Web Forms :: TextMode="Password" Makes Textboxes Go Crazy?

Sep 17, 2010

I'm making a simple form to insert new users to my app, and this form has several textboxes for name, email, username, password, etc.No problem here, everything looks and works fine, until i set the password textbox property TextMode="Password". When i do this, every time i run the page the username and password textboxes get yellow and they have the logged on user's username and password :-/Even if i remove the username textbox from the form it will fill another textbox with the same thing :(

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Reset Password" Form, The First Text Box Set With TextMode Set To "Password" Is Populated With The Users Saved Password?

Mar 11, 2011

When a user that has their IE set to save passwords hits my "Reset Password" form, the first text box set with TextMode set to "Password" is populated with the users saved password. Understandable, this is not the affect I would like as this is their "old" password. I cannot set the text of a text box with mode set to "Password" (naturally). Does someone know how to suppress or clear this value when IE is saving passwords?

View 4 Replies

AJAX :: SelectedIndexChange And Password TextMode?

Mar 15, 2010

I am using a checkbox selectedIndexChange to show and hide a textbox which I placed in an updatePanel.I have two other texboxes which their TextMode is set to "password".The problem is whenever I check the checkBox the values intered in the password textboxes disappear. If I set the TextMode to singleline, things work great.

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Cannot Get The Right Side Of The Username And Password Textboxes

Feb 25, 2010

Looking at the html below, why I can not get the right side of the username and password textboxes to lign up underneath eachother?


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AJAX :: TextBoxWatermarkExtender Working For Password Textboxes?

Jun 30, 2010

You know if TextBoxWatermarkExtender attached to a password textbox it shows blank points instead of hints.

in conclusion, is there any working procedure for ajax or javascript code that can change textbox mode from password to singleline back and forth on focus and on exit of the password textbox hence to see the watermark ?

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Security :: How Do Get The User And Password From The Textboxes Of Login Control

Jun 10, 2010

i have added login control provided with teh VS 2008 to the form, when i double click Login button of it, it creates the Click event,

what i want is to fetch the values in the boxes username and password, How do that? why i cannot access the id tag of the textboxes from the clickevent?

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Web Forms :: Programmatically Add Text To Textbox While In TextMode=MultiLine?

May 12, 2010

So the question is in topic.

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Web Forms :: Maxlength Not Working For TextBox When TextMode Set Multiline

Feb 14, 2012

I have a textbox I have set the Maxlength to it. It works with TextMode SingleLine but not when TextBox is Multiline

<asp:TextBox ID="txtDetails" runat="server" MaxLength = "100" TextMode = "200"></asp:TextBox>

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Change TextBox TextMode With JQuery?

Feb 22, 2011

I was wondering if someone knew the best way to switch from using the

myTextBox.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password;


myTextBox.TextMode = TextBoxMode.SingleLine;

using client code and jQuery. I will have to do it on focus, along with deleting the whole text content of the textbox onFocus event.

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Textboxes - Unable To Fetch The Values Of Textboxes

Aug 11, 2010

I have a repeater which is binded using a Collection of Entity Data Framework.

Once the repeater is binded using the datasource, the user can control the no of rows present in the repeater using a Dropdown list on the page. For ex: if datasource has 2 rows, user want to add 3 more rows, user selects 5 from dropdown, which adds 3 additional rows to the Repeater. I am able to do this.

The repeater has textbox controls in each row. Now once the user enter the values in this textbox of the newly generated rows, the user can save the values entered with the no of rows specified.

I have a button which is outside the repeater and on click of this i need to validate all the textbox values and save them into dB accordingly.

Here is my code






Right now the problem is im not able to fetch the values of the textboxes present in the newly generated rows.


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Security :: Change Password Not Functioning / Password Incorrect Or New Password Invalid

Mar 14, 2011

I can recover my password but when I try to change my password to something a bit easier to remember it gives me:

Password incorrect or New Password invalid. New Password length minimum: 7. Non-alphanumeric characters required: 1.

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Ajax Makes Website Heavy?

Jun 1, 2010

Just wanna ask every one, does excess use of Ajax in ASP.NET makes website heavy?

If it does, then when to use and when to not use ajax control?

View 4 Replies

Converting Web Forms To MVC Project Makes Build Fail

Aug 30, 2010

We are migrating a project from classic Asp.Net web forms to Asp.Net MVC. I have followed the fours steps outlined here [URL] and all is working well. Now I want to get Visual Studio to include MVC item templates in the "add new item" dialog. So I add {F85E285D-A4E0-4152-9332-AB1D724D3325}; to the <projecttypeguids> element in the csproj file. So this succeeds in adding MVC support to the Visual Studio "add new item" dialog, but now the build fails. And it fails in the strangest way. The three projects that make up the solution each complete with "build succeeded" but the process ends with a message

Build: 2 succeeded or up-to-date, 1 failed, 0 skipped

I am able to F5 debug, but I am not able to publish. We are using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and migrating to MVC 2.0. Anyone have any ideas why the build is failing after adding this project type guid?

