Web Forms :: Set Iframe Innerhtml From Codebehind?

May 20, 2010

I want to set an iframe innerhtml from codebehind, i have an html page, i load that,and set myiframe.innerhtml from code behind, i dont know why its not working . M using VS 2005 / c#.I ve googled it , and what i found is not working, it ld be easy and straight,

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A Div With InnerHTML From Codebehind

Apr 22, 2010

I know I can use a code like this:


To create a DIV in my body but how do I then add innerHTML to this control? Or can I directly add an Label to the newly created control and set tag ones text?

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Web Forms :: Way To Acces Iframe Controls In Codebehind

Aug 2, 2010

I have a Subscriber form defined on Webserver1, http://localhost/validation/Subscription. In this form there is a textbox - FirstName and some hidden controls I have a Services webform defined on Webserver2,http://localhost/Number/Services. I load the content of page "Subscriber.aspx" from Webform 1 to webpage Services.aspx on Webserver2.

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Web Forms :: How Put Focus On The 2nd Textbox When All Is Done In The Iframe Page Codebehind

Aug 25, 2010

I have a page with an iframe on it in which I load another page.On this iframe page I have some textboxes above eachother.When the first textbox is filled with a code the textchanged event is called nd the code is checked with the database.After the code has been changed to the right one (if needed) I want the focus to go to the next textbox.

So at the end of the event I do: Page.SetFocus(txtbox2)ut after the postback refresh, the focus is gone.
I have also put the control to be focused in a session variable and then in the page_load event I set the focus to the control in the session variable, but still no focus on the textbox.How can I put it on the 2nd textbox?all is done in the Iframe page codebehind.

I need this focus because the two textboxes are filled via bar code reader and after the scan an "enter press" is done automatically and to be able to allow two scans after each other this focus change is needed.

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Put HTML String In IFRAME In C# Codebehind?

Mar 9, 2010

In a C# codebehind, i am calling a web service that returns an HTML blob that i need to stick in an IFRAME. I suppose that i can write it to a temporary file and point the IFRAME src to that, but is there a way to either (a) write the string to the IFRAME directly, (b) point the IFRAME src to the string somehow (maybe with streams), or (c) some other way? I want to avoid writing this string to a file.

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Web Forms :: Iframe From Code Behind / Load A Dynamic iframe But It Cannot Visualize The Page?

Nov 30, 2010

i am trying to load a dynamic iframe but it cannot visualize the page.

this is my html code:


and this is my codebehind:


i am using a content update panel on the page but the div of the iframe is out of the content panel.

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Web Forms :: Iframe Dynamic Resize Or Iframe Alternative?

Feb 9, 2011

I have created a web application that docks other web applications into it.When an application is docked the app creates a link button in its "tool box" on the left hand side of the page, users can easily click on any link button to navigate to the desired docked app.

I have a web app that uses iframes to display other web applications inside it. In effect it is a docking application where users can easily access many web applications from within one main app, while staying within the main app. I am having challenges dynamically resizing the iframe based on the size of the application the user is accessing.I have searched the web and tried many ideas but have yet to discover the code that will do the trick.

First, for a docking web application is the iframe the best approach? I have see some posts on ajax but am uncertain how that will help.

Second, if an iframe is the way to do it does anyone have code that will completely liminate the need for iframe scroll bars?

Note:The applications docked in the main we app may be of any size and can change size as users interact with them.

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Web Forms :: How To Open Websites In Iframe / Alternate Way To Iframe

Mar 29, 2011

Our website application needs to open other web sites Iframe.(Our application is web based tool to help high school children to analyze the websites. It has to show news websites to in one iframe and in rest of the page there will be questions related to the news website)

But since many websites use framekiller code, these sites take control of entire page. Is there any ternative way / solution to this problem?It is necessary to be able to open other sites in our website (in iframe or any alternate way), otherwise whole concept of our application will become void.

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Apr 22, 2010

How to Add a DIV dynamicly and set its innerHTML or text if request.QueryString("admin_delete_design") != "" then

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Web Forms :: Remove Style From Innerhtml?

Apr 20, 2010

I have some data in database.

Data's like <p style="text-align:justify;"> Hyper-V installation,<div class="text">

I want to remove style. I try to replace all but it's to long and all texts are different format.

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Web Forms :: Asp:checkbox Can't Be Displayed In InnerHtml?

Aug 2, 2010

In the Page_Load, I dynamically assign a string which contains asp:checkbox to a InnerHtml of a <td>. But when the page is loaded, I can not see the checkbox on the page

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Web Forms :: Converting Innerhtml To Image?

