not recognized.
I need to read through all of the checkboxes to see their values, so that the appropriate actions can be performed in the code behind.
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Oct 8, 2012
I have a gridview and i need to add chekbox dynamically for each data set to select a particular row or dataset.
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Aug 30, 2012
How can i put Checkboxes at the end of the node of treeview dynamically. My treeview is dynamically generated.
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Dec 29, 2010
I´m developing a database driven asp.net 4.0 application and are currently stuck with the following issue.
I need to dynamically add checkboxes using code behind. These checkboxes represent activities that the user may chose from by ticking the ones that they are interested in. I do not know the number or which activities that should be presented until runtime so hard coding checkboxes is not an option.
On the client side I need to keep track of which checkboxes/activities the user have chosen as I need to calculate the cost for these without doing a postback. I would like to use javascript to find out what activities that are chosen and also calculate the total cost using javascript.
To implement this I tried to use Page.ClientScript.RegisterExpandoAttribute (server side) and javascript (client side, but I do not manage as ticking any of the checkboxes will not fire a client side event. I´m also using Telerik RadPanelBar controler.
Below is my current not working implementation:
Code behind/aspx.cs
public override void DoLayout(Aranea.Common.EntityDOL.ProjectRegistration existingRegistration)
lblCaption.Text = "Payment page";
//Get collection
TrackableCollection<ProjectActivityBooking> acitivities = existingRegistration.ProjectParticipant.ProjectEntity.ProjectActivityBooking;
//Add datasource and bind
this.RadPanelBar1.ItemDataBound += new RadPanelBarEventHandler(itemDatabound);
this.RadPanelBar1.DataSource = acitivities;
this.lblTotalBooked.Text = "Total Booked " + decimal.Round(totalBooked, 2).ToString();
void itemDatabound(Object sender, RadPanelBarEventArgs e)
decimal totalActivityPrice = 0;
//Get panelItem
RadPanelItem item = (RadPanelItem)e.Item;
//Create Checkbox
CheckBox chk = new CheckBox();
chk.ID = "box";
//create label
Label lbl = new Label();
//Get Activity
ProjectActivityBooking activity = item.DataItem as ProjectActivityBooking;
//trying to register my checkboxes
Page.ClientScript.RegisterExpandoAttribute(this.validator.ClientID, "ClientID", chk.ClientID);
//Get total activity price
totalActivityPrice = GetActivityPrice(activity);
//Get total booked
totalBooked += totalActivityPrice;
lbl.Text = totalActivityPrice.ToString();
//Set activity name
chk.Text = activity.ProjectActivity.ActivityName;
chk.TextAlign = TextAlign.Left;
//Add controls
Client side code:
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="PaymentPage.ascx.cs" Inherits="CX.Aranea.Client.WebFront.UserControls.RegistrationForm.Payment.PaymentPage" %>
<%@ Register assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" tagprefix="telerik" %>
<%@ Register Src="~/UserControls/CxStandardControls/CxLabel.ascx" TagPrefix="cx" TagName="Label" %>
<telerik:RadPanelBar runat="server" ID="RadPanelBar1" Width="400px" Height="30px"
Skin="Forest" ExpandMode="MultipleExpandedItems" ExpandAnimation-Type="InElastic" >
<telerik:RadPanelItem Text="root" Expanded="false">
<cx:Label ID="lblCaption" runat="server" />
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="plhChildren" runat="server"/>
<asp:Label ID="lblTotalBooked" runat="server"/>
//My custum validator
<asp:CustomValidator ID="validator" runat="server" ClientValidationFunction="validation"></asp:CustomValidator>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function validation(source, arguments) {
var chkBox = document.getElementById(source.ClientID);
if (chkBox.checked == true) {
alert("This should work");
I´ve been stuck with this for some time now and have a nice deadline coming up :) I would be most thankfull if anyone could point me in the correct direction as I feel a bit clueless. Perhaps there is a much easier way of solving this? Perhaps my code is all wrong?
View 3 Replies
Feb 8, 2010
I am new to asp.net. I am trying to display some data from a database table using dynamic table in my page. I want to add checkboxes to a field in the database and would like to perform several tasks based on the values checked. The checkboxes are tied with the primary key field of the database. Here is the code snipet :
Now I have a button in my page. The functioanlity which I desire is on clicking that button I should be able to extract the values of checked checkboxes and perform some function.
