Web Forms :: Unable To Access/run Code In Class Files?
Nov 9, 2010
I have a Web Site project running on VD2008, with an Access back end and .NET 3.5, C#.
I have created the project several times and added the usual App_Code, Pages, App_Data, Properties, folders. I created a Master Page and several content pages BUT I am unable to get to the folders or root where there is a Class (code) file.
I have tried all the usual lines...
using SumaCard.App_Code
SumaCard.App_Code.FTP_Code ftpc = new SumaCard.App_Code.FTP_Code();
but nothing works? I have been hasseling over this for 2 days now.
What have I missed? Maybe I built the project wrongly? (Project | New Project | Visual C# | Web | ASP.NET Web Application |??
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