Web Forms :: Set SelectedValue Of DDL In UserControl From Page

Mar 31, 2010

What is the proper way to set the selectedvalue of a DDL inside a web user control? My current structure is PAGE > USERCONTROL [FORMVIEW] > USERCONTROL [DROPDOWNLIST]Inside my FORMVIEW user control, I am setting the value of my DROPDOWNLIST user control through an exposed property located within the DROPDOWNLIST user control, called SelectedLocation. However when I changeMode of the FORMVIEW control, depending on where I call my method to bind myROPDOWNLIST, it will either bind it twice or won't bind it all.

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Web Forms :: How To Change Selectedvalue On DDL In Parent Page From Usercontrol

Jan 22, 2010

I have a page for webparts and have a usercontrol in the declarativecatalog. The user control had a gridview. I need to click (select) an item (row) in the gridview and change the selected value of the DDL in the parent (I guess this is the appropriate term) page.

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MyStuff/MyStuff.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="MyStuff_Default" title="MyStuff" %>

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Forms Data Controls :: Not Seeing SelectedValue For ListBox In UserControl?

Apr 25, 2010

Using VB.Net/Asp.Net 2008, web app with Master page.I have a content page where all of the content is wrapped in an UpdatePanel that uses a UserControl called GetEmployee.ascx that I created.

In the user control I have a listbox filled with employeeIDs for the DataValueField, in fact for testing to make sure I'm getting the ID I temporarily set the DataTextField to employeeID also. Anyways I keep getting "" error saying I have not selected anything even when I do so I put a breakpoint and set a watch to find out selectedIndex, value and item and nothing.

after the user selects an employee they should click on the "select employee" button so I have some code there to find out which employee was selected. I have events setup in the GetEmployee.ascx user control to get the value selected:


and I have a breakpoint and it hits the "selectedIndexChanged" event first so I put a watch there and see the following.

SelectedIndex = -1
SelectedItem = Nothing
SelectedValue = ""

why am I not seeing the selected value?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist SelectedValue Error "'branchDDL' Has A SelectedValue Which Is Invalid?

Nov 18, 2010

I have a dropdownlist in DetailsView to which items are added programmatically during DataBound event. It is working fine in InsertItemTemplate, but in EditItemTemplate i am getting this error "'branchDDL' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value".

. Following is the code:


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Web Forms :: Page Flickers When Setting Selectedvalue Of Dropdownlist With More Than 20 Items

Nov 25, 2010

I have officially wasted about two days trying to figure out what the heck was going on with my asp.net page. I actually thought it was an issue with my updatepanel code, but after reading another post I was able to reproduce the same results. [URL]

I just manually added the following control to the page (no code behind for the listbox) and it is nested in an ajax tabcontrainer inside an updatepanel. If you set item 20 as selected the page flickers when loading that tab. I tried the css mentioned (style="overflow:hidden") on the tabcontainer,tab panel, update panel and dropdownlist, but no luck. Crazy select item 19 no flicker, 20 (which is actually the 21st item) and it does flicker. This is driving me insane. And yes this only occurs in FireFox ( running 3.6).

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Postback Before Page Fully Loaded Cause Dropdownlist To Have The Wrong SelectedValue?

Oct 18, 2010

We were having occasional reports where the value of a set of DropDownBoxs in a GridView would be reset to the first value item in the list.

We finally tracked it down to a timing issue where a user would click Save before the page finished rendering/loading the data, and we are able to repro it on the production server but not locally because the page loads too quickly.

How would we go about detecting this on the server side to know the data returned is invalid or otherwise stop from setting data that the user didn't set?

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Forms Data Controls :: UserControl Within Gridview Loses Properties When Usercontrol Events Are Trigered

Jul 17, 2010

This is page load

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
{ [code]...

But in my ascx.cs when IButton1_Click is trigered My name is null

private string _sname;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ [code]...

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Web Forms :: Usercontrol Constructor Parameter - Unable To Pass The Value To Usercontrol?

Apr 6, 2010

im creating site with usercontrols. I have repeater, inside it is another repeater with usercontrol. My problem is passing BindedValue to usercontrol.Bindings works fine and binds the value i need but it cannot pass the value to usercontrol. When i type it manually it works, when i bind it, it passes null (!).I've tried get,set, functions (ondatabound, onload, oninit), accessing control from code with no luck. Ive read and tried to do all the google solutions but with no luck. (even with creating usercontrol inheritance)

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Web Forms :: Load An UserControl To A Page?

Oct 27, 2010

i have some usercontrols in "~/Pages/"

my URL will be like ~/Default.aspx?p=Login or ~/Default.aspx?p=ContactUser

now i need to get the QueryString("p") and depend of that i want to load my UserControl To the Default.aspx Page

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Web Forms :: UserControl To UserControl - Same Object Instance Transfer

Sep 27, 2010

There are 2 UserControls UC1 and UC2, and there is one more class C. I want to share the same instance of c in both UserControls. I know that this can be possible with properties in both UC's and by registering UC2 in UC1 or vice versa. But I want the solution to be loosely coupled. Any best possible way without touching the Actual Page (which hosts UC's)? So i need some best possible way between UCs transfering C.

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Web Forms :: Usercontrol Reference To Page Object?

Apr 20, 2010

I am developing a usercontrol, in this case a toolbar. Some of the buttons on the toolbar will interact with other objects on the page which are not part of the toolbar. (In this case a map) So the toolbar code behind wants to say something like this:


My problem is that MyMap does not exist in the design environment of the usercontrol and therefore produces an error when it is referenced. So my question is, How is this typically handled? Can the usercontrol reference another control that does not exist within itself?

