Web Forms :: Validator Control Does Not Let Code Run?
Jan 31, 2011
I have a a web form with multiple formviews and one field is a mandatory field. Each formview has its own submit button. User cannot submit the data in any of the formviews until that one mandatory text field is entered.
But I also have another section in the webform, which has a calculation code in it. It takes in input from two text boxes, does some calculations and displays the result in another text box. Because of the validator control, I am not able to run the calculation code without the mandatory field filled in. I would like to run the calculation code irrespective of the mandatory field.
How do I do this? I need that submit button (in calculation section) to disregard the validator and display the result.
Can a required field validator be called from the code behind page?We have several check boxes and some of them require the user to enter a date, but not all of them.(This is not a checkbox list, but individual checkboxes).Any 1 of 6 different checkboxes selected makes a txtBox visible for users to enter a date.If they don't select one of these checkBoxes which require a date - it doesn't matter, the form will still be valid.I don't think validation groups can work here so looking towards doing through .vbHere's the existing code:
In my web page I have a Checkbox (datatype = tinyint/boolean) and 2 Required field validator (whose visibility is false). I want that when I check(tick) the checkbox, then required field validator visible = true, else not.For this I tried this code on Page_Load as well as on save button click, but it is not working:
I have more than two text boxes in my web form.Now I want to validate either of the text boxes value is empty then only user should get error message i.e enter either text values.
For ex: There are two text boxes Phone no and Name. If user clicks on submit button without entering in either of text boxes then only user will get error message i.e enter either phone no. or your name .I can use the javacript in order to solve this case but I want to know is there any control in asp.net to solve this purpose?
I am adding validator controls to a page on runtime. When I do this it seems to work except for one thing: the page doesn't get validated (the Validate() method is not invoked) - neither on the client nor on the server. However when I can Validate() myself, the validators do their work and generate the required errors. So it looks like the simple fact of adding a validator programmatically causes the page validation to not take place. My page does have validators in the aspx file - they work fine when I don't add any programatically, but as soon as I do add one programatically, the Validate() method is not invoked.
The way I add the validators is by creating an instance, giving values to all relevant properties, and then adding to the page control collection. I tried this in the PageLoad, and prior page-cycle events. The same result occured. I also tried with or without having a ValidationGroup, and with or without having a ValidationSummary control on the page. The same result occured.
I have a validator on a textbox that validates against a list to ensure that the user doesn't input the same name. When testing it, if I type in the same name including the same case structure, it returns an error. If I change one letter to a different case, it doesn't return an error but rather my SQL server returns a duplicate error. How do I change the server-side validator so that it picks up duplicate names regardless of case?
I'm adding RequiredField validators to a group of RadioButtonList controls, and something strange is happening when the page loads. The page renders just fine with no validators tripped, but as soon as I click on one of the radio buttons, the validator for that RadioButtonList fires and shows me the error message. I initially thought that maybe the various validators were cross-linked, so I tried clicking on a radio button in every list, but they all react the same. Here's the code that generates the whole thing:
I have a file upload control and a custom validator to check the file size.
When the file size is small and when I hit upload button it hits the breakpoint on the custom validator BUT strangely when the file size is big it does NOT hit the custom validator and see the following IE error.
I am running the code below in a .net 2.0 content page.There are no containers such as wizard etc. When I click on the submission button for debugging purposes I get 'Nothing'. why I can't access the 'controlToValidate'?
Protected Sub validateCharacter(ByVal source As Object, ByVal args As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs) If Page.IsPostBack Then Dim validationControl As CustomValidator = DirectCast(source, CustomValidator)[code]....
When it comes to field validation, when I use a Compare Validator to make sure a date is a date or a numeric field has a number, I must also use a Required Field Validator to make sure there is something actually enetered. In other words, the Compare Validator allows a blank value even though a blank is not a date or number or whatever.
Is using both a Required Field Validator and a Compare Validator the way to do this or is there some way to make the Compare Validator also require input of some kind?
I'm creating a session variable in my .vb file and I'm able to display it in my .aspx but I can't seem to use it as a control in my asp:CompareValidator. The only way I can think to reference it on the .aspx page is with <%=Session("MyVariable") %> but such constructs are not allowed in a validator with runat="server". But it seems like the validator must have that attribute and value.
Really what I'm trying to do is validate a user-entered number in a textbox against the one populated in that same textbox from the database. If the user replaces the textbox value with a smaller one I want to show an error message and prevent submit.
I have at text box with a validator control which works fine (prevents letters being entered, only numbers)
However once it displays the error message I am unable to do anything else on the page, links don't work etc. I have to close down the window and start the website agin.
I got a problem when using required field validator in datalist ,We have 4 polls. In that user must answer two polls which are required.I have added all the four polls in my datalist ,it is displaying fine and while clicking submit button the required field validator is working and giving the error message. Once we answered the required polls and clicking submit button again, all other polls which are not required showing as required one.My poll answer getting submitted thats not a problem ,I want to avoid displaying the error message for non-required polls.Here is my design and code:
I'm trying to create a custom control that has a dropdown list and a required field validator in it.I've got as a far as being able to set the error message if the control fails to validate, but I can't actually get it to validate, not can I figure out how to call a .Validate method server side. This is driving me nuts! To create my control, I followed the article here I ran the text box example through, and I can get that to validate without any problems, so I then went through and created a new set of class files relating to a drop down list.Anyone got any thoughts, or hints as to what might be wrong, or where I should start looking?
I have a validator callout extender that works, it shows the callout box. But, it does a postback. It didn't do a post back the first time I clicked the button but it did for subsequent times. I read on the AJAX site that a custom validator must be used with this for it to work. I'm currently using this with a required field and regular expression validator. It works, the callout appears, but it doesn't work every time with out the post back.I posted this to see if there is a way to get this to work with a required field and regular expression validator, with out using a custom validator. I'm using the newest release of the toolkit, so I thought the documentation may be old, since the callout is appearing.
I am trying to set the width property of a custom control validator but it is not happening at all. The width of the validator control popup is constantly 100% width (the width="200px" below has NO effect at all)
How to add a required field validator to Dropdown list.I had tried can anyone let me know how to do it.
i took the dropdown list control and i binded the control using sqldatasourece to disaply the values from the database.when i am validatiing using Required field validator i am unable..