Put HTML String In IFRAME In C# Codebehind?

Mar 9, 2010

In a C# codebehind, i am calling a web service that returns an HTML blob that i need to stick in an IFRAME. I suppose that i can write it to a temporary file and point the IFRAME src to that, but is there a way to either (a) write the string to the IFRAME directly, (b) point the IFRAME src to the string somehow (maybe with streams), or (c) some other way? I want to avoid writing this string to a file.

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Write String With Html I Made Codebehind Within A Panal?

Nov 12, 2010

i have this string:

string foo = "<p>temp</p>";

how can i show it on my page without using Response.Write(foo)

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Web Forms :: Set Iframe Innerhtml From Codebehind?

May 20, 2010

I want to set an iframe innerhtml from codebehind, i have an html page, i load that,and set myiframe.innerhtml from code behind, i dont know why its not working . M using VS 2005 / c#.I ve googled it , and what i found is not working, it ld be easy and straight,

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Web Forms :: Way To Acces Iframe Controls In Codebehind

Aug 2, 2010

I have a Subscriber form defined on Webserver1, http://localhost/validation/Subscription. In this form there is a textbox - FirstName and some hidden controls I have a Services webform defined on Webserver2,http://localhost/Number/Services. I load the content of page "Subscriber.aspx" from Webform 1 to webpage Services.aspx on Webserver2.

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Web Forms :: How Put Focus On The 2nd Textbox When All Is Done In The Iframe Page Codebehind

Aug 25, 2010

I have a page with an iframe on it in which I load another page.On this iframe page I have some textboxes above eachother.When the first textbox is filled with a code the textchanged event is called nd the code is checked with the database.After the code has been changed to the right one (if needed) I want the focus to go to the next textbox.

So at the end of the event I do: Page.SetFocus(txtbox2)ut after the postback refresh, the focus is gone.
I have also put the control to be focused in a session variable and then in the page_load event I set the focus to the control in the session variable, but still no focus on the textbox.How can I put it on the 2nd textbox?all is done in the Iframe page codebehind.

I need this focus because the two textboxes are filled via bar code reader and after the scan an "enter press" is done automatically and to be able to allow two scans after each other this focus change is needed.

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How To Get Between HTML Tag Values In Codebehind

Feb 9, 2011

I need a for below code

<div id="div1" runat="server"> My Name is Guvera </div>

In the above HTML i need to take a string "My Name is Guvera" using Asp.Net code.

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Pass A Variable To HTML Via Iframe?

Aug 23, 2010

I don't know if this is even possible, but here goes: I have an ASP.NET page that contains an IFrame that calls an HTML page. Is it possible to pass a variable from the ASP.NET page to the HTML within the IFrame? More specifically, I'd like for the ASP.NET page to fill in one of the fields on the form within the HTML page.

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Javascript - How To Load Html In <iFrame>

Feb 14, 2011

I am storing html of error pages of my site in sql table, i want to display them in a window, on the admin side, but not able to load the saved html in iframe, i am using asp.net mvc2.

its needed to save the pages, and display later to admin.

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Web Forms :: Hide Query String From Src In Iframe?

Nov 8, 2010

I am using an iframe in my page and the src value of iframe is changed at runtime.because I want to authenticate the page which is being called.

for e.g.

src value is "~/Login/Login.aspx" in design. and at runtime it changes to "~/Login/Login.aspx?un=abc&pswd=123".

now, I don't want to show this query string when a user clicks View Page Source in the browser.

it should show only "~/Login/Login.aspx".

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Html - Set The Iframe Height 100% Doesn't Work

Jun 7, 2010

I am using in my asp.net page and tried to set the iframe height 100%, But its does not work.

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Web Forms :: Running Website On HTML IFrame

Feb 17, 2010

This is a general ASP.NET question. I have an asp.net site that is hosted on domain A. The site works fine and uses a session when user login. I have a new empty site on domain B (different server). I tried to load the same site on domain B by calling it in an HTML IFrame site load and works but it seems that user con not login, after some experiments I think his is related to the session not working. Can I run the site on an IFrame? Sessions should work?