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Web Forms :: Refreshing UserControl Without Refresh The Page?

Aug 11, 2010

In my Desktop i am binding Multiple UserControls. Each control has the Refresh facility. Is it possible to do refresh the particular UserControl with out page Refresh...

and one Important thing is I am binding User Controls dynamically..( in serverside while page loading)

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Web Forms :: Get A Value Of Textbox From Usercontrol In Parent Page?

Jan 20, 2010

i have created a usercontrol that get some input from the user in the textbox. now i want to get that value in my page containing the same user control.

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Web Forms :: How To Use Classes In Css File In Usercontrol Page

Sep 15, 2010

I don't know how can i use my css file in user control page.

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Web Forms :: Inserting UserControl Into Aspx Page?

Jan 9, 2010

i have user controls inherits from base user control like this:


How do i insert CustomerSendMail & UserSendMail into aspx page?

Note: The derived user controls having the same control layout as the base user control. Making copies of ascx page for CustomerSendMail & UserSendMail is not good idea, because if i modify the base's ascx page, the old CustomerSendMail & UserSendMail 's ascx page should be replace with the new one.

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Setting SelectedValue For One DropDownList Also Updates The SelectedValue For Another DropDownLIst

Jul 21, 2010

I have a WebForms page that has two DropDownList controls on it that both contain a range of temperatures from 60-80 degrees, one for heating the other for cooling. They are declared in the .aspx as:

<asp:DropDownList ID="heating" runat="server" />
<asp:DropDownList ID="cooling" runat="server" />

The values for each list are populated in the code-behind using:

for(int i = 60; i <= 80; i++)
var listItem = new ListItem(i + " degrees", i.ToString());


When I try to set the selected value for each DropDownList using the values in an object containing data loaded from the database using:heating.SelectedValue = myHome.avgHeatingTemp.ToString();
cooling.SelectedValue = myHome.avgCoolingTemp.ToString();

The SelectedValue for both lists is set first to the value in myHome.avgHeatingTemp, then to the value in myHome.avgCoolingTemp. Heres what the values are for each variable after each step of the process of setting the SelectedValues:

Initial State
heating.SelectedValue: 60
cooling.SelectedValue: 60 [code]....

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Web Forms :: Change Value In UserControl Based On Host Page?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a UserControl I created for Navigation that is added to a master page. In a host page, I have a drop down list that I would like to change the value of a dropdownlist in the user control when changed.

I've tried to use the findControl to get the Hyperlink control I'd like to change the value of, but it's always returning nothing. I am thinking this is because the control is nested in a master page. how I can change the value of this item based on the value of a dropdownlist in the aspx page?

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Web Forms :: How To Manipulate UserControl Objects From Main Page

Aug 16, 2010

I have a Masterpage which contains two contentpalceholder, first one for a Usercontrol and second one for my web forms.

Now I want to change the usercontrol's property of sqldatasource from out side of usercontrol such as some web forms. Can I access objects of usercontrol from the other web forms or masterpage?

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Web Forms :: How To Trigger Certain Methods On Different Aspx Page Using Usercontrol

Mar 3, 2011

I have got 3 aspx page and a usercontrol on each page have an email placeholder in it. What I want to acheive is when the customer

click on the usercontrol email placeholder, certain method on a particular page should trigger. See below for the code:


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Web Forms :: Css In Usercontrol Will Apply By Default To Aspx Page?

Jan 19, 2010

i added css and skin file path inside a usercontrol

if register this u.control to a aspx page

is css will apply to aspx page ? ,if i not apply any style sheept to aspx page

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Web Forms :: Override UserControl Function From .net Page Code Behind?

Jan 11, 2011

I want to ask if I can overried a function the presents at Usercontrol that I created that Mean

I can update the function if there a need for that {Virtual,.....}

I want to override that function from the asp.net codebehind that hold that user control.

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Web Forms :: Reference UserControl On The Host Page Programmatically?

Mar 4, 2011

I have a usercontrol hosted on a page, registered through the web.config.

On the host page, I would like to programmatically reference the my public propeties of the user control in the codefile.

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Web Forms :: Change UserControl Display Before The Page Renders?

Jun 18, 2010

I have a requirement to hide certain buttons in a standard MOSS page. The buttons are generated by a Microsoft UserControl and some buttons must be hidden before displayed to the user. This page cannot be customized, so the only approach is to have an httpmodule which would use some Javascript and C# to hide the unwanted buttons. So my question is during which event should the javascript be used to pick out the DOM elements and set their visible property? Can anyone give a code example?

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Web Forms :: Firing Usercontrol Event From Another Usercontrol?

Aug 12, 2010

I have 2 usercontrol in my .aspx page.


<asp:textbox id="txt" runat="server"></asp:textbox>

<asp:button id="btn" runat="server" text="send" />


Here I have gridview control with checkbox for selection of one or two records. Have one button and when clicking this , i need to get the selected records values and assign this values to the textbox which is in usercontrol1.

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Web Forms :: Calling A Public Method On Aspx Page From A Usercontrol

Sep 7, 2010

I have a problem with calling a method on a aspx page from a usercontrol.

The case is: I have 1 main page with 5 usercontrols, when something goes wrong in the code I want to display the error message in a Modalpopup Extender. I can create for each usercontrol a different modalpopup extender but isn't much easier when I make 1 popup in the aspx page. But the problem is: How should I call a method in the aspx page that open the popup?

I have search several hours on the internet but can't find anything useful.

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