CheckedChanged EventHandler Of Dynamically Added Checkboxes Not Firing Inside UpdatePanel Of A Repeater

Jul 15, 2010

I´m using a Repeater to generate Items out of a Database. Each ReapeaterItem should include an UpdatePanel, because i have to Update the Controls inside the UpdatePanel and do not want to reload the complete page. Inside these dynamically generated UpdatePanels (each RepeaterItem has one) i´m adding up to three Checkboxes dynamically (based on the Database). These Checkboxes need to fire the "CheckedChanged" event, because on some conditions i want to enable/disable/check/uncheck Checkbox1, 2 or 3 based on business logic. ... Hope you got this so far. I´m adding all Controls and have the EventHandler Added. But the generated Code does not reflect the Event Handler. I tried OnItemDataBound, OnItemCreated, PreRender, ... Events to add the Eventhandler too, but i was not able to find the CheckBox-Control with the ID.

I´m totally lost with this and on the way to use Buttons instead of Checkboxes. From what i read so far is that with Buttons i can use the CommandName from the Button and the ItemCommand-Event from the Repeater to get a workaround, but then i need to reflect the "Check" on the Page in some way. btw, every Repeater (8) sits inside an ajaxtoolkit-accordion control. Here i give you some Code:

<asp:Repeater ID="RepeaterAccordionPane2" runat="server">
HTML Stuff<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Header")%>HTML Stuff<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Beschreibung")%></td>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server" UpdateMode=Conditional>
HTML Stuff

Here is the Page_Load Part

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
dvAlleArtikel = new System.Data.DataView(...Database...);
[... some other code here ...]
RepeaterAccordionPane2.DataSource = dvAlleArtikel;
//RepeaterAccordionPane2.ItemCreated +=new RepeaterItemEventHandler(RepeaterAccordionPane2_ItemCreated);
//RepeaterAccordionPane2.PreRender +=new EventHandler(RepeaterAccordionPane2_PreRender);
int nUpdatePanelIndex = 0;
foreach (Control crInRepeater in RepeaterAccordionPane2.Controls)
if (crInRepeater.GetType() == typeof(RepeaterItem))
foreach (Control crInRepeaterItem in crInRepeater.Controls)............

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C# - Dynamically Added ListBox's EventHandler Is Not Firing?

Nov 20, 2010

The scenerio is I have a UserControl. This user control will create dynamically ListBoxes if the given List's count > 0. The controls are adding dynamically, there is no problem with adding them, but the event handler is not adding. If I select an item in first listBox, the secondListBox will be added dynamically, and items will add dynamically too. First listBox appears, but the selectedIndexChanged event handler doesn't work. What can be the problem with my code?

EDIT: I tried to add



li.AutoPostBack = true;

but still not firing...

private List<string> myList = new List<string>() { "Serkan", "Kadir" };
private List<string> mySecondList = new List<string>() { "Istanbul", "Ankara" };
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


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AJAX :: CheckBox Inside Updatepanel CheckedChanged Event Not Firing?

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I have a checkbox, textbox and requiredfieldvalidator inside the updatepanel. Once user checks selects
checkbox I am enabling requiredfieldvalidator.

I have one more textbox, requiredfieldvalidator, validationgroup and Linkbutton outside updatepanel.

Strange thing is Checkbox checked event not firing in some cases,

1. Check the checkbox (which enables requiredfieldvalidator)
2. Click the Linkbutton (fires two validators)
3. Uncheck the checkbox (which should disable requiredfieldvalidator)
4. Click the linkbutton again (again it fires two validator, which should fire only one validator)

Note: The problem only arising when I add javascript block to linkbutton in page load event.


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Web Forms :: CheckedChanged Event For Dynamic Checkbox Arrays In Updatepanel Not Firing?