View 4 Replies
Apr 27, 2010
I've dynamically created 3 checkboxes as you can see in the code below. I also wrote an event handler below. When I run the code, the 3 checkboxes show up, but the event handling does not work right. Whenever there is postback from any of the 3 checkboxes, Label1 reflects the state of checkbox #3, no matter if I toggle checkbox #1 or #2. I put the code I have under Page_Init into Page_Load instead, but makes no difference either way.
The bottom line is, I want the event handler to know exactly which of the 3 checkboxes is firing the event so that Label1 can reflect that.
View 5 Replies
Mar 17, 2011
I'm trying to check dynamically generated "checkbox" value inside Listview.
I can reference non-dynamic checkboxes exact in same location (index) inside Listview using "e.Item.FindControl", however I can't reference dynamic checkboxes.
Here is my code.
View 5 Replies
Jan 11, 2010
asp.net using visual studio 2008 3.5 framework with sqlserver 2008. I have a webform (derived from master page) so its a content form with content placeholder. It has two text boxes, dynamically populated checkboxes from database and 8 radio button groups. It has two custom validators attached with two of my fields also. I've tried every way to clear my form but its not working somehow. I've tried Control iteration method. Ive tried btnReset.Attributes.Add("onClick","document.forms[0].reset();return false;"); thingy...but none is working.
View 4 Replies
Feb 10, 2010
I have 50 checkboxes that I need to write onto an aspx page. Each checkbox comes with 3 textboxes.
chkbox State Name donation new donation
chkbox CA Sam 10 15
chkbox AK Sam 15 20
Now this shall go for all 50 states, depending on which states the person wishes to donate. In each state's row shall be a checkbox. So initially the page shall have value 0.00 in donation and new donation checkboxes, but all 50 states shall be visible. When the person puts a value of donation in certain state, that state shall get "checked" value and the donation, after submitting. On reloading, the value shall be populated automatically and checkbox checked automatically.
How do I make these 50 checkboxes in VB.NET? Do I have to write the table in .aspx with 50 <tr> tags, and then have VB.NET code populate it? Can I otherwise dynamically write these checkboxes from VB.NET code?
View 2 Replies
Mar 16, 2011
I'm trying to create checkboxes inside Listview from code behind, but I'm having problem creating them.
What am I missing here?
Checkbox's ID comes from Datareader.
Here is my code.
If reader2.HasRows Then
While reader2.Read
Dim jobid As String = Convert.ToString(reader2("JobTicketID"))
Dim jobtitle As String = Convert.ToString(reader2("JobNickName"))
Dim item As ListViewDataItem
For Each item In ListView1.Items
Dim jobtd As HtmlTableCell = CType(item.FindControl("jobtd"), HtmlTableCell)
Dim jobtr As HtmlTableRow = CType(item.FindControl("jobtr"), HtmlTableRow)
Dim cb2 As CheckBox = New CheckBox
cb2.ID = jobid + "cb2"
cb2.Text = jobid + IIf(jobtitle <> "", " (" + jobtitle + ")", "")
jobtr.Visible = True
End While
End If
View 4 Replies
Mar 19, 2011
how to Read Rss Dynamically of other Sites,Everytime the news wasupdated.Forexample, how I can Read,news other site alwaysautomatically get?
View 3 Replies
Nov 16, 2010
I have a table witch i programmatically fill with(multiple) IDs in the first column, options in the second and checkboxes in the third. The table is in a View as it is part of a wizard and is filled on view_Activate.
How can i get the checked property of the checkboxes when i pass to the next view? When i try to do that on view_Deactivate the table is already 0 rows...
I know i can use i checkboxlist(... whose properties i can get on view_Deactivate) but i'd rather use a table as it is easier to layout as i want it(header, columns, alignment,...).
