Web Forms :: Tab Panel Created Dynamically With Data

Mar 17, 2010

I'm writing a code for a custom webpart that will retrieve data via data reader or data set (not sure which is better). In the code I will separate data into 4 categories (always just 4). Each category of data will be displayed in a tab panel, so a total of 4 tabs in the tab container. All of this is created dynamically in the CreateChildControls() method. So far I have it working for with one tab and I don't know how to separate the data into the 4 tabs.

Here the what I've got so far (simplified for posting):

_dr = bll.drGetData(id);
Panel panel1 = new Panel();
while (_dr.Read()){
DataList dl = new DataList();

NOTE: This is where I think I need to branch off the data into the 4 categories but I'm not sure how to implement it.

dl.ItemTemplate = new MyTemplate(LIstItemType.Item);
dl.DataSource = _dr;
AjaxControlToolKit.TabPanel tp = new AjaxcontrolToolkit.TabPanel();
TabContainer tc = new TabContainer();
public class MyTemplate : ITemplate{
ListItemType _itemType;
public MyTemplate(ListItemtype Type){_itemType = Type;}
pubilc void InstatiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control container){
LinkButton linkb1 = new LinkButton();
linkb.DataBinding += new EventHandler(TemplateControl_DataBinding);
container.Controls.Add(linkb); }
private void TemplateControl_DataBinding(object sender, System.EventArgs e){
LinkButton linkb = new LinkButton();
linkb = (LinkButton)sender;
DataListItem container = (DataLIstItem)linkb.NamingContainer;
if(Convert.ToInt32(DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, "id")) >= 1) {

NOTE: Although here is where the databinding takes place so I woud assume the categorization the data can take place here as well but I dont see how.

linkb.Text = ...
linkb.CommnadArgument = ...

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Web Forms :: How To Add An Event Handler For Dynamically Created Button In Ajax Update Panel

Feb 17, 2010

I have a grid view in Ajax UpdatePanel. In a column of a grid view I have a button call btnAddNewRecord. I need to fire btnAddNewRecord.Click event once I click on that.

How can I do this?

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VS 2012 - Dynamically Created Controls In Update Panel

May 2, 2014

A simple poll system that loads questions and possible answers.

I load questions, so that each one is generated as a DIV element and placed inside a DIV element already present in HTML markup.

Next, for each question I load answers, generate them as LinkButtons and add them to the corresponding DIV controls collection.

This all works as expected, the questions and answers are all nicely generated.

Now, all the dynamically created controls are placed in a DIV element that is inside an Update Panel.


HTML Code:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID ="infoUpdate" runat ="server" >
<ContentTemplate >
<div id ="info" runat ="server" >
<asp:Label ID ="infoLabel" runat ="server" ></asp:Label>

[Code] ....

The problem is, that I can't seem to register the dynamically created controls with the UpdatePanel, so when I click a LinkButton it doesn't do a Full PostBack.

Below is the sub I use to generate the controls:

vb.net Code:
Private Sub createPoll()        Try             
connection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)           
connection.Open()            ''Get the currently active poll ID            
Dim sqlQuery As String = "SELECT pollID FROM polls WHERE pollStatusID = 1"            
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection)            

[Code] ....

As you can see, I tried adding a handler to each control and then adding the control to the UpdatePanel ContentTemplateContainer, but the clickEvent never gets fired.

I also tried adding triggers for each controls, but it made no difference.

I am quite sure this has to do something with the Page LifeCycle, but I just can't see it.

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Web Forms :: Use Dynamically Created Controls Such As A Checkbox List And Fill The Values Dynamically?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm creating an quiz application which queries the database and extracts the questions and choices. I use dynamically created controls such as a checkbox list and fill the values dynamically. How do I do this? Right now I have these functions:

array_random_init(); this creates a 10 element integer array from 1-20 - extract_question(i): this extracts a question indexed at i in DB, I created the controls and set the appropriate text in this function. - validate_question(i); this is called by button_click and validates the question i according to DB.

I understand I have to recreate the controls in Page_init on postback, but what should it look like? Do I need to add "if IsPostBack" in page_init, or do I create the controls in page_init() and reset their properties in page_load when I use extract_question(i)? Also, I cannot seem to clear the selected boxes on postback, I added page directive "enableviewstate=false" but it doesn't work.

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Web Forms :: How To Use AddHandler To Dynamically Assign Events To Dynamically Created Buttons

Feb 14, 2011

I have a website that sales associates access to view account information with clients. S.A's can only view information for accounts that they are tied to. Some clients have more than one account, S.A's can be tied to more than one account, but not all accounts of one client need to be tied to one S.A.

