Web Forms :: Role Of Page.ascx.designer.cs?

Feb 1, 2011

I got a question about the page with "ascx.designer.cs" suffix which has been generated by VS 2010 for all web forms.what's the role of these kind of pages?

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Vb.net - Ascx.designer 'properties' Not Showing Up In Reflection At Runtime?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a very simple setup, single mycontrol.ascx with assoicated mycontrol.ascx.designer.vb and mycontrol.ascx.vb file. mycontrol.ascx embeds a single reference to a custom control: "MyMenu":

<mM:myMenu id="myMenu1" runat="server" />

This has created a protected reference in the mycontrol.ascx.designer.vb file:Protected WithEvents myMenu1 As Global.CustomControls.MyMenuNow, when I breakpoint the Page_Load() event of mycontrol.ascx, and inspect the members returned from the type via:


I cannot any reference to myMenu1. If I look at the control with intellisence, the property is accessible:
Me.myMenu1 Can anyone explain exactly what I'm missing and what I need to do to access designer created properties at runtime through reflection?

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Visual Studio :: UpdatePanel Reference In Control.ascx.designer.cs Keeps Changing

Oct 12, 2010

I have an annoying problem when I'm developing in Visual Studio 2010. I am using an UpdatePanel in my .ascx file like this:

<asp:updatepanel id="upStuff" runat="server">....</asp:updatepanel>

in my control.ascx.designer.cs, the update panel is being defined like this:

protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.updatepanel upSettings;

this produces the error:

"The type or namespace name 'updatepanel' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts' (are you missing an assembly reference?)"

The actual namespace should be System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel. When I go directly into the designer.cs file and change it, it works. However, every time I go back into editing control.ascx and save, Visual Studio always changes it back to system.Web.UI.WebControls.Webparts.updatepanel. I'm not sure what is causing this. Is it how I should be referencing namespaces and classes in my project? I'm using .NET 3.5.

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Web Forms :: How To Inherit .ascx Page To Another .ascx Page

Sep 16, 2010

i have made a BaseUserControl.ascx and a ChildUserControl.ascxfile. both have its own code behind file.So what i want, i wanted to inharit ChildUserControl.ascx fileto BaseUserControl.ascx. so whatever in my BaseUserControl.ascx fileshould be visible into the ChildUserControl.ascx,means if i have kept a TextBox in BaseUserControl.ascx should be visibleinto the ChildUserControl.ascx desing view. and it should be accessible into the ChildUserControl.ascx code behind file.

1) Is this possible, if yes then how?

2) if above is possible then How to access BaseUserControl.ascx code behind file into the ChildUserControl.ascx code behind file?

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How To See The Designer Generated Codebehind Files (named .designer.aspx.cs) In VS2010

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How To Force Visual Studio 2008 To Generate Designer.cs E.g. Whatever.aspx.designer.cs

Mar 20, 2010

I have some webforms in an Asp.Net V2.0 generated using Visual Studio 2005 using Web site technology

Want to import them in to Visual Studio 2008 set to v3.5 (Asp.Net MVC) - where I use Project technology

I'm using Add > Existing Item - Which brings in Whatever.aspx & Whatever.aspx.cs There is no Whatever.aspx.designer.cs to import

How do you force it to be generated ?

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C# - LLBLGen Pro V2.6 Designer / How To Delete More Than One Entity At The Same Time In The Designer Entities List

May 10, 2010

How do you delete more than one entity at the same time in the designer Entities list. it seems that the designer interface only allows the selection of 1 entity at a time....

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Web Forms :: How To Create Designer.cs Page Dynamically

Feb 9, 2011

i am creating my aspx and aspx.cs files dynamically.

Can you tell me as how to create aspx.designer.cs files dynamically?

It works fine for web application . But as a project it reuires designer.cs file.

How to create it?

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Web Forms :: Web Project: Allow The Designer To Use Ftp To upload A Single Aspx Page ?

Feb 22, 2010

We're migrating from the web site to the web application model. Is there a way to allow the designer to use ftp to upload a single aspx page (foo.aspx and foo.aspx.cs) without requiring the use of the VS2008 Publish feature? We're a small shop and haven't bothered using source control as it wasn't much of an issue with the web site model. If the designer uses the Publish feature my binaries will be overwritten. I know that static pages are compiled at run time so I thought this would be possible but my tests result in errors. I've clicked around for some guidance but come up empty handed.

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Web Forms :: Cannot Pass The Value From .ascx To .aspx Page

Oct 24, 2010

I have created a UserControl [uscAuditTeam.ascx], there I have a Dictionary list and I added some values.

I want to pass the dictionary value to AuditTracking.aspx page. But it shows the null value.


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Web Forms :: Is It Possible To Emebed An ASPX Page Into An ASCX Control

Jul 22, 2010

Is it possible to emebed an ASPX page into an ASCX control ?

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Web Forms :: Changing Menu Colors When Using Ascx Page?

Dec 25, 2010

Am new to asp.net, am using ascx page as user control for my website i have 4 menu items in that ascx page home,aboutus,contactus,news

i want to change the color of menu's text on selection

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Web Forms :: Add Ascx Controls To A Silver Light Page?

Jul 8, 2010

If I search adding asp.net to silverlight all I get is how to add silverlight to an asp.net page, but I want to do it the other way around. I have a main page that has been converted to silverlight and lot of controls that are still in asp.net 2, can anyone give me any information on how to host the ascx controls in silverlight?

