Web Forms :: Wrong Colors After Refresh?

Jun 16, 2010

I am using ASP.NET 2.0. I have a web appication that is using master pages and themes. When a page loads or is refreshed, you can see the controls and back ground cycle through some different colors before it settles on the colors defined in the theme. Somtimes the colors don't get painted properly. I have seen some of the areas on the page painted a light purple instead of the theme defined grey. We always see the back ground go from white->purple->black. Black is the defined color.

I have tried setting the theme in the web.config using the <pages theme= />.

I have tried setting the theme in code by overriding PreInit.

Is there a way to set the default colors so that I can make the page default colors match the ones in my theme so that I won't see the trasnistions when the page paints? Or is the a better way to set colors so that the pages look nicer?

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[Code] ....

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