Mar 22, 2010

I am creating an array of checkboxes :

1. chkresponse = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox[cnumber + 1];
for (int
i = 0; i < cnumber + 1; i++){
chkresponse[i] = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox();
chkresponse[i].CheckedChanged +=
new EventHandler(chkresponse_CheckedChanged);
chkresponse[i].AutoPostBack =true;

2. thereafter adding them to a panel


3. then added the checkedchanged event:

void chkresponse_CheckedChanged(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
{Label1.Text = "response";}

but the event is never fired. the panel is insdie an updatepanel.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Checkboxes Not Firing Events Correctly

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I've dynamically created 3 checkboxes as you can see in the code below. I also wrote an event handler below. When I run the code, the 3 checkboxes show up, but the event handling does not work right. Whenever there is postback from any of the 3 checkboxes, Label1 reflects the state of checkbox #3, no matter if I toggle checkbox #1 or #2. I put the code I have under Page_Init into Page_Load instead, but makes no difference either way.

The bottom line is, I want the event handler to know exactly which of the 3 checkboxes is firing the event so that Label1 can reflect that.


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Feb 23, 2011

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What happens is that the control is created and rendered;

When I change value in the Combo box a Post-Back happens.

HOWEVER, the event RadComboBoxSelectedIndexChanged does not fire. Also when I am back at the page the new value is not saved; Obviously, i recreate the control every time. If I don't I get a ViewState error. Seems to me that there some ViewState management problem, but I cannot identify it...

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Forms Data Controls :: DropDownList Inside GridView Inside UpdatePanel SelectedIndexChanged Event Not Firing?

Aug 16, 2010

I have an UpdatePanel with a GridView. This GridView has a template column that is a DropDownList. The problem is that the SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire for the DropDownList. Here is the code:


The codebehind:


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Data Controls :: Check Uncheck All CheckBoxes Inside Scrollable GridView With UpdatePanel

Feb 25, 2016

I followed your topic to select all rows with checkbox in gridview header and it is verygoodThis is code :

<script type="text/javascript"> function CheckAll(objRef) {
var grid = document.getElementById("<%=Grd_Data.ClientID%>");
var headerCheckBox = document.getElementById("ChkAll");
var inputs = grid.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
if (inputs[i].type == "checkbox") { if (objRef.checked) { inputs[i].checked = true;
} else { inputs[i].checked = false; } } } }</script>

But i noticed that when i deselect a row in gridview the checkbox in header is still checked.How can i fix this problem that when i deselect one row from gridview the checkbox in grid header change to be unchecked ?

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Dynamically Added Linkbutton Click Doesn't Fire (init Only) - Updatepanel And Triggers

Feb 21, 2011

When the user selects an "account" we dynamically create a linkbutton with the selected dates. However, the linkbutton onclick handler doesn't fire when the button is clicked.

Dim linkBtn As New LinkButton
linkBtn.Text = "blah"
AddHandler linkBtn.Click, AddressOf linkButtonHandler
linkBtn.ID = panelDatesRencontre.Controls.OfType(Of LinkButton).Count
Dim Trigger1 As New AsyncPostBackTrigger
Trigger1.ControlID = linkBtn.ID
Trigger1.EventName = "Click"

Answer: i make that in page_load, it seems to work

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AJAX :: Dynamically Added Controls Not Working/causes Full Post Back In Updatepanel?

Jun 25, 2010

This is what i am trying to do with updatepanel.i have button and a panel inside my updatepanel. when the button inside the updatepanel gets clicked i want to dynamically add new controls such as LinkButtons to my panel1 without full post back. Now when the dynamically added controls gets clicked it causes a full post pack and also not calling "LinkButton1_Click" event. i am sure i am doing something wrong here.



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C# - GridView 'CheckedChanged' Event Only Firing Once?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a GridView, which features a a checkbox on each row (in a template field), where it calls a method upon checked changed (well, when they click submit - no auto post back)

My problem is, the checked change refuses to fire more than once - if I just change the check state of one checkbox in the grid, it works fine. More than one and it only fires the event once.