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Web Forms :: Handling Many Ascx Files On One Aspx Page?

Jan 13, 2010

I have one aspx page and more than ascx files, i have links on aspx page. if i click one of the link, it will upload the relevant ascx file on main aspx file.

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MVC :: How To Encapsulate Logic In Ascx Partial View With The Same Efficiency Of Webforms Ascx

Aug 10, 2010

I have to build a few ascx partial views in my MVC applications to encapsulate re-usable functionalities as well as archive SOR and SOC. However, I encountered challenge how to encapsulate the business logic that drives MVC ascx views.In webforms, the code behind of an ASCX control can handle a button click event and browser still shows the same page with only one postback. How can I archive the same thing in MVC? When ~/Address/Edit/2 includes an ascx partial view with a button on it that calls another MVC action - let's say ~/ShareController/CommonAction - what is the best way for the CmmonAction to return to the very same view that includes the ascx file?Perhaps I am missing a common pattern in MVC web development?

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Web Forms :: Set The Focus To Specific Control In .ascx From Main Page

Mar 23, 2011

I want to set the focus to a specific control in .ascx from main page. When i load the mainpage.aspx, the focus should be on a text box control which is contained in web user part called selectperson.ascx

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Web Forms :: Cross Page Posting And Ascx User Controls

Jan 16, 2010

I have a user control where is a textbox and button with PostBackUrl="two.aspx". This user control I have on a page one.aspx. When I click that button, on two.aspx I want to have access to the textbox from ascx control. PreviousPage.FindControl doesn't work. How to do that?

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How To View The Default.designer.vb Page

Jun 26, 2010

I have a asp.net web project in which I am trying to view the Default.designer.vb page. I thought there was a button at the top of the Solution Explorer that would allow you to show the "Designer" files but I don't see it. How can I view these files?

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Control Within Ascx Is Null When Ascx Is Added From Codebehind?

Apr 14, 2010

I am having difficulties how to construct my question, but if I have to put it simply the situation is that I have categories of products. I have an aspx with a repeater on the left that lists the categories. And I want the products to be listed on the right. Category number is variable so I made an ascx with a DataList in it. When I try to do foreach category, ascx = new ascx(); then the DataList within this ascx control is null.

ps: what I want to do is to preload all the products (thre is not much) and hide the divs and fadein fadeout them using jQuery when a category div is clicked.

rightnow it is using jQuery.load(); and I don't like how the images load, cuz they download from top to bottom. Progressive gifs alsdo not an option. site demo is here [URL]

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Web Forms :: How To Get User Controls(ascx) Fields In Normal Page (aspx)

May 19, 2010

how to get asp.net user controls(ascx) fields in normal asp.net page (aspx)

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Web Forms :: Calling Controls In A Page From A User Control File (.ascx)?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a page called main.apsx and on that page I have a multiview with a couple of view panes. In main.aspx I also have an have a buttons.ascx file with a few link buttons. When these buttons are clicked I want them to show the the selected view panels in multiview in main.aspx.

I cant seem to figure out where to put the action code for the link buttons. Do I put it into my buttons.ascx.cs file or into main.aspx.cs? I presume in buttons.ascx.cs, but if I do that, how will the buttons find the multiview control?

This is the code for on of my buttons in buttons.ascx.cs


When I run it like this is gives an error

The name 'MultiView1' does not exist in the current

The name 'View1' does not exist in the current

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Forms Data Controls :: Pager Not Working In .ascx Page With Listview

Jun 27, 2010

I have a user control with a listview and a pager. The pager doesn't seem to page, it just reloads the same page. I have 4 dropdowns on the page that a user select from, they then click a button to fill the listview with data. I use a method in a class to pull the data like so

this.ListView1.DataSource = DB.GetResults(

Do I need to rebind the listview somewhere?

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C# - Create Page Without All The Codebehind And Designer Stuff?

Sep 9, 2010

I would like to create an ASP.Net page without all the codebehind and designer stuff. Basically I want to go back to ASP classic, but keep the CLR and Base Class Library that makes .Net oh-so-wonderful. I'd like just a page something like this:

int customerID = Request.QueryString["CustomerID"];
//Customer and DataAccess classes come from an extenal assembly
Customer customer = DataAccess.GetCustomer(customerID);
You asked for Customer with ID: <%=customerID;%><br />
Name: <%=customer.Name;%><br />
Phone: <%=customer.Phone;%><br />

However there seem to be some problems with that. The Request object is only available from within a Page object. I wish to completely delete the codebehind and designer pages. No intellisense Anything else I should be aware of before I get too deep into this? No idea how to start pulling in extenal libraries

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Web Forms :: Pass Data From A Page To ASCX User Controls Loaded Dynamically?

Feb 7, 2010

I'm developing an ASP.NET application with C# and Ajax.I have a page that holds user controls loaded dynamically. I need to pass some data (integer values and some strings) to the user control that has been loaded dynamically.Now I use Session to pass these values, but I think I can use another way; something like VIEWSTATE or hidden input.What do you recommend me?The fact that I load the controls dynamically is important because controls are loaded on every postback, and I can't store any value on controls.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add JavaScript To Grid Custom Column In Ascx Page

Nov 11, 2010

I am getting required functionality when I am adding javascript to grid column in aspx page. but i am not getting the same functionality when l am loading ascx page in my aspx page.

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