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Web Forms :: Load Part Of Html Into IFRAME?

Feb 10, 2011

I want to load part of a html-file (content.htm) in my project into an iframe in my main page (main.aspx).

Also, I want that content to take on the css, javascripts and filepath of the main page.Is this even possible?

It seems iframe is almost a separate browser, and no settings from the main page will affect it. CSS does not work, nor does the filepaths since the content.html is located in a subfolder.

What approach should I use instead of Iframe?

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Web Forms :: Embed HTML In ASPX But Not IFRAME?

Apr 23, 2010

i need Embed and HTML page with ASPX page ....

the html page is a simple page which include "<html><head><body> .... Some Content ....etc".

and also the aspx page is a simple also, so when the customer open "index.aspx" this will open aspx page but with HTML Content.

i dont need to use IFRAMES,

the code for asp.net will read the HTML content and put it in aspx in run time.

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Create A HTML Definition's List In The Codebehind?

Mar 16, 2011

is it possible to create a HTML Definition's List in the codebehind? I'm trying to pro grammatically generate the following HTML:

<dl style="overflow: hidden; font-size: small;">
<dt style="float: left; width: 200px; clear: both; text-align: right; margin-left: 15px;">Apple:</dt>
<dd style="float: left; width: 90px; margin: 0px 0px 8px;">Fruit<br>Red<br></dd>

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Web Forms :: Add CssClass To Html Link In Codebehind?

Aug 9, 2010

How can I get/retrieve html link (<a> tag) in my codebehind?

I have this link in the body of my website:
<a class="link1" id="link1" href="home.aspx>Test</a>

In my codebehind (Page_Load) I want to add a (Css)Class to it.

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Html - Loading Report In IFrame With Internet Explorer?

Aug 22, 2010

I have seen multiple posts and websites regarding this issue, yet none of the solutions / workarounds posted have worked for me. I am trying to load an ASP.NET report into an iFrame. The iFrame will load correctly (across all browsers), but when I run the report, Internet Explorer only will show the following error:

ASP.NET session has expired I have tried to use an HTML form to POST and target the iframe, as the workaround suggests here: [URL]I have also tried adding the following to the web.config file of the report application:

sqlConnectionString="data source=;Trusted_Connection=yes"

I have also tried to set my server to use InProc mode, and that still does nothing.

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Web Forms :: Loading HTML Files Dynamically From Codebehind?

Aug 25, 2010

i would like to load a banner on to the page based on the registration count we have in the DB. if the registration count is >70, i will have to load banner2 on to the page. i am doing like this On the webForm.aspx

<img src="images/banner1.jpg"

in the code behind

protected void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e){
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
imgs.Src = "images/banner2.jpg";

The above code works. is it Good Programming to load html files from codebehind? is there any alternative way? how does this impact when internet speed is slow?

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C# - Reading Dynamically Generated HTML Element Value In Codebehind

Dec 28, 2010

I have an asp.net page where i have the below markup.Basically this markup is generated from codebehind by reading records from a table and looping thru them.For each record in table,there will be a div block. Basically this form is to read/show settings for a user.The settings entries are stored in a table.

<div id='divContainer' runat='server'>
<div id='div1' runat='server'>
<td><input type='text' id='txtName1' value='something' /></td>
<div id='div2' runat='server'>
<th>Domain name</th>
<td><input type='text' id='txtName2' value='something' /></td>
<div id='div3' runat='server'>
<td><input type='text' id='txtName3' value='something' /></td>
<div id='div4' runat='server'>
<th>Some other value is enabled ?</th>
<td><input type='checkbox' id='chk4' /></td>

The id's of each input element will be unique. Now in codebehind i want to read the values of each input elment to save the changes user made.How can i read the elements here ? Since the mark up is generated in codebehind as a string and appended the the INNER HTML of the external div,I cant read values like we do for a control which we drag and drop in the IDE.

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C# - Is It A Good Practice To Write HTML Using A StringBuilder In Codebehind

Mar 25, 2010

I'm interested to hear from other developers their opinion on an approach that I typically take. I have a web application, asp.net 2.0, c#.

