Web Forms :: Uploading File - Don't Save In Folder In Solution Explorer

May 25, 2010

I m uploading a file and reading it. The problem is I dont want to save that file in a folder which is in my solution explorer. I want to save it in a different Drive. I m saving the file in a different drive using web.cofig <add key="UploadFileLocation" value="C:\VOL0\Upload\"/> and I m saving using code FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadFileLocation"] + SaveLocation); all goes fine, but I m reading the file and it is throwing an exception when I m trying to read file.

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Access to the path 'C:inetpubvhostsebas.co.inhttpdocsuploadsfile.exe' is denied.

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But the Path can't be relative (like ~\Photos\image.jpg) .

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Mar 18, 2010

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Jan 22, 2010

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Dim savePath As String = MapPath("~/Uploads/" + Path.GetFileName(e.filename)) 'Validation for file extension If Path.GetExtension(e.filename).Contains(".xml") Then Return End If

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Oct 17, 2010

I have noticed today that when you create a directory in code in a web application the resulting folder structure is not created in the solution explorer (It is fine on disk and app can still access all the files
I am not sure if there is a setting that I am missing or is this a bug?Steps to reproduce

Create a new C# web application in VS 2010. Create a new web page (Default.aspx) and add a file upload control and a button.on the click event on the button add the following code


When the form posts back refresh the solution explorer and the new directory does not appear.Check your file system and the file will be there.Not a massive issue but frustrating.

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Jan 18, 2010

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