Web Forms :: Sharing A Structure Or Class Among Multiple User Controls?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm building an application where custom modules may be developed and "dropped in" to the system, where they can be picked up and utilized.

I'm building a forum module and have a user control to create a login/registration region. I plan on using a struct to store the user session data. However, i need this class structure to be shared between the forum module and the login/registration control.

Because the functionality is to be contained in the module's folder, i cant add any assemblies to the app_code folder.

How can i share a class or struct among two user controls?

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Where am I going wrong?


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Mar 25, 2010

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However my users are more efficient at breaking things than I expected and it seems that they're still managing to get the same session between browsers sometimes. I think that they're copying/pasting the address from one tab to the other in order to open the application, but I haven't been able to verify this yet (they're at another location so I can't easily ask them).Other than telling them don't copy and paste, or convince them to only enter one at a time, how can I prevent this situation from occurring?

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Multiple Browser Tabs/windows Sharing Data?

Jan 27, 2010

I have a page where I display ASP.NET charts. There are two types of charts and I felt the need to separate them to some extent which I did by using a submenu which looks like this:

Charts > Goals Charts
> Reconciliation Charts

Clicking on either of the two chart links will take you to the same Charts.aspx page, but with the query string "Goals" or "Reconciliation" respectively. On the page load of the Charts.aspx page, I receive the query string into a session variable and create the correct charts based on that value. All of this works fine.

The problem I'm experiencing occurs when I open up a new tab in IE/Firefox. Here is the series of events I'm experiencing:

- In the original tab, I will click on the "Goals Charts" hyperlink which loads the Charts.aspx page with "Goals" as the charts type session value. The other controls on the page needed to produce "Goals" charts (eg. drop down lists, etc) are displayed correctly ie. the "Goals" version. At this point, I haven't done anything in this tab except for loading the Charts.aspx page from the "Goals Charts" link.

- In the original tab, I right click the "Reconciliation Charts" link and opt to open in a new tab (I just tested and the same thing appears to be working if you opt to open in a new window as well). When the new tab loads the Charts.aspx page, it loads with the query string "Reconciliation" which it stores in the session variable. So at this point I would expect to have two different, independent tabs: the original tab on the "Goals Charts" track and the second tab on the "Reconciliation Charts" track.

- This is where the problem occurs. I would expect the original tab/window to create a "Goals" chart when I make a selection using the other controls and I would expect the second tab/window to create a "Reconciliation" chart. The problem, however, is that when I go back to the original tab/window - the one which should be a "Goals" chart and which should have "Goals" stored in the session value - when I proceed to create a chart, it's a Reconciliation chart that is created.

Somehow, even though I'm in a different tab or window and I am navigating the site seemingly independently of the other tab/window, it seems to be carrying the most recently populated value from the session variable for both tabs/windows.

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Web Forms :: Multiple End Points With Multiple Contract And Class Using WCF?

May 7, 2015

I am developing WCF services with single Contract, but now i need to create multiple Contract & Class with multiple endpoints. My class hierarchy is as follows

Employee :IEmployee
User : IUser

I have 2 Interface IEmployee, IUser n 2 Class Employee, User. Creating different endpoints with same binding.

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Web Forms :: Why Class Of User Control Is Unavailable In Another Class File

Nov 18, 2010

I have build a UserControl with separate code behind file.In that code behind file i have defined some public properties in the Partial class of user control that was automatically generated.Those properties will initialize some properties of controls that are used in the control.Now, in .aspx page i used this User Control and initialized the public properties through code behind of aspx page for dynamic contents.

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Architecture :: User Directory Structure?

Feb 7, 2010

I'm building a site that can possibly have millions of users (yes ambitious!). Each user can upload an image or two for his/her profile. How would you architect the directories to support this type of thing? I was thinking of having a users subfolder off the root dir where each user will have their own sub-dir that corresponds to their userId created at registration time. I could then upload their profile pics to their corresponding sub-directory under the users dir. Seems straightforward but am I missing anything? Can I have a million sub-dirs under the user dir? NTFS supports it so my guess is YES.

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Sharing Web User Control Between Various Projects?

Feb 2, 2011

Is there a way to share user controls between various projects ?

I have created user controls like login control, menu control, header control, lost password control and etc and they are all connected to sql database for data.

I would like to share these between various web site projects, it means I have same functionality and the only modifications I can do is within CSS styles.

Do I need to copy modules or is there a way to keep them as shared classes/modules and call what I need every time I need it?

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WCF / ASMX :: Sharing Data Between User Requests?

Nov 7, 2010

am new to web services and have a quick question. I've some data (an c# class object) that needs to be shared between two different users (of my web service) . all the methods in the web service have a parameter called "sessionkey" which can be used to know what data to share.

i need to know how/where to store this data ?

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How To Use Facebook Sharing And Tweet Sharing Tools

Dec 1, 2010

I see on the bottom of blog pages a sharing buttons (Twitter and Facebook), where if clicked the link behind (which is normally the blog page url) the fshare button takes the clicker to the blog site facebook page respectively.

How does one do this in asp.net 2 , does one one use the <%# %> in the url part of these share buttons, are there any examples of how this is done?

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C# - Class Structure With LINQ, Partial Classes, And Abstract Classes

May 17, 2010

I am following the Nerd Dinner tutorial as I'm learning ASP.NET MVC, and I am currently on Step 3: Building the Model. One part of this section discusses how to integrate validation and business rule logic with the model classes. All this makes perfect sense. However, in the case of this source code, the author only validates one class: Dinner.

What I am wondering is, say I have multiple classes that need validation (Dinner, Guest, etc). It doesn't seem smart to me to repeatedly write these two methods in the partial class:


This doesn't "feel" right, but I wanted to check with SO to get opinions of individuals smarter than me on this. I also tested it out, and it seems that the partial keyword on the OnValidate method is causing problems (understandably so). This doesn't seem possible to fix (but I could very well be wrong).

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