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Web Forms :: Gridview Makes Scrollbars Hide ,strange?

Mar 8, 2010

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">


View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: Datalist Makes Scrollbar In Internet Explorer Slow?

Dec 28, 2010

I got the following datalist populated with 12 images a page average size is 75kb.If i move the scrollbar in internet explorer up and down it goes very laggy and stuttering, while firefox has noproblem at al fast and smooth. If i remove the images there is noproblem. if i disable the setting smooth scrolling in ie it's a little better but still not good enough. I can't seem to find a way to get this right is there some kind of script or am i doing something wrong. Or maby do i have to put the datalist in a user control?



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Web Forms :: Lots Of Images Inside App_Themes Folder Makes VS Very Slow

Jan 30, 2010

On App_Theme folder I have lots of images, and when I open VS2008 it performs really slowly performance.

it takes about 10 minutes to open the solutopn, and when trying to view site on browser it takes more 10 minutes to view the first page. after that, it is OK.

View 3 Replies

VS 2008 Populate Some Textboxes, Autocomplete Textboxes And Then Save Changes?

Sep 30, 2010

I've done this using bound controls like Repeaters etc but now I need to display information about a single file for example. SO i will pass the fileid in the querystring, then I need to populate some textboxes, autocomplete textboxes etc. and then save changes. what's the most efficient way of doing this?

View 13 Replies

Web Forms :: Decrypt Encrypted Password In Database And Send Forgot Password Email

May 7, 2015

I am using the below post to encrypt and decrypt the password.


Now my code is working for Encryption. But now what I want is,

When I am using Forgot passwprd functionality, I want to send the decrypted password to the respective user in the Email.

In my database table the password is saved in the Encrypted format.

I have the code decrypt code from the above mentioned post, the question is where to place in the below code so that it will decrypt it properly

Here is my code:-

protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultCSRConnection"].ConnectionString)) {

[Code] ....

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Web Forms :: Send Email With Username And Password When User Forget Password

Sep 15, 2012

URL...how we can sending formatted email now in my Login.aspx page i have Textbox that when users forget their password they should type their Username on the textbox and after that click on send button.I want when users click on send button their user name that they type in textbox be on the email that send to me .

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Web Forms :: When The User Types In The New Password, This New Password Will Be Hashed Upon Clicking The Button And Saved Into The Database?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a web form, which is to allow user to reset their password. When I clicked on the button, I got this error

"Input string was not in a correct format."

The code behind the button is:


When the user types in the new password, this new password will be hashed upon clicking the button and saved into the database.

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Password And Confirm Password Validation - Simple Alert Of Blank Textbox Is Not Working

May 7, 2015

I have written a javascript code for handling the password functionality. The scenario is: when user wants to change the old password, he cannot fill the same old password again. I have written the code. But even the simple alert of blank textbox is not working. See the code for reference:

Javascript code:- 

<script type="text/javascript">
function ltrim(str) {
var reg
reg = /^s+/g
return str.replace(reg, "")
function rtrim(str) {

[Code] .....

aspx code:-

<td class="auto-style1">Old Password</td>
<td class="auto-style2">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtOldPassword" runat="server" TextMode="Password" class="txtcareer"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="reqtxtOldPassword" ControlToValidate="txtOldPassword" runat="server" ErrorMessage="*"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

[Code] ...

Why this is not working...

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Web Forms :: JavaScript Alert Message From Server Side Makes Page Blank?

Jun 9, 2013

i have a button,i want when a button is clicked a alert message should be display, i wrote the code like this

protected void btn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Write("<script>alert('Your account has been created')</script>");

It work well, but when it pop-up background color become gray,i want when it pop-ups,the background should remain same .

like when we click on button which is associated with confirmbuttonextender..the background become fade but it doesn't go blank..

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Web Forms :: Valid The Emailid Before Enter Password And Retype Password?

Sep 20, 2010

Iam new to asp.net.in my web page iam validating user information such as fname,lname,sex,add and also login (to register to website)information emailid and password.here iwant to check email adrress (availblity) and tht iam doing it fine. but when iam validating all the textbox,which are there before emailid something like this




login details

emailid: check (buttonto check email availiblity)


retype password:


iam using validation controls for all the text boxes , when iam using my tab to enter the values it w,l give me alll error messege until i fill it.and when i reach email textbox and check availblity then i cant check untill i fill the password and retype password texboxes..i can only check the email availblity only when al the fields are valid.but i want to valid the emailid before i could enter password and retype password?

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Web Forms :: Implement HTML5 Password And Confirm Password Validation?

May 7, 2015

do you have validation using HTML5 and also I am using with Master Page.

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Web Forms :: Set The Cursor To Password Textbox If Password Is Wrong?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a log in screen.

If the username and password do not match, it displays the message "invalid username/password" on the screen

But the cursor moves away from the password textbox. I want to cursor in the password textbox if the username/password is not correct

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