View 4 Replies
Nov 1, 2010
Does anyone know how to pass values from adynamically created gridview checkboxes to a crystal report?Is it possible? I am using asp.net, vb.net and mssql. Here's my grid minus a few boundfields:
<asp:gridview id="grid" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="False" cellpadding="4"
forecolor="#333333" gridlines="None" emptydatatext="No Products registered for this company...">
<RowStyle BackColor="#EFF3FB" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Select">
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkSelect" runat="server" onclick="javascript:HighlightRow(this);" AutoPostBack="True"/>
<input id="chkAll" onclick="javascript:SelectAllCheckboxes(this);" runat="server" type="checkbox" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="aid#" HeaderText="AID#" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="brandname" HeaderText="Brand Name" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="exp_date" DataFormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" HeaderText="Exp. Date" />
View 1 Replies
Jul 15, 2010
I´m using a Repeater to generate Items out of a Database. Each ReapeaterItem should include an UpdatePanel, because i have to Update the Controls inside the UpdatePanel and do not want to reload the complete page. Inside these dynamically generated UpdatePanels (each RepeaterItem has one) i´m adding up to three Checkboxes dynamically (based on the Database). These Checkboxes need to fire the "CheckedChanged" event, because on some conditions i want to enable/disable/check/uncheck Checkbox1, 2 or 3 based on business logic. ... Hope you got this so far. I´m adding all Controls and have the EventHandler Added. But the generated Code does not reflect the Event Handler. I tried OnItemDataBound, OnItemCreated, PreRender, ... Events to add the Eventhandler too, but i was not able to find the CheckBox-Control with the ID.
I´m totally lost with this and on the way to use Buttons instead of Checkboxes. From what i read so far is that with Buttons i can use the CommandName from the Button and the ItemCommand-Event from the Repeater to get a workaround, but then i need to reflect the "Check" on the Page in some way. btw, every Repeater (8) sits inside an ajaxtoolkit-accordion control. Here i give you some Code:
<asp:Repeater ID="RepeaterAccordionPane2" runat="server">
HTML Stuff<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Header")%>HTML Stuff<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Beschreibung")%></td>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server" UpdateMode=Conditional>
HTML Stuff
Here is the Page_Load Part
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
dvAlleArtikel = new System.Data.DataView(...Database...);
[... some other code here ...]
RepeaterAccordionPane2.DataSource = dvAlleArtikel;
//RepeaterAccordionPane2.ItemCreated +=new RepeaterItemEventHandler(RepeaterAccordionPane2_ItemCreated);
//RepeaterAccordionPane2.PreRender +=new EventHandler(RepeaterAccordionPane2_PreRender);
int nUpdatePanelIndex = 0;
foreach (Control crInRepeater in RepeaterAccordionPane2.Controls)
if (crInRepeater.GetType() == typeof(RepeaterItem))
foreach (Control crInRepeaterItem in crInRepeater.Controls)............
View 1 Replies
Oct 26, 2010
how to place check boxes in listbox and the checked item in that listbox is transfer into another listbox?
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Nov 30, 2013
I have a checkboxlist control in ASP.NET
<asp:CheckBoxList ID="chkchrges" runat="server">
I am binding in following way
 chkchrges.DataSource = objclsChargeMaster
chkchrges.DataTextField = "chrgdcd"
chkchrges.DataValueField = "chrgcd"
And i am trying to get values (value member) of checked checkboxes
I am trying in folllowing way but each time it rerurns false on Â
For Each li As ListItem In chkchrges.Items
If (li.Selected) Then
Dim XX = li.Value
'' Do something with Value
End If
View 1 Replies
Apr 5, 2012
I want to preserve state of Checkbox in Gridview, I do not have Checkall Checkbox. How to use below code
[URL] ....
This code because I do not have CheckboxAll check box... How to preserve Checkbox status while paging ?Â
View 1 Replies
Jun 25, 2012
I have trying your solution [URL] .... in nested grid view. But it is not working with nested grid view. How to solve it.
Error "object reference not set to an instance of an object" ....
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Oct 14, 2010
I have a Calendar Control that I added text that show scheduled meetings on certain dates and it works okay.
The problem is that when I click on a date I need to http to another web page or sometimes goto a web page in the same web site. The problem is when the code that creates the hyperlink runs it replaces the text displaying "meetings" scheduled for that date instead appending the link to the date and retaining the "meetings" text that was already there.
Below is how I set that up with the code that adds the meetings followed by the url code that replaces the meetings text:
or any other kind of link in my Calendar Control without clobbering whatever was in there? If it is not possible is there another way to link to another page after a date in the Calendar Control is clicked?
View 6 Replies
Jan 12, 2010
I have a calendar control in which i am loading data from db using the below method.
What i want to achieve is in the selection changed event of the calendar.I would like to access the calendar selected cell value.I tried to look for a event in the selection changed method but unable to come up with any.Let me know if anyone came across this and able to access the value in the selected cell control value.
View 3 Replies
Sep 7, 2010
I have a calendar control where a user selects a date and then inputs info into a FormView control. Underneath the FormView is a GridView that shows all data from the SelectedDate on the calendar control. However, when the date is selected, all the information from the table ( from all dates ) is displayed.
And the code behind:
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