Aug 28, 2010

I had a usercontrol (TextEditor).To get the content of this TextEditor I used the code

string strquestion = Texteditor1.ContentInnerHtml;

. It returns the string

strquestion=<P>Which one is rectangle?</P><P>1 <IMG src="http://localhost:3032/IHSOnline/editorimages/UserImages/35907.JPG" width=150></P><P>2 <IMG src="http://localhost:3032/IHSOnline/editorimages/UserImages/df943.JPG"

My texteditor will contain both text and image as seen in the string.

Now i want to store it in database and retrieve and display in a gridview.

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Web Forms :: Change LinkButton InnerHtml Programmatically

Oct 31, 2010

I would like to change the innerHTML of a LinkButton programmatically.Example:

[Code]....How can i get ChangeThisValue changed programmatically?

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Web Forms :: Setting InnerHtml Of Controls Programmatically?

Jan 10, 2011

How can I set the InnerHtml of programmatically-created controls? For instance, I want a LinkButton's final output to be something like this:

<a href...(LinkButton code)><span style="position: absolute">Some text</span></a>

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Web Forms :: How To Set Innerhtml From Code With Dynamic Id Of Span

Mar 4, 2010

I am going to set a couple of span controls to some text. The span controls have ids like,

<span ID="text1" runat="server" />
<span ID="text2" runat="server" />
<span ID="text3" runat="server" />

And now I want to set the innethml to every span control with a while end, like while dr.read I would like to set the ID to the span dynamic, like text & I.innerhtml = "something" I = I + 1 end while but how do a refer to a ID dynamic of a control in the code?

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Web Forms :: Displaying An Element Using GetElementById().innerHtml?

Feb 25, 2011

In the below code, "Hello" displayed inside <p> element is getting invisible within a second after clicking button.

So how to display it permanently?

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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Web Forms :: Calling Common Function For LinkButton In Div.InnerHtml

May 7, 2010

I'm Adding Some Linkbutton At Runtime In InnerHtml Of Div. And I Want To Call a Single Method For All The LinkButton With An Argument. My Code Is Below:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DivBookList.InnerHtml = "<ul>";
i = 0;
foreach (IFolder f in Client.MailboxManager.Folders)

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Jul 14, 2010

How to get updated values of fields in form through InnerHTML tag?

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Web Forms :: TextArea HtmlControl - How To Get The InnerHtml Out Formatted In Paragraphs

May 4, 2010

I have a textarea HtmlControl. If I write a paragraph in it, press enter and write another paragraph I can see on the page that I have two paragraphs. But when I submit the form and then try to access the paragraphs using myTextArea.InnerHtml the value that I get is of all the text in one paragraph with out any formatting.

How do I get the text out formatted in html <p> tags?

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Iframe Timeout / All Pages Are Loaded On That Iframe According To Menu Selection?

Dec 23, 2010

in my application iam using an iframe, all pages are loaded on that iframe according to menu selection.My problem is that while timeout the login page is loaded inside the iframe.under the menu sectionHow can i overcome this?

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Using Div.innertext,innerhtml Together?

Jan 25, 2011

what I am trying to do is

i have fname,lastname and email
div1.innertext+=" ";
div1.innerhtml="environment.newline"; not working
"; not working
div1.innertext +="<br />"; not working
How can I insert a new line in thid <div>
I am looking to get the o/p like below
fname lastname

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C# - How To Output SQL To DIV InnerHTML

Mar 30, 2011

Im trying to output my SQL to a div using the InnerHTML. but I cant get more than one record to show up. How do I make it so that it will out put all of my records to the DIV? On my page I have the DIV contained within a UpdatePanel, but I only ever get 1 row displayed (and yes the query does return more than one row).

string sql = "Select * From Events";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
reader = command.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
divout1.InnerHtml += "Name: " + reader["Name"].ToString() + "<br />" +
"Date: " + reader["Date"].ToString() + "<br />" +
"Location: " + reader["Location"].ToString() + "<br />";
divout.Visible = true;

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Get The InnerHTML Of A Label From C#?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a asp:label that i've set the innerHTML to a string from javascript. How can I now read this string from my code behind?

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Get Intelligence For Sender.innerHTML In VS?

Feb 28, 2011

How come an ASP.Net button "caption" is it's value and a regular html button "caption" comes from the innerHTML.

And why do I not get intellisense for sender.innerHTML in VS?




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Asp:checkbox Can't Be Displayed In InnerHtml

Aug 2, 2010

In the Page_Load, I dynamically assign a string which contians asp:checkbox to a InnerHtml. But the checkbox does not display on the page after the page loaded.

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