EDIT: Bit of code:

<asp:CheckBox ID="chkIncludedLocal" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("Included") %>'
Enabled="true" OnCheckedChanged="chkIncludedLocal_CheckedChanged" />

And in the event, I put a breakpoint right at the top to see how many times it fires

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Adding Checkboxes Inside Listview Dynamically From Code Behind?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm trying to create checkboxes inside Listview from code behind, but I'm having problem creating them.

What am I missing here?

Checkbox's ID comes from Datareader.

Here is my code.

If reader2.HasRows Then
While reader2.Read
Dim jobid As String = Convert.ToString(reader2("JobTicketID"))
Dim jobtitle As String = Convert.ToString(reader2("JobNickName"))
Dim item As ListViewDataItem
For Each item In ListView1.Items
Dim jobtd As HtmlTableCell = CType(item.FindControl("jobtd"), HtmlTableCell)
Dim jobtr As HtmlTableRow = CType(item.FindControl("jobtr"), HtmlTableRow)
Dim cb2 As CheckBox = New CheckBox
cb2.ID = jobid + "cb2"
cb2.Text = jobid + IIf(jobtitle <> "", " (" + jobtitle + ")", "")
jobtr.Visible = True
End While
End If

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Cannot Find Selected Value Of Dynamically Added Controls In Repeater / How To Dynamically Add The Controls

Jan 11, 2011

I am creating a survey page that has a list of questions and answers that can be radiobuttonlists, checkboxlists or textboxes. These controls are added dynamically to a Repeater in its ItemDataBound event using Controls.Add.

I've managed to render the page ok but when I submit the form and iterate over the controls in the repeater to get the selectedvalues of the radiobuttons and textbox values, FindControl returns null. What do I need to do to get get the selected values? I've tried iterating over the RepeaterItems but that returned null too. I've tried different types of FindControl but it never resolves the control types.

It works if I add a declarative DataBinder in the Repeater like this

<asp:Repeater ID="rptSurvey" runat="server" Visible="true" EnableViewState="true" >
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Question") %>

However, I want want to dynamically add the controls but in doing this i cant get the selectedvalues when submitting. This is tha main structure of my code...


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AJAX :: Onchange Event For Textbox Not Firing Inside Updatepanel?

Oct 24, 2010

i am developing the webpage using Visual 2008.In that i have i am using update panel and displaying values in the textbox bby using webservices from sql database.I need this thing if textbox values changes i need to change the backkground color of the text box also, so that user can easily identify which textbox values are changing. like this i have 5 more text boxes control in the same form .i have tried but i could not able to get done. i have written javascript code on change event of the text box it does work.


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Forms Data Controls :: NumericUpDownExtender Inside UpdatePanel Firing Twice?

May 2, 2010

I have an UpdatePanel which has inside a detailsview, this DetailsView has a TemplateColumn with a UserControl.The UserControl has a NumericUpDownExtender and when the user clicks on an arrow or changes the value of the textbox a server event is raised (this is made by me, not default behaviour). I do this by using the add_currentChanged of the extender (in the javascript pageLoad function, and remove_currentChanged (in the javascript pageUnload function) and implementing the interface ICallbackEventHandler in the UserControl. My problem is that when the user click on the arrow, the event is raised twice and the correct value is overwritten.

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C# - UpdatePanel Inside Repeater?

Mar 28, 2011

In my UserControl, Im trying to update a updatepanel that is inside a repeater like this:


<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updDocumentQuickView" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:Repeater ID="repFolders" runat="server"


The end result I get is that updDocumentQuickView is the UpdatePanel that gets updated, and not updFiles. If i wrap an UpdatePanel around lnkFolder, then that UpdatePanel gets updated, with the same C# code. Ive checked what kind of data that are sent back with fiddler, and the wrong UpdatePanel is sent. Im getting the correct RepeaterItem, and both repFiles and updFiles are found. What do I miss to get the right UpdatePanel to get updated?


