Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator Not Preventing Postback?

Oct 4, 2012

I have this simple code:

<asp:Label ID="litInfo" runat="server" meta:resourceKey="litInfo" />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="txtEmail" runat="server" /><br />


I am expecting the RequiredFieldValidator control to prevent a postback when the textbox is filled in with an incorrect data and the button pressed. What happens is that the validator displays an error message but a postback is fired.

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Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator And Link Button Not Preventing Postback?

Mar 30, 2010

I have one TextBox with RequiredFieldValidator control and LinkButton on my page.

May occur the following situation on this page:

I filled the texbox and clicked the linkbutton is make postback on the server - so all ok.When I not filled the textbox and clicked linkbutton it will show message "Please enter your first name." and no postback will happen but when I filled textbox and click linkbutton I got a PROBLEM : Message "Please enter your first name." goes away (correct), but it doesn't preventing posback.

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Web Forms :: Preventing A PostBack From Generating A New Window?

Mar 15, 2010

I have an existing app that has a java based search utility - this search utility has a FILTERing mechanism. You can click a button to POSTBACK to the server and there, a new window is generated displaying "blah dee da".

So, click a button to filter the utility, click a button to postback and voila, you get your popup aspx.

Unfortunately, the old aspx loses STATE when on the round trip and refreshes itself too - i lose my filter.

How do I go about NOT losing my STATE ?

I understand that specifying the following in the FORM tag on the old ASPX: target="_blank"

takes the focus away from the old aspx and so, the STATE is not lost. However, when the popup generates, a brand new aspx is created along with the asps pop-up. So, I end up with 3 aspx forms!

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Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator Disappears After Partial Postback?

Jan 19, 2010

I've coded myself into a state of confusion. I have a form with a postal code TextBox and a country DropDownList both inside an UpdatePanel. When the selected country is changed, the DropDownList auto posts back and sets the regular expression used for validating the postal code. The country DropDownList also has a RequiredFieldValidator. The first item in my DropDownList is empty (Value = Text = String.Empty) and when I select this item, I momentarily see the RequiredFieldValidator appear and then disappear. It seems that the client side script is displaying the error message, but then after my partial postback it disappears. I can see in the country DropDownList's SelectedIndexChanged event handler that the RequiredFieldValidator has IsValid = false, so why doesn't the error message stay visible?

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Jquery - Postback In Chrome Preventing Image Load?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm doing a postback to generate a chart. When the user clicks the button it is using jQuery to add some html to the page to show an animated gif and an overlay.

This works fine in IE and FF but in Chrome the image doesn't load. Anybody know what's going on here?

While looking into the problem I noticed that if I run this code in the JavaScript console it works, and it will work as expected after running it in the console (displays image on postback).

Here is the code I'm using to add the html:

.append("<div class='ui-widget-overlay working'></div>")
.append("<div class='ProcessMessage working'><img alt='Loading' src='images/indicator_big.gif' /><br /><br />Loading...</div>");

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Call RequiredFieldValidator On Client Before Postback?

Mar 22, 2010

I've inherited some code which breaks a page up into tabs using divs. On the first page there are many required field and regex validators. The problem is a user can switch to another tab, trigger a postback and fail the validators on the first page, leaving things in a mess.

What I want to be able to do is perform the validation on the first page as a user selects another tab, thus preventing them from moving to a new tab until the first page is valid.

<li><a href="#tab1">Tab 1</a> </li>
<li><a href="#tab2" onclick="return isValid();">Tab 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#tab3" onclick="return isValid();">Tab 3</a></li>


Note use of jQuery for cross-browser compatibility with click event. And this only works if there are no validators on other tabs, as per Thomas' answer, I'll need to use validation groups and extra logic in isValid if any get added.

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Jan 28, 2011

I am relatively new to ASP.NET and have searched the Internet to find guidance in preventing caching of web pages (in the latest versions of IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari). Based on my search, I found a lot of conflicting/confusing info. As best as I can tell, it appears that I need to add the following 3 lines to the <head> section of my .aspx files:


if the aforementioned lines are correct and if all 3 lines are necessary? I have tried using different combinations of the 3 lines, but I get conflicting results (i.e., sometimes the page is cached and sometimes it's not).

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Mar 21, 2010

How can i prevent a user from entering the same data twice, i guess i need some validation in somewhere?For example:I add a name of a city, added successfully to the table.Try adding it again, click add and the program crashes.What type of coding do i need for this, some type of compare tool or something for the table?

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Jun 6, 2010

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Web Forms :: Preventing Double Booking In SQL Database?