What I usually do to write out drop downs, tables, input controls, etc. is in the code behind use StringBuilder and write out something like sb.Append("

I don't find myself using to many .net controls as I typically write out the html in the code behind. When I want to use jQuery or call JavaScript I just put that function call in my sb.Append tag like sb.Append("td...onblur='fnCallJS()'.

I've gotten pretty comfortable with this approach. For data access I use EntitySpaces.

I'm just kind of curious if this sort of approach is horribly wrong, ok depending on the context, good, time to learn 3.0, etc. I'm interested in learning and was just looking for some input.


After reading the comments here it sounds like I should take a look at MVC. I've not done that yet. The only hesitancy in doing so is that the existing project is just that, existing. There is a lot of code already done the way I explained and it is hard to imagine what would be involved in changing it, advantages of doing so, and just learning what that would take.

The other thing I'm taking away from the comments is that my code behind should really not include much of the sb.Append code, whereas now it is filled with it in numerous functions. To me it is not messy but that is because I know what each function does and can look at it and see, oh that writes out x, y, and z.

It's not uncommon for me to just have a div on the .aspx part and then build up the .innerHtml of that with the StringBuilder in the code behind.

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Web Forms :: Postback On Iframe Click With HTML Page Inside

May 19, 2010

I have an iframe in .aspx page , in which i open an html page(local) and I want to postback my .aspx page when user click on an img( that is in html page ) and get that image id on server side.

MyAspxPage -> Iframe -> HtmlPage -> img

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Uploading Aspx Page With Iframe HTML Switch Links

Apr 28, 2010

I have an aspx project running in a html Iframe. When I upload I have to switch all links from html manually.

Can I use a switch mechanism to avoid making mistakes manually?

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JQuery :: How To Access Span From HTML To Codebehind Without Using Runat = Server Tag

Dec 7, 2010

I have a span control which I am filling using Jquery. At the page load I want this span say id1 to be invisible and depending on some conditions I am making it visible via jquery itself.

When I make id1 runat = server and try to access id1 from codebehing, then I get an error in Jquery.

Hence I need a way to make id1 invisble at the load time itself.

I have already set id1 = invisble in HTML, But still I see this control on the page till the time jquery fills the entire data.

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Web Forms :: Anchor / Not Able To Find Visible Property In Codebehind Since It Is A HTML Control?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a Sidemenu item in my ASP.NET application like below. There are two types of users in my application (Associates, Managers).When ever Associate Login then I have to disable Manager link. I am not able find visible property in codebehind since it is a HTML control. So need your support how to handle this

<li><a href="Associate.aspx?val=Tests&index=0" id="lnkAssociates">Associate</a></li>
<li><a href="Manager.aspx id="lnkManager">Manager</a></li>

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Visual Studio :: HTML View Not Recognising Public Vars In Codebehind?

Feb 7, 2010

I'm using VS 2008 and can't seem to get intellisense to reconise Public variables declared in my codebehind.I start a new ASP.NET Web Application project, named something other than "WebApplication1". In my default.aspx.vb codebehind, I declare, say, "Public MyValue As Integer = 10", at the class level of course.Then, in my default.aspx page, within the body tag, I type "<%= myvalue %>"No mater what I try, it refuses to recognise "myvalue" as a valid variable name, however the code DOES compile and runs perfectly. Everything else seems to work fine.

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Web Forms :: Error Input String Was Not In Correct Exporting HTML String To PDF Using ITextSharp

Jul 20, 2012

 //Read string contents using stream reader and convert html to parsed conent var parsedHtmlElements = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(contents), null);   
//Get each array values from parsed elements and add to the PDF document foreach (var htmlElement in parsedHtmlElements) pdfDoc.Add(htmlElement as IElement);   
//Close your PDF pdfDoc.Close();   Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";   
//Set default file Name as current datetime Response.AddHeader("content-disposition",

[Code] ....

Error: Input string was not in a correct format. Contents in html file giving error ...

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