Hawxby solution solved the problem with updDocumentQuickView getting updated, thanks for that. But im still having problems with updFiles sending nothing back. Some further testing, with putting literals inside updFiles and working, tells me that theres something with repFiles that isnt returned. repFiles does have data that is bounded.


repFiles.Visible were set to false in repFolders_OnItemDataBound, no wonder it didnt show.

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Forms Data Controls :: Button Inside The Repeater Not Firing

Jan 24, 2010


Button inside the repeater not firing

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AJAX :: Click Event Of ImageButton Inside GridView Within UpdatePanel Not Firing

May 7, 2015

I have a ImageButton inside a gridview. The gridview is inside update panel. i want to redirect to another page with the Clicking of the ImageButton. But it is not working inside update panel. what should i do?

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Web Forms :: CheckedChanged Event Not Firing When Checked Property Set On Page_Load

Jul 21, 2010

I have a web form with two RadioButtons, both use the same GroupName, both have AutoPostback enabled and both have an event handler for CheckChanged. I use tem to show/hide a Panel further down the form which is contained in an UpdatePanel with Conditional Update set and with both CheckedChanged events in the Triggers collection:


Now, the problem arises when I set the Checked property of either RadioButton in Page_Load, which results in the even not firing for the button which was marked as Checked (the event for the radio button whose property was not assigned does get fired). In fact, upon inspecting the source there was no 'onclick' attribute declared for the input element that was marked as checked in the Page_Load, whereas the other RadioButton did have the 'onclick' attribute properly set.

The layout of the form doesn't allow me to place the radio buttons within the UpdatePanel, so that is out of the question. Is the behavior explained above normal? am I missing anything? Both events fire once the assignment to the Checked property is removed from Page_Load.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Reference Dynamically Generated Checkboxes Inside Listview

Mar 17, 2011

I'm trying to check dynamically generated "checkbox" value inside Listview.

I can reference non-dynamic checkboxes exact in same location (index) inside Listview using "e.Item.FindControl", however I can't reference dynamic checkboxes.

Here is my code.


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Mar 4, 2011

I want to fie event calender_dayrender forcefully in dropdownlist_selectedindex .Dont know how to give parameters (sender,e).

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Feb 3, 2014

When user upload new documents then this document goes for approval to supervisor and for this i use dropdowns ...when I use dropdown the exact result not occur and now i wat to approve/reject through checkboxes...

Here is code:

<table class="CSSTableGenerator" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="results">
<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater2" OnItemCommand="Repeater2_ItemCommand"
runat="server" onitemdatabound="Repeater2_ItemDataBound">

[Code] ....

Now I want to use checkboxes, how I replace dropdown checkboxes in html and also in ....

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Data Controls :: How To Bind Repeater Control Outside Update Panel Using A Button Inside UpdatePanel

Aug 22, 2012

I have one repeater control in my web page.

And i want to bind this repeater control from button.

But button is in Update panel in ajax.

And repeater control is outside the updatePanel...

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Dynamically Set Control IDs Inside A Repeater Template?

Apr 27, 2010

Here is a perplexing issue I have not seen a good answer to on StackOverflow, although there a couple stabs at it... I have a situation where I'd like to do this:

<asp:Repeater ID="MyRepeater" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="MyRepeater_ItemDataBound">
<li id="id?">
All the other stuff

is how do I get the ID of my <li> elements to be id1, id2, id3, etc., based on the ItemIndex they are bound to? So far the most... er..."elegant" solution I've come up with is to replace the <li> with an asp:Literal and dump the <li...>' text. But that just feels... so wrong. And no, I'm not using ASP.NET 4.0, which I've read will provide this functionality.

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C# - TextBox TextChanged Events And CheckBoc CheckedChanged Events Not Firing Within A Gridview?

Jan 8, 2010

So I've got a databound grid view within a UpdatePanel.

the user can change the data within the gridview then click a save button to update the data within the database.

However in order to know which rows have been changed I have a textChanged event associated with each textbox, but the event isn't being fired.

Here's the ASP code:


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