Web Forms :: Using A Common Code Behind File?

Mar 6, 2010

Many of the pages of my website have identical code behind files (using VB).How do I set up one code behind file that can be used by all these pages?

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Web Forms :: Open Web Page From Common Code In App_Code?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a function that sends out emails when certain processes are complete. The function works great; however, in our testing lab, I want to be able to see the message that are going out and not have it actually send the messages. Since MsgBox does not work in the web environment, is there a way to open a new page/window from the common code? The page will have the message passed to it for display and I do not want to do a redirect as there are times when more than one email is going out.

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<add namespace="System.Data"/>
<add namespace="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
<add namespace= "MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>
<add namespace="System.IO"/>

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AJAX :: The Requested Script Resource 'Common.Common.js' Requires Version 'ControlToolkit, Version=4?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a solution I'm working on in VS2010 Professional, using ASP.NET 4.0 with the AJAX Toolkit.This has been working fine, but when I started it up today, I got the runtime exception shown above. This exception occurs on any page with a control from the toolkit.Sometimes when I load a page, I get an exception "Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, ublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified." If I then reload the page (without making any changes), I then get the exception shown in the subject line.I tried dragging an AJAX Toolkit control from the toolbox onto a page, and then deleting it, and that worked - once. The next time I tried the page (or any other), I got the exception again. Dragging a control out didn't help this time.

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Iis - Could Not Load File Or Assembly Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common Error / How To Fix It

Nov 1, 2010

IIS: 5.1(local and IIS 7.0 online)

I am getting the error at localhost. I haven't checked online yet.

The whole thing was working at ASP.NET 3.5 and now when i upgraded to ASP.NET 4.0 I get the following error.

The Stack Trace is

VisualStudio 2010, the error is

This is not happening everytime.

The first runs always show this error.

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How To Create A Common Web.config File And A Bunch Of Specific Web.config Files

Feb 16, 2011

Currently, I work on an ASP.NET project which is hosted under version control and is used on several developer machines, tester machine and production environment.

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We want to keep three versions of Web.config in subversion. But modifying each of three files every time we need to add, remove or change a common setting is annoying: it would be nice to have a common, master Web.config, which will be inherited by each of the three Web.config files.

How to set up an ASP.NET project which will use a master configuration file and different slave configuration files on different machines, thus sharing the same project/source code/configuration files in subversion?

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Web Forms :: How To Manually Deploy An Aspx File To The DEV Server - It Has An Associated C# Code Behind File

Mar 14, 2011

I am working solo on an Asp.net/C# project created by someone in the past. I created two new web forms, and then built the prjocect and did the deploy using a TFS team build project. For some strange reason, my Aspx file is not getting copied to the destination DEV server. It does get copied to a temp folder on that server, but in the end, the team build is failing and not copying over the new Aspx file.

So until I figure out how to fix the team build script, is their a way to just copy the Aspx file out to the desired server location? That as well as copying out a dll which is associated with the build file?

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Web Forms :: When Adding New Global.asax File, The Option To Create A C# Code Behind File Is Greyed Out?

Jul 25, 2010

I have an asp.net application. I want to add a global.asax and global.asax.cs file to my project. In the IDE when I select to create a new global.asax file, the option to create a CS code behind file is greyed out. When the global.asax file is created, no code behind is created, instead code is placed in the global.asax file and the global.asax.cs file is never created? Why is the option for a C# code behind file greyed out?

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Web Forms :: How To Add Page Events To The Code Behind File (.cs File)

Apr 14, 2010

On a typical form you have some fields and submit button. What event do I use to retrieve the values of the form from the post , process the forms submit?

How can I add page events to the code behind file (.cs file)?

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Web Forms :: Looking For Common Functions?

Dec 20, 2010

is there any websites that holds common functions such as Check the input is string or not, convert date in different format etc.,?

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Visual Studio :: Missing Code Browser For Pages With Code Not In A Separate File?

May 1, 2010

I'm missing a the code browser when I create pages that have the code not placed in a seperate file. For pages with .asp.vb files I get the browser correctly.

I think it's called a code browser but just in case it's not I mean the dropdown that shows Page Events, Buttons and other controls that can be selected along with their events.

How do I turn on those dropdowns for pages with code behind that uses <script> tags in the actual .aspx page?