Mar 21, 2011

I would like to create a module that is similar to the inventory system but not with a whole lot of bells and whistles. Basically, I have a jumper business and would like create a database to hold the items (jumper, pop-corn machine, etc.). I would like to have a calendar that when a user click on a date that he/she like to book my item only the available items display and not the one that is already booked. Pretty much to prevent the same item to get book by two different people on the same date. I also would like to create a form on the order page to have the booking information to go into the database.

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Web Forms :: Preventing Focus Rectangle On ImageButton?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm using an asp:ImageButton as a custom CheckBox. When the user clicks on it it shows a dotted rectangle briefly. My code-behind immediately switches the focus to the submit button, but how can I keep this rectangle from appearing while the user has the mouse button down?

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Web Forms :: Preventing Post Request From Other Domains?

Nov 15, 2010

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Jun 10, 2010

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Jul 12, 2010

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Just looking for the easiest solution so that the user doesnt have to do multiple things to submit their application. In order to get it to work for anyone having issues, is to have them copy and paste into "notepad" and then copy and paste from there to our form, which strips the html coding.

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Forms Data Controls :: Handling / Preventing GridView Refresh On Deleting Row?

Aug 4, 2010

Before I begin, I would like to acknowledge that I might be using incorrect terms below due to my lack of experience.

I have a GridView bound to an ArrayList of Custom Objects. I have a button as part of each row, which when clicked, I delete the row from the Arraylist, and re DataBind() the GridView. While this deletes the Row, it causes the Page to be refreshed that takes the User back to the top of the Page.

E.g. If the User clicks on the button of a row at the bottom of the Page, after the deletion, the Page gets refreshed and the User is now taken to the top of the Page.

This is irritating especially in long lists i.e. GridView with many rows. (I don't want to use paging here.) Is there any way to avoid this, or mitigate this problem.

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Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator Not Working?

Mar 10, 2011

I create a new website in VS 2010 (VB .Net). I add a table, within it i add a textbox, a button and a RequiedFieldValidator. I set the RFV ControlTValidate property to the textbox. When i move(click or tab) away from the textbox, the RFV doesnt kick in the error message that i have set.

The RFV code is
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="txtEnterName" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"
InitialValue="0" ForeColor="#FF3300"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtEnterName" runat="server" Width="221px"></asp:TextBox>

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Web Forms ::use A RequiredFieldValidator At Runtime?

May 11, 2010

I have following tag, I want to validate requirefieldvalidato runtim whenever user click on "Submit" button btnSubmit_Click event, how can I do this? Actually on my form I have 3-4 submit button for different purpose.On each buton I have set CauseValidaton=false,because some of the fields are initially hidden and depending on button click fields are visible.


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Web Forms :: RegularExpressionValidator Always Need RequiredFieldValidator?

Jan 13, 2011

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Web Forms :: How To Use RequiredFieldValidator With TextArea

May 7, 2015

How to apply required field validator for<textarea> in html

Not the textbox<asp:textbox mode="multiline">

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Web Forms :: How To Use RequiredFieldValidator On HTML Element

Dec 15, 2010

I am using ckeditor as my Rich Text Editor (RTE). This is an html element control and not an ASP control. I would like to use the RequiredFieldValidator (RFV) control to make this field required.

I cannot find any documentation stating that the RFV can be used like this. Can anybody tell me if this is possible?

Here's an example - notice that there is an html textarea element - how do I use RFV on this?



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Web Forms :: Ignore RequiredFieldValidator For Professional?

Sep 30, 2010

Ignore RequiredFieldValidator for professional?

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Web Forms :: Use Requiredfieldvalidator To Disable A Button?

Mar 1, 2010

Can I use requiredfieldvalidator apply to a tex box, txtOrderby, if txtOrderby is empty then set button1.enable = false?

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Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator Failing For Some Users

Aug 24, 2010

Some times RequiredFieldValidator is failing to validate a calender textbox Field for date entry in the page so we receive a blank value in the email which the application sends and 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM in the database for that corresponding control. It happened with a user who has got Internet Explorer and also the active Scripting is Enabled.

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Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator Not Working With RadioButtonList?

Jun 30, 2010

I have the following code:



If the user submits this form, and they have not selected a option , I'd expect the validator to catch it but it's not.

How can I get my validator to ensure that one of the option radio buttons are selected?

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Web Forms :: Requiredfieldvalidator Ignored On Server 2008 IIS?

Mar 26, 2010

I am trying to make my ASP.NET (2.0) application to work on Server 2008 (IIS 7) but all validations are ignored. Many textboxes have requireedfieldvalidators that should require user entries but they are ignored. The same application runs on a bunch of Server 2003 with no problems like these. Is there a setting on Server 2008 IIS that has to be enabled/disabled in order for the validation to work?

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