On the account info pages, I have account numbers (dynamically displayed labels) displayed of other accounts that the account client is associated with, which the S.A's can see. I'm modding this so that if the S.A has viewing permissions of any of the other accounts on that list of accounts, that instead of a label being displayed, a button directing them to that account page will display instead. In order for this to work, I have to attach a security function to the button, otherwise the page will blow out on the S.A's.

So I'm running a piece that is displaying a button instead of a label, which is working fine. My problem is when I try to attach the security event to the dynamically displayed buttons. It seems that the page just posts back and doesn't execute my code at all.

On my Page_Load, I'm running this after the buttons and labels are displayed:

For x = 0 to tblAccountList.Rows.Count - 1
'use a try to target the button, use catch to handle if it's instead a label, only one cell per row.
Dim accountLink as Button = tblAccountList.Rows(x).Controls(0)
Addhandler accountLink.Click, AddressOf Me.PermissionViewCheck
Catch ex as InvalidCastException
Continue For
End Try

I don't have any code checking for postbacks or anything like that, but the "PermissionViewCheck" event never fires and just reposts the page.

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Created Repeater Control

Dec 1, 2010

What I am trying to achieve:I am trying to take the value of the selected index and depending on what this value is (e.g. the case selection in the code below) run a different query on the dataset and then create a repeater control dynamically to output each row with an item template
that I can use css to style.

In other words: When a user choses a list item it shows only rows from the dataset that match the list item chosen. For example if a user choses Closed Tickets they only see rows from the dataset that have a STATUS of 'CLOSED'.

What I have done so far: [Code]....

What I'm struggling with at the moment is:

1) That the case selection works but the selection of the appropriate data from the dataset doesn't seem to be happening. And this data isn't getting stored in rows as I had hoped.

2) I'm not sure entirely how to display the dynamically created repeater control in the admin.aspx page.

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Paging With Dynamically Created Gridview

Jun 29, 2010

I have a page that I am creating 5 separate GridViews on, depending on the button the user clicks, a different GridView will show up. On a few of the GridView's there is a need for paging, so in the CodeBehind I did the following
billingGridView.ID = "BillingGridView"

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get The Values Of Checkboxes Which Are Dynamically Created

Feb 8, 2010

I am new to asp.net. I am trying to display some data from a database table using dynamic table in my page. I want to add checkboxes to a field in the database and would like to perform several tasks based on the values checked. The checkboxes are tied with the primary key field of the database. Here is the code snipet :


Now I have a button in my page. The functioanlity which I desire is on clicking that button I should be able to extract the values of checked checkboxes and perform some function.

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Add Checkbox In Dynamically Created Gridview?

Nov 1, 2010

I have created one user control in which I have taken a gridview. Columns of this gridview are getting generated dynamically. (i.e. I read Column name from Xml file) But now I want my first coloumn of this gridview as a checkbox field.

I am giving my code snippet for reference.

This is function to create Grid.


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Forms Data Controls :: Add Value In A Dynamically Created Dropdown List?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a database with some data in. Now I'm trying to show that data on my page whit a ListView.

For each object from the database a ListView will generate a dropdownlist.

I also have a DataPager on my page and this is where the problem occurs.

Each object generated from the database has a field that may look like this example.: 1,2,3.

In my code now I´m trying to split this string of comma character and add new items to my dropdownlist.

This works as long as I do not have DataPager on. But if I choose to view an x number of pages at the time when the page loads, I have value in the dropdownlists, only on my first page.

A piece of my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Of Textboxes Created Dynamically?

Mar 4, 2011

I want to create a gridview with the first column being the Job Number and then a variable number of subsequent column which are fordates. This grid is a data entry for hours worked on a particular date for a particular job. I wrote the code to get the correct number of columns and column headers but I am having trouble getting textboxes into the grid cells.

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
#region constants


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Forms Data Controls :: Append Row In Dynamically Created Table?

Jan 10, 2011

i am working on Accounting software.in this software i am to implement voucher entries form.In this form on page load a table (two rows and four columns) should be created after that one row should be appended to that table dynamically on button click event.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Datapager To A Dynamically Created Listview?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a listview control which is created dynamically, it is nested inside a repeater's itemtemplate. I'm trying to attach a datapager to it, which is also created dynamically but the datapager will not display and the listview will just display all its records in its entirety.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Created Dynamically Won't Page?

Mar 15, 2011

I have a menu. I use the menu's menuitemclick event to create a gridview (several actually) that is then added to a panel for display.The gridview paints perfectly until I try to add paging.I have successfully used paging and sorting declaratively for years, but this is my first attempt to do everything in code.When the gridview tries to databind, it throws an error:

[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView.get_StateFormatter() +25
System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView.BuildCallbackArgument(Int32 pageIndex) +56


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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Values For Dynamically Created Radiobuttons?

Jan 4, 2011

I am creating a project that dynamically creates radiobuttons. So far, i'm done with creating those radiobuttons dynamically. My problem is getting the values from those radiobuttons. To get those values, I need to click the submit button, however it seems that the radiobutton value or the radiobutton itself is lost after I click the submit button.

here are my codes, though not my exact codes, it follows the same logic...

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Forms Data Controls :: Set The Navigateurl On Rowdatabound If Column Is Created Dynamically?

Feb 27, 2011

i have a gridview and dynamically creating columns and bounding using datareader source.

HyperLinkField hFld = new HyperLinkField();
hFld.DataTextField = dataReader.GetValue(1).ToString();
hFld.HeaderText = "Doc No";//dataReader.GetValue(2).ToString();

i want to to replace the hyperlinkfield with a template field that contains a hyperlink WITH ID where hyperlinkfield does not have ID and be bound to the same datasource above because i want to make the abililty to set the navigate url attribute using rowdatabound

protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
HyperLink hFld = (HyperLink)e.Row.FindControl("hyperlinkID");
lnkTicket.NavigateUrl =

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Get The Check Box Value From Dynamically Created Gridview

Oct 21, 2010

I'm unable to get the check box value from dynamically created gridview in vs2010. I'm using the ITemplat class to create the templat column.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Text Box From Dynamically Created Table

Feb 17, 2011

i want to bind text box that is located in dynamically created table.


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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing The Dynamically Created Dropdown In The Datagridveiw?

Jul 24, 2010

i have the requirement that to set the 'Timetable' for school..

i need weekdays vertically and periodnames horizentally as headings in the gridveiw.. and with in the gridveiw the client can able get those many periods dynamically with in the dropdown....

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Created TemplateField Removed During Postback?

Aug 13, 2010

I created a templatefield programmatically and it works fine but whenever I clicked the button inside the gridview and do the postback my templatefield are gone.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Values From Dynamically Created Checkbox In Datagrid?

May 6, 2010

Im basically listing a set of facilities in a datagrid. Like so:b Projectorcb Laptopcb TelevisonIn roomview, a check appears where a facility is availble in a room. This part works fine.The user can then edit the facilities, by clicking on the check beside each facility. When the update button is pushed I need to record the value of the checkbox, however I cant get the value of the checkbox.eres my codebehind:


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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Created Datatable During Pageload Event Of Page

Jan 5, 2011

I have an unbound gridview which is bound to a dynamically created datatable during the pageload event of my page. A simple matrix with x columns and y rows. I need all the cells to be the same size. I'll display my code below.


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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Created Rows And Columns Of Grid View?

Jun 2, 2010

Need row editing on page_load for all the cells and need to validate each cell entry. Means cell1 one entery isvalid it fills thrid cell and insert or update to a table in the database. How do i handle on tab clicking to update in databse.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Created Checkbox In GridView Are Lost In The Postback?

Mar 3, 2010

In design time I created a Gridview and a delete button in a page test.aspx:


The program stopped at statement "if ((row.Cells[COL_INDEX_SELECTED].Controls[0] as CheckBox).Checked)",

because it cannot find the checkbox created before.

I tried to shift all the code in Page_Load to Page_Init, but the ticked checkboxes are still lost.

I could find the ticked checkboxes names in its request object parameters(this.Request.Params.AllKey) if I setup a breakpoint on the error statement.

Does anyone konw what's happening and how to retrieve the selected rows?

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Value Of Dropdownlist Selectedvalue - Created Dynamically Inside Gridview

Jun 12, 2010

I am having Gridview ie : inside i have placeholder, So on Gridview_RowDataBound - according the Specific Condition getting from DB then - i am Creating the Dropdownlist dynamically here and assign Datasource. so up to this its ok. My Problem When the user Select any value on the Dropdownlist on Gridview ,

i have one button outside the Gridview so if i click the button i am want to get the dropdownlist selectedValue so on the Button_Click Event

i used foreach row in the Gridview.. but i do no how to get the value. as the Dropdownlist is create dynamically on Gridview_RowDatabound event. but here what i have to write to get the dropdownlist?

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