Included (Showing page events just under the tab):


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DataSource Controls :: Can The Select Command Of A SqlDataSource Be Given By Code In The Code Behind File

Apr 16, 2010

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How To Use A Variable Defined In Code Behind File On Inline Code For Same Page

Feb 28, 2010

I have a page with a Textbox, a Button and a Label control. On Button_Click event , I store the value of Textbox in a variable called S using code behind.

I want to show the value of S in the Lable control using inline code but not using the code behind. ?

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ASMX Web Service Online Works When All Of The Code Is In One File Without Code-behind?

May 3, 2010

I have an ASMX Web Service that has its code entirely in a code-behind file, so that the entire contents of the .asmx file is:

<%@ WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/AddressValidation.cs" Class="AddressValidation" %>

On my test machine (Windows XP with IIS 5), I set up a virtual directory just for this ASP.NET 2.0 solution and everything works great. All my code is separated nicely and it just works.However, when we deployed this solution to our Windows Server 2003 development environment, we noticed that the code only compiled when all of the code was dropped directly into the .asmx file, meaning that the solution didn't work with code-behind. We can't figure out why this is happening.

One thing that's different about our setup in our development environment is that instead of creating a separate virual directory just for this solution, we dropped it into an existing directory that runs a classic ASP application. So here we have a folder with an ASP.NET 2.0 application within a directory that contains a classic ASP application. Granted, everything in the ASP.NET 2.0 application works if all of the code is within the .asmx file and not in code-behind, but we'd really like to know why it's not recognizing the code-behind files and compiling it correctly.

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Web Forms :: Putting Common Behavior In All Pages?

Feb 13, 2010

i want to add this functionality in all asp.net pages

1.if xyz cookie missing , return empty html (<html></html>)

2.if abc query string parameter missing ,return empty html.

similary .....

where should i put this conditional logic and where should i define to return empty html and not the page content .

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How To Use A Variable Defined In Code Behind File On Inline Code

Feb 28, 2010

How to Use a Variable Defined in Code Behind File on inline code for same page..

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Web Forms :: Calling Common Function For LinkButton In Div.InnerHtml

May 7, 2010

I'm Adding Some Linkbutton At Runtime In InnerHtml Of Div. And I Want To Call a Single Method For All The LinkButton With An Argument. My Code Is Below:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DivBookList.InnerHtml = "<ul>";
i = 0;
foreach (IFolder f in Client.MailboxManager.Folders)

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Web Forms :: How To Store Master Page In A Common Library

May 10, 2010

i want to store master pages in a common library. if i make such a library how can i reference masterpagein Page directive in content page

i read following document for creating sub projects but it did not fullfill my requirement



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Web Forms :: Writing Common / Master 'Signed In As' Style Bar?

Oct 22, 2010

I'd like to add a typical 'Signed in as' bar, cf this site.Since it's 'common', first thought is: master page.However any controls designed on a master page are only rendered 'in' the final page...... so you need the 'this' (Page reference) to access the control... so you can't write code 'on' a master page, whose 'this' is not a Page.HttpContext has Session, Request, etc - all useful but none with a 'Page' reference that I've noticedUpdatePanel looks neat, but I'd prefer a non-Ajax solution to learn the 'basic' way before perhaps later making it 'smarter' with Ajax.Question therefore is: how to write a script that is site-wide, for a master page, that references controls on the (rendered) master page, with or without a 'Page' reference.

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Web Forms :: Use Common TextChanged Event For Multiple TextBoxes And Get Its Text

May 7, 2015

As I am using textbox in html table.How to write common for alll textbox in html table. As we use selected index change inasp.net. Here how to code ?

<head runat="server">
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">


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Web Forms :: Common SelectedIndexChanged Event Handler For Multiple RadioButtonList

May 20, 2013

If I have 10 radio button and the value of ten is same 1,0, 2

<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rd_12_a" runat="server" onclick="" RepeatDirection="Horizontal">
<asp:ListItem Value="1">Yes/asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="0">no</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="2">other</asp:ListItem>

So instead of writing if condition for all can i write like this

radiobuttonlist rbl =(radiobuttonlist)sender;
if (rbl.selectedvalue="1" || rbl.selectedvalue="2")

then the javascript modal pop-up will display a message...

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JavaScript .JS File And Code Behind / Can't Call From Code Behind

Mar 22, 2011

I have a website that shows images people have uploaded.


I want to be able to show a popup window when i move the cursor over an image. It should show information about the user that i take from the database.

I have found a javascript that works, it fades a window in and out. But i cant call it from codebehind.

My default.